

After what seems like forever, you're sure you have interviewed everyone in the world,

the last interviewee walks in.

"I really hope this guy is the one, I'm so tired"

"We will get the right one, just keep the faith darling" Your dad put a comforting hand on your shoulder.

Then a young, not so bad looking man, walks in the room. "Hello, I'm here for the interview?"

"Hey, yes this it's the right place" You stand up to give him a handshake.

"Please have a seat" Your dad gestures to the seat in front of the table.

"Your name is Mike right?" You lift one of your eyebrows. "Yeah, that's right. I understand you need someone for the kitchen and serving tables?"

"Yes, that's correct. Where did you work before?" while your dad is looking throw his details.

"My Mom and I had a diner in New Jersey for almost fifteen years. I practically grew up in a diner, I know everything there is to know"

"If I may ask, why did you move to Washington?" you jump in.

"Oh, my Mom remarried and he had enough money to care for us here"

"Then why do you want to work here?"

"To be honest, I really miss our diner and really would like to own my own diner one day but I still need to learn a lot"

"Well, Mike, I think we have everything we need to make our decision. Thank you for coming, will let you know as soon as possible"

"Thank you again for this opportunity" He leaves the room. As soon as he's gone you and your Dad look at each other. You're thinking the same thing.

"He's the one!"

"He's the one!" your dad agrees.

You start your workday and things are hectic. You finally have a few minutes to spare

and decide to send Jason a text. "Hey"

You wait for his reply but no such luck. You just finished with your lunch and the next

rush comes through the door.

Your phone lights up with a text from Jason. "Hey, sorry, I was busy with something, couldn't be helped. What's new with you?"

"Oh, you know, working...we never finished our conversation about what you do,? It's not fair, you know what I do..."

"That's not true, I don't really know what you do?"

"Yeah, you do? I'm a waitress and co-manager in my Dad's diner"

"See, now I know what you do ;-)"

"You're a slippery one....so what do you do?"

"Like I said, I'm an apprentice"

"Yeah, but of what?"

"Well, in business"

"Wow, you really are vague? Listen got to go"

"Sorry I replied so late. Can we please text later again?"

"Sure, I'll like that" You finish your day and give Mike the good news that he can start tomorrow. You get home and crawl into bed. You take out your phone.

"Goodnight Jason, we can chat tomorrow?" Seconds later you get a text. "You tired?"

"Yeah, kind of a lot"

"I'm in a meeting but so not here at the moment. I find my mind is somewhere else..."


"Yeah...kind of embarrassed to admit but I wish I could have seen you tonight...now I'm stuck in this boring meeting :-("

"I must say, I like it when you think of me...Goodnight"

"Goodnight Jennifer, sleep tight" You go to sleep feeling happy. You haven't felt that in a long time.

The next morning you're met with Mike at the door.


"Hey, are ready to dive in headfirst?"

"I must say, I really can't wait. I've really missed this"

"Well, then I'm very glad to hear that, cause this is not going to be easy"

"Just show me what to do" Your first rush comes in and you show Mike the ropes. Luckily, Mike is a fast learner and he understands what you explain to him. You finally have a break and your phone lights up. Just as you're about to look at the phone, Mike comes and sits next to you.

"So, how's it going on your first day?"

"You guys are very busy. I didn't think a diner could be this busy?"

"Yeah well, it wasn't always like this. The President's son graced us with his presence outside the diner and the newspapers got hold of the story, ever since then, we got extremely busy. Guess, in a way, we should thank him." You laugh and start to eat your lunch.

"Yeah and I guess, if it weren't for him, I wouldn't have a job right now"


"So what's your deal? Why aren't you off studying somewhere?" You suddenly get a light shade of pink on your cheeks and look away.

"Let's just leave this conversation for another day. So, you want to have your own diner one day?"

"I know that I'm not destined for great things but at the same time I just feel at home in a diner"

"Yeah, I guess I get that." Just then the next rush comes through the doors.

"Let's see how at home you're feeling right now." You point to the door and he smiles at you.

"Let's do it" You stand up and get your order book. A text ring on your phone. "Hey, can we chat? You busy?" You put the phone away and help the customers be seated.

After a long day, Lucy gets her bags. "What a day! I'm exhausted!"

"Yeah, is it possible to be busier than yesterday?" You sigh.

"Phew, you guys do this every day?" Mike walks out of the kitchen

"Pretty much sugar! You did good kid. Goodnight all" Lucy gathers her things and walks out the door.

Mike gets his stuff and sits next to you. "Tough day, huh?"

"Yes, very busy"

"Listen, I'm going to walk the streets for a bit, just whining down for the night. Would you like to join me?" His cheeks turn bright red. You look a little shocked and turn to look at him. "Uhm, well, sure why not. Let me ju-"

The front door opens and Jason walks in with his hoodie, covering his face. "Hey"

"Hey" You smile and feel happy that he's here. He looks at you with his beautiful blue eyes

but then he sees Mike and looks down. "Oh, ah...Jason this is Mike" Mike holds out a hand to greet Jason but Jason keeps moving back and looking down. 'Hello...please to meet you"

"Yeah, same here" There's an awkward and uncomfortable silence. Then you turn to Jason.

"Would you like to come in? Mike and I were just about to go walk the streets a bit but we can first have a coffee?"

"Oh, no, that's okay. I was just...nevermind you're busy with something. You have a good night Jennifer.....Mike." He turns around and leaves the diner, practically running out.

"Okay, that was weird. Do you know him?"

"Uhmm...not really"

You stare at the door for a bit and wonder what that was all about. You lock up and go for some fresh air. You walk a few blocks and you're not sure for how long, just chatting.

"So did you live in Washington all your life?" Mike looks curiously at you.

"No, I was all over. My dad never really had a permen-" You cough and realize that you shouldn't share too much. It's just so easy to talk to Mike. "I mean, I've been all around Washington, know this place better than anyone"

"Oh, okay?" You head home and say good night to Mike. You get into bed and decide to text


"Now I'm the one thinking of you" You wait a few minutes but no reply. You try to stay awake longer but then you drift off to sleep. You wake up the next morning to a text from Jason. The text was sent at three in the morning.

"Who's Mike?"