

Raja was fighting a legal case in court fir long. His wife was pushing him too much. He made friendship with Selena who was also a worried person. The case wad getting delayed and the judge was trapped in a murder case having extramarital affair. He killed own wife in hospital and escaped. But sleuths were chasing him. The story goes on to end in a multi cornered affair in which hatred turns into interesting combination couples.

Brajendra_Jha · Ciudad
Sin suficientes valoraciones
9 Chs


Raja came back after visiting sister-in-law hoping the situation must have changed. He was feeling relaxed and energized. Despite the sickness of sister-in-law he had a relatively easy life and rested completely. His co-brother was a rich man with plenty to spend on his guest particularly him. He worked all those days from home and went to the office once a day for a short period. He had a large bungalow with a well laid garden and a big pond. Fishes were caught everyday for lunch. His house was well furnished in a posh area of town. His wife worked day and night to decorate the home with unique things from far and distance. Wherever she went on vacation with husband she bought mementos which were costly and also different from normally being purchased by tourists. 

    She had bought a bust which looked different from different angles and glowed in the dark serving as a night lamp. His engineering and scientific knowledge also couldn't help to understand and his co-brother made fun of him. Harassed badly, he was surfing the internet and after hours he found answers. He explained it to his co-brother; who got amused and happily promised a drink session and dinner in local five star hotels. Sunita was also happy but she checked saying, 'No celebrations till Didi gets well to attend this party.' 

    This dictatorial approach was not new to Raja, but his co-brother said, 'Bhai saheb you are living under command of your autocratic wife. Don't you always feel perturbed and sad?'

    'You are feeling so but I am seeing love flowing in these words. My wife is very sensible and never says anything unjustified. She can explain this to you in many words if you have patience,' said Raghav and winked at him.

    'No no, I have understood. I have also understood how you have passed days in the last many months which you narrated the other day. In fact it is also an expression of love to many of us. She doesn't want you and me to get bad health and she is totally submerged in love for her sister who had been missing for months.' Co-brother said.

    Selena intervened, 'Oh you two have taken it wrongly and indirectly blamed me for disruption in the program. Will you enjoy such a party without Jyoti, who is so in a real sense? Her absence will only give sad feelings and disturbed emotions.'

    'Oh god, you said such an important thing. In fact we old men have lost valor and youthfulness to adventure in a real sense. Age is always a negative thing wherever it appears,' replied Manish, his co-brother.

    'Manish, you have no business to call Rajs old. You also don't try to become old to get into napping all day long and do nothing. I have seen you not doing any work all these days. Today you are going to prepare a special chicken dish with the least amount of spices that Jyoti can take,' ordered Selena forgetting that Manish was the husband of elder sister.

    Manish kept silent and Raja was looking at him, who was not at all disturbed. Raja recalled narration of Selena once when in high mood, how before her marriage Manish got into romantic moments permitted easily in this relationship. Once Manish kissed her privately and wanted to advance further and she banged him badly. Manish was embarrassed and for many days kept away from Sunita. 

    Jyoti had some doubt about this and in order to be free from any suspicion, she moved forward to normalise their relationship. Selena took precaution not to be alone with Manish who could repeat the action looking at her charms.

Also jokingly she told sister, 'Take care of your husband. He tries to get close to young women when they are in your house. He makes very special gestures and tries to serve them food with own hand, never doing otherwise.'

    Jyoti has said, 'I know his weakness for women and many times we fought on this. He is not mending himself. I only waited for some unpleasant action by the visiting lady to get him corrected. What to do? Manish has a charming and attractive personality to attract ladies. Now I want a child, but he doesn't agree by telling me that I will lose youthfulness and get converted into a loath woman. He would then leave me forever. What should I do?'

    Selena became serious and said, 'You prepare to be mother. I will see how he dares to leave you. I will beat him physically.'

    'Doesn't talk like a mad person? Most of what I said was just a joke. He loves me so much that he can't spend a day without me. That's why in last so many years I have not visited your place despite several requests. You got angry and now after many days you have come here, when I am sick and dependent on you,' replied Jyoti with tearful eyes.

    Raja and Manish came together in room and saw tears in eyes of two. 

    Manish said, 'What went wrong that two of you are shedding tears? He touched head of wife to check if dreaded fever was back. She was suffering from a terminal sickness and all of them were counting days. They wanted her to remain always happy in remaining days of life. 

    They came out of room and Raja enquired, 'Bhai saheb how this happened?'

    Manish became sad and almost broke down but said, "It's entirely my mistake. I was so much after making money that I paid no attention to her health. She also was busy in making home heaven and didn't care. We aborted first child to remain youthful forever. There after she conceived with doctor's help after considerable gap. The child was born but was abnormal. This child survived for a few months only and died one night while in sleep. 

    Later Jyoti accepted that she killed child by giving food forbidden at tender age. We kept it to ourselves but guilt has taken away health. Money warded off police action and doctors gave report of natural death. But now we both are dying every day slowly. You people have come to give her some pleasant moments. What will happen after you leave?'

    Raja kept silent and finally said, 'Let Sunita not knows this happening. She is short tempered and violent and can make it public with exaggerations making life difficult.'

    Manish was not impressed by this and said in gloomy tone,  'Now even if it's known what can happen? I want to be punished, better if it be a death sentence.'

    'No, Jyoti will have very unhappy days and won't be able to survive shock,' said Raja.

    Suddenly Selena came and asked, 'What is wrong with you two? It's late for lunch. Let us move. I have prepared chicken what was told and Didi has enjoyed food after long time.'

    Holidaying was coming to an end as Raja wanted to return for hearing in court. Judge must have come back. In this period he never tried to find position there. He also ignored working of tea shop assuming return of owner from village. 

    In night before going to sleep he told Selena, 'We should go back now. I must pay attention to the case.'

    Selena replied, 'I want to stay longer. I have come to know from Didi that she killed her crippled baby. There after she has been in depression and finally caught by this dreaded disease. She doesn't expect to live longer and want me here till end of life. Our parents have left us long back and now we two sisters are left.'

    Raja was astonished to note change in wife. Perhaps she wanted to protect sister from getting bad name, and this is called prodigy love. He instantly agreed and decided to leave next morning. He had booked ticket on net a week back and cancelled ticket of wife immediately. Manish was acted sad but couldn't stop him knowing seriousness of matter. 

    Raja made him laugh saying, 'I am leaving Selena here under your care. Don't try to betray me and ensure her safety?'

    'Who can dare to touch your fire brand wife? She is having enough power to protect self. Those were different days and report was exaggerated. I never touched her forget about kissing. Have you not seen her large size teeth which are sharper to pierce?' replied Manish mockingly.

    Raja pulled a fast on him. 'The way you have described it proves the charge. You remember so much detail after long years. But I can't stop her being here. This is high command's order.' 

    Any way Bhai Saheb you please don't worry. I still hope a miracle to happen and Didi will get normal.

    Next morning Raja returned and went directly to court. He met first head clerk who complained about his vanishing. He was told about serious family problem which made him to go out of city. Judge's brother-in-law was admitted in some college with heavy donation and Raja hoped that his failure to help won't matter anymore. Judge had not returned and extended leave. Obviously reason was the seriousness of sickness.    

    'Life is a peculiar game being played and it gives one what one deserves through his actions and doings.' Kundan told with feelings.

    Raja asked Kundan, 'The judge has been absenting long. His wife has died and now he is hospitalized. Rumor goes he may not join court and take early retirement. Should I wait or get case transferred to some other court by requesting District Judge.'

    'Don't do it yourself which may be misinterpreted? Wait and it will be done by them only which will not send any wrong message to new judge. Presently you were in court which was most clean and judicious. All others are having doubtful integrity. It will delay further but I feel it a better choice,' Baba told.

    'But many talked otherwise and suggested me to bribe him for early decision,' Raja said.

    'It's absurd. He is most clean person with high integrity.' Kundan said.

    Raja had high respect for old man and agreed to wait. He had his cup of tea and decided to go back home. But he was not lucky as same old rogue advocate interfered. 

    'What has happened Professor? You are in a hurry to go back. What happened to your case when your favorite man is sick both physically and mentally? Leave it aside and if you want, I can manage transfer of your case to another court and also get favorable verdict in shortest possible time. But this time expenses will be more as new man shall be demanding higher amount. After all everyone works for money which you may not appreciate after getting retired.' Advocate spoke shamelessly.

    Raja was thinking how such persons remain healthy working with manipulations of any magnitude. Once he thought of walking away when reminded of his wife waiting for some good news in sister's home. He knew that woman has tremendous power of tolerance which she develops after giving birth to child with abnormal labor pain. 

    It's said that that woman experiences death in process of child birth and it never repeats. It may not happen in modern days when woman prefer Cesarean child birth and they can't bear similar pain in life. His wife had two child births and she survived both and perhaps she is stronger than any of her friends and also looks comparatively younger. 

    He thought for a moment and told advocate, 'Give me time to think and I will tell you. I am thankful to you for taking care. In fact my mind doesn't accept idea of giving bribe for getting work done. I never did this anytime. Obviously now also I hesitate. I have to talk to wife who is my guide in ethical practices. She suggested dumping car in junk yard of police and forgets this case. She also says that we can eat one dish less and compensate losses in remaining days of life.'

    Advocate looked at him with wide opened eyes to note that such honest persons are still in our society. Inside he pitied self and walked away without uttering single word. He was nourishing lust for Selena unknown to Raja. He tried to trap her once or twice but couldn't succeed as both times her maid came. Raja also walked silently to his car.

    In the loneliness of home Rajs was not happy and missed wife. She talked rudely but still gave a pleasant company and strong emotional support. He could absorb so much feelings and mental disturbances. This is why marriage is important and keeps life in balance. It hardly matter what attitude wife might be having. It is now that new couple starts like friends and later become competitive in all matters. They clash often and their selfish ways get exposed in big way and children also get into early relationship and later suffer a lot. 

    Subsequently conjugal life remains in doldrums and settling down becomes difficult. They don't relish any common goals in life. They trade different paths and may also end in separation on flimsy grounds. The social equilibrium gets upset. 

    'What a pity?' Raja thought. 

    He was surprised how much imagination and concern he carried in mind despite quarrelsome nature of Selena. He ate quickly dinner by doing some fast cooking and mixing up things which wife never liked and commented, 'What typical taste bud are you having? How unimaginable and pitiable are you dear Raghav?'

    Suddenly he felt Selena was by his side listening and opened eyes which were thoughtfully half closed. Once again he thought, 'Selena is so much part of life that even in absence she comes close to as living entity. How shall I survive if she leaves me alone at end of life? She will also feel same way.'

    Raja felt sweating on forehead and his palm was also wet as if he suffered stroke. This was not true and he checked his breathings which was absolutely normal. Probably it was fear of a big loss which made him sweat. Today he couldn't find anyone not even Soni who came in front most of days and broke such thinking line and sequences.

    It was late now and he returned from his evening walk. His eyes were heavy and sleepy. He didn't increase walking pace and started humming favorite tune 'Tere bina jindagee se koi sikva to naheen' and kept repeating till opening lock on door. He forgot to carry mobile phone for which almost regularly he was admonished by wife. It was his landline ringing and he consoled himself. Selena was on line. Her voice was heavy and serious. She first enquired about his well being to get satisfied. 

    She said, 'you will have to rush to this place immediately. Didi has committed suicide by jumping into pond in night. Manish is out on business tour and will return after two days. I am informing him also. I am really worried and fear police harassment. Manish will think I neglected Didi. I will tell you other details in person.' 

    Raja could say nothing and felt very weak. The bad dream has become true which he was not recalling in morning. Sweating was symptom of dreaded dream. He only said, 'Alright' and closed phone. 

    His mind was full of suspicions but nothing was definite. One thing was certain that something abnormal happened in that house. He didn't like to disturb Manish again and left it to his wife. This was also not necessary when Selena herself told. She was a person who couldn't cut jokes in such serious matter. Otherwise also her sense of humor was not very live. She liked mostly to remain in sober mood which became part of her persona after she got aborted first time to retain her beauty and charms. 

    'Any wrong doing takes toll in life and subsequently she could never conceive any child and life continued without children. She later developed such apathy that she wanted to be free from burden of rearing any child even by adoption. Her face looked manly and later she wore a boy cut hair imitating pretty film actresses from foreign. This was more to show liking for foreign goods taxing pocket of husband. She always waited for gifts from distant relations settled in USA and Europe.' Raja recalled about Jyoti. 

    She took all pains to travel to their places of stay on their return, all alone to collect cosmetics and dresses which didn't fit to her. Still she carried them around particularly on vacation where none would make any odd comment. But this forced her to maintain shape and figure and she never became bulky with excess fat. Raja visualised Jyoti much younger than her age and often felt crushed. He imagined to sleep with her many nights despite Selena being by side. This mostly happened when wife misbehaved seriously or hurled abuses like uncivilized rural lady and he hated strongly.

    Today it was different. It was his extraordinary imaginative mind that he was swinging in different condition and warding off anxiety. He went to bed and slept a disturbed sleep almost awakening every alternate hour despite alarm set for early morning. 

    He decided travel plan in morning and actually travelled in train without ticket standing for long. He was obliged by TTE when no fine was levied and seat was allotted to him in one lonely corner. He sat with closed eye and recalled one incident.

    'It was second night after marriage and he was awakened by Jyoti and told, Selena was sleeping with aunt having headache. Manish is taking care of guests. Can you help me getting a child?'

    'How it can be? You're married and you can't ditch him in his house only.' Rajs said not very strongly.

    'Are you afraid of Manish? He has permitted me to have child from any close relative. He is having problems in making sex. He should have told our people before marriage. Now it can't be done. Prestige of two families is involved." She insisted.

    'Still I can't ditch him like this. I can arrange a child for you sometime later." Raja said again.

    'But that won't give me pleasure of child birth. I want to have through sexual intercourse and then child will love me more. You also seem to have some weakness like Manish. He became so because of uncontrolled affairs right from very young age and then getting busy with work.' Jyoti tried to make him agree.

    'Didi you are here and Manish is looking for you. It's too late and lets us take rest. We have to work hard tomorrow till all guests don't go.' Selena walked in.

    Jyoti left without telling a word and Selena closed door to get into bed with Raja who pretended asleep for some time. He woke up to celebrate the night. The incident became more important in view of suicide by Jyoti. The incident was never discussed by them.

    Raja woke before time and got ready without taking risk of missing train in the morning. He took a taxi with minimum possible clothes to travel light. He knew that wife will scold him for poor selection of clothes leaving best ones in wardrobe. 

    She generally commented, 'Why don't you use good dresses? You don't have grand children who may use leftover dresses.' He kept silent not to get into discussion.