
Repenting In Another World

After the Ashen One and the Firekeeper send the world into a premature Age of Darkness. The Ashen One is reborn into the world of Attack on Titan. Using this as a way to repent for the sins he had done previously, the Ashen One will join in the fight against the titans while simultaneously trying to learn the secrets of this titan-infested world, to one day bring peace to this world, something he had failed to do previously in his world.

Chief456 · Derivados de juegos
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Darkness, that's what I brought upon this world, an endless darkness. After seeing that this endless cycle of light versus dark could never be stopped, I decided to prematurely start the Age of Darkness with the help of the Firekeeper. My duty was to bring the Lords of Cinder back to their thrones alive or return with their ashes, they always chose the latter except for one, Ludleth of Courland. Whether he was a coward or was content with being a sacrifice didn't matter to me. Bringing back their souls to their thrones, I began my journey towards the First Flame. At the First Flame, was the Soul of Cinder. after defeating it. I summoned the Firekeeper, together we sent the world into the Age of Darkness. That is where I am now, sitting down in complete darkness. At first, I had Firekeeper with me to keep me company, her voice disappeared not long after. Next was the screams of those in despair, they went away not long after the Firekeeper. After that, there was nothing, just my thoughts, it has been like this since. I don't know how long it has been, I lost count after a year or two, that was a long time ago. At first, I thought I had died, but the ash underneath me said otherwise. Some day, tiny flames will dance in the distance was something the Firekeeper told me. I've been waiting, for the day light appears once again, for someone to come and kill me for my sins. I have already served my sentence, so can someone come and kill me. Please.

Wait, is that, it can't be. After all this time, you finally appear. In the distance, a bright light appears. With no other path to go, I began my journey towards the light. Finally, After all these years, I can go back into the light. Reaching the blinding light, I walk in, not caring about what I will find on the other side.

"Come on, keep pushing, you're nearly there." A voice says on the other side of this light. "Congratulations, it's a healthy boy." A giant says, its features hidden by the light.

"What are we going to name him dear." A tired but gentle voice says.

"Matthew, Matthew Bishop." A new deeper voice answers calmly.

What's going on, did I just enter into a room where someone just gave birth? I'm confused. Letting my eyes adjust to the light, I begin to see better just slightly. With a better understanding of my surroundings, I realize the situation I'm in. I'm the child, I was just born again. Is this for me to undo my sins, by starting anew? If that is the case, I'll gladly accept, I will use this to repent for my sins.

Ugh, a sense of exhaustion just washed over me and I'm too tired to try and fight it. I'll try and get a sense of where I am and who my new family is once I wake. With everything that I've been through, I gladly accept the warm embrace of sleep as I feel all the exhaustion and dread that had accumulated on my body wash away from one simple action, sleeping.


Word Count-539

Heads up, I haven't beat any of the Dark Souls so most of what you are getting is lore from videos or websites. I will be learning about everything I mention or use so as not to make any mistakes. Also, if I write at all tomorrow you will get a chapter, so there's that. Goodnight everyone.

Goodnight again I guess?

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