
Remnants of The Honored One: Gojo Satoru in RWBY

A single moment, a single change of fate, and as Gojo Satoru dodges the dagger that Toji tried to pierce his head with, he is instead met with a new Cursed blade to kill him; one ominously named Omen’s Soulless Departure. Satoru could only regret for a single moment, his eyes closing and death greeting him swiftly. Yet, for reasons beyond him, he opens them again to a whole new place. To Remnant. Satoru is now lost, confused, broken from failing to win, and in need of a new purpose in a world that is vastly different yet eerily similar to Earth. Creatures formed from negative energy that attack humans, people who hunt them for a job, energy that coats their body and makes them superhuman, and even individual unique powers engraved in a person's body from birth. Also, there just so happens to be someone else with very special eyes as well. Stuck roaming with little direction, all Satoru hopes to find is friends he can cherish like before, and maybe—just maybe— he might get exactly what he is looking for in a bundle excitement wearing a red skirt, an icy princess with a soft interior, a blonde bombshell that reminds him of a certain special grade sorcerer, a feline assassin that he knows holds secrets, and a red haired warrior who understands how it feels to stand at the top. Satoru was a sorcerer in training not too long ago, and honestly, how hard could being a hunter be? However, he was getting especially tired of having to deal with potential world-ending threats, because whoever this Salem person was, they were definitely going to regret trying to make him lose everything for a second time. He would make sure of it, no matter what God or creature stood in his way. [Warning! This is a RWBY AU where a lot of the mundane things or plot points are fleshed out with my own spin on them. Also, this is a harem, you have been warned]

STJSociety · Cómic
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2 Chs


[A/N: I update one long chapter (4k-10k) a week, this is a harem, and I advise you to read the second author's note at the end please.














It was only a single moment.


A fraction of a second as Satoru Gojo's bright blue eyes were suddenly able to see the trajectory of the small bladed weapon coming for his forehead.


Instinctively, his body moved, adrenaline firing hot through his veins as his cursed energy flared to life.


A single point of power flashed, and in the next instant, a swirling blue mass the size of a tennis ball fully formed.


Satoru's Lapse Blue was weak, barely a whisper of the maximum output he had just used before, but it was enough; instantly spawning above his left shoulder with a flash of azure.


The orb deftly pulled Toji's small dagger off its trajectory, making it miss by mere inches and causing silence to reign for but a second.


"Huh." The Muscular man frowned as he immediately let go of the blade, watching curiously as it was crushed to pieces in the small Lapse Blue that barely tugged at his clothes. "That was some nice reflexes, but I bet you're way too tired to pull that off again."


Toji's hand flashed forward, stabbing the Inverted Spear of Heaven inside Satoru's shoulder before retreating two steps.


Satoru staggered from the attack, struggling to stay on his feet as blood flowed out of his body like a waterfall, a hand weakly coming up and trying to pull the weapon out.


"Well then," Toji smirked. "How about a special farewell to the strongest sorcerer in the world?"


He reached for the purple caterpillar-like cursed spirit on his shoulder, a sickening squelching sound ringing out as a gauze wrapped handle of a weapon slid out of its mouth.


With a swift grasp and pull, Toji produced a saber, the handle wrapped in bloody bandages and the blade made of jagged bone stained yellow from age.


"It's called Omen's Soulless Departure." Toji started, lowering his center of gravity and donning a shit eating grin as he looked straight at the Six Eyes which were currently wide in fear. "It banishes the soul to the realm beyond. Luckily for me, that means there will be no coming back, no becoming a curse, and no chance of you cursing me; ya' know, since that would just be a huge pain in my ass to deal with."


Satoru gurgled on his own blood bubbling in his throat, desperately trying to say something, anything.


Every ounce of his being tried to activate limitless, but with the Inverted Spear of Heaven still lodged in his shoulder, it was simply impossible.


"Goodbye kid," Toji's grin fell ever so slightly. "Maybe in another life."


He slashed, and Satoru stood stalk still, staring at Toji and ingraining every detail of him into his mind.


He would remember, he would remember no matter what happened.


Death, rebirth, reincarnation, nothingness. It didn't matter, he would remember his face, he promised himself that much.


Especially so as he found himself falling back, and upon focusing on the bottom of his peripheral vision, he was able to see that the lower half of his body did not follow him in his descent.


Gojo Satoru, the supposed strongest, was split in half by a man without Cursed Energy.


His upper body thudded to the limestone tiles, and with it, his chances of ever coming back. His blue eyes dimmed with each second that passed, and the anguish and anger which boiled inside him fled from him alongside his own blood.


He just felt empty.


Gojo Satoru, for all that he was, for all that he wanted to be, recalled five faces at the end.


Utahime came first, the silly girl with a coward streak a mile wide who was just too fun to mess with at times. He honestly worried about her constantly, but he just refused to show it, and he genuinely hoped she wouldn't take his death too hard.


Mei Mei was next oddly enough, the white haired seductress and her constant advances towards him not because of his good looks, but the fact he had the entire Gojo's clan's millennia of wealth in his back pocket. She was strong, someone who knew what she wanted, but still had the decency to care at times when money wasn't involved.


Next came principal Yaga and how he would mercilessly punch Satoru when he screwed up, yet would soon after tell him privately how he could be better, how he could be more than just another Six Eyes weidler.


Shoko, the only girl who wouldn't blush upon seeing him, came next. That constant alluring scent of smoke that Satoru would have been inclined to seek out if he was not afraid she would be used against him. There had been a spark, something that could have blossomed into more, but he sought power and freedom instead of something as intangible as love.


He believed it could wait, however all the good that did as he bled out, mind truly contemplating if his will to change Jujutsu society was worth all the effort now.


Lastly, Suguru Geto's cynical mug surfaced, and along with it came every single moment they had shared a laugh or argued with one another. The feeling of having someone as his equal, and also a person who had been his friend because of his personality and not his last name or power.


They were people he cared about, people he loved and had spent truly good times with, and because of it a single feeling permeated through his fading consciousness.




Satoru smiled as he closed his eyes, his mind understanding what Yaga meant by all sorcerer's died with it, because there were so many things he wished he could do or change.


To not push everyone away with humor or faux arrogance, to open up when he had troubles of his own, and to have focused more on his training rather than coasting off pure talent alone.


Satoru, this time, couldn't scrounge up any jokes. He was dying, and this was the end of his grand story.


However, before it all went black, he felt a forceful tug on his very soul, pulling him towards something in the ever expanding darkness.


A doorway, one shining that of the beautiful twilight, enticing and calling to him as if an old friend.


Then, he was consumed by nothingness.














The Six eyes were revealed again, but this time, they gazed upwards toward a dark sky.


Although they were not meant for it, the special eyes granted a multitude of abilities. One of those was a slight boost in memory recall, and as Satoru continued to stare upwards at the sky, which was currently a blanket of black dotted with countless stars, he immediately realized how he recognized none of them.


Sitting up, and noticing the massive headache eating away at any coherent thoughts, he only barely managed to do a simple survey of his surroundings.


Around him, there were countless people. Some were sleeping on the cold metal floor, others were pressed against big metal bars and whispering in prayer, while the rest stared blankly forward with barely any emotion.


As the headache Satoru nursed waned after a minute of simply sitting, he was finally able to register the fact he was in a cage, one about thirty by thirty feet with big metal bars and an enclosed ceiling.


"What the-" He suddenly stopped, his voice harsh and a bout of coughing replacing any words he could have said.


Now that he had some semblance of poise, he quickly remembered the fight with the sorcerer killer, the one he had lost by being split in half. He was fine now, because he could feel how cold his legs were, but his focus was elsewhere.


Panic filled him as he began to get to his feet, ready to head back to Suguru and see what the hell happened while he was out.


Well, that would have been the plan, if not for the fact he had almost no strength, and the jerky movement he hastily made caused him to flinch and glance down at his right shoulder.


There, still lodged in his collarbone, was the Inverted Spear of Heaven.


"Tch." Satoru gripped the weapon's handle, only a second away from pulling it out when a voice stopped him.


"Don't, it will cause more bleeding."


Satoru blinked slowly, dropping the arm he was struggling to hold up and looking toward whoever spoke.


Before him, sitting on their knees, was a hairy muscular man with broad shoulders. His long brown hair was caked with mud and blood, and most of the clothes he wore shared the same fate.


However, the one thing Satoru focused on were the two horns protruding from his forehead, causing blue eyes to widen for a fraction before settling on a glare.


"Who the hell are you? A curse?"


He was skeptical though, because one, cursed spirits couldn't talk without some type of illusion technique doing the heavy lifting, or two, because of what his Six Eyes told him.


Piercing beyond any lies like they always did, he saw the Cursed Energy inside the man or creature, yet for some reason it was all gathered at a single point in the outline of his heart.


That was just wrong, Cursed Energy should be everywhere on the body, leaking out for non sorcerers or like a second skin for actual sorcerers.


He had never seen anything like it.


"A curse? My wife has called me that before, but no kid. You alright though, did you get hit on the head during the Grimm wave?" The man blew actual steam out of his nose. "Damn White Fang, they should have known their attack would have attracted them."


"White Fang?" Satoru struggled, the headache which was causing most of his thoughts to scramble accompanied by the weakness which held him down made everything feel like it was a fever dream.


Plus, the fact that with a glance around, most of the prisoners inside his cage also had the weird problem where their Cursed Energy only existed where their hearts were, something which caused countless questions of where exactly he was and why he was here to be first.


"Hey… horn guy, where am I. I need to get back to Tokyo." Satoru managed, closing his eyes for now to try and stop his Six Eyes from causing him any more confusion.


"Tokyo, never heard of it, must be a settlement farther south of Mistral." The man chuffed. "As in where, well just outside of Mistral, White Fang is holding us hostage while demanding some stupid amount of lien."


Satoru sat in silence, his breathing rather erratic as he kept his eyes closed, thinking about everything he could currently remember.


Their mission to assimilate Riko came first, well if she decided to go through with it, because another Star Plasma Vessel would be born in time anyways. He assumed if the higher ups' inflated heads actually held a brain in them, they wouldn't allow something so important to be so close to failure. And such, Satoru could guarantee Tengen would have another twelve or so years before cutting it anywhere near close.


Focusing back on what happened next, and his headache once again lowering in intensity, he thought back to entering Jujutsu Tech, then the attack from the muscular man with a heavenly restriction. Next, he remembered the feeling of getting his thigh stabbed, his throat cut, the bone white saber, and finally his lower half still standing while he bled out on the floor.


He should have tried to focus on Revered Technique, but something inside of him brought his mind to all the people he cared about in his last seconds that felt like minutes as he bled out.


Satoru had died, he knew it, no matter how foggy his thoughts were or how much he wanted to deny it. He physically felt how his Six Eyes stopped working as he ran out of Cursed Energy, or even as his heart stopped pumping right after.


His headache cleared with the realization, and though the weakness of his body persisted, he opened his eyes again.


They glowed, and he turned to the man who gazed at him in concern and also a bit of awe, most likely because of his eyes.


"Tell me Horn Head-"


"Jared Corsa." He cut Satoru off. "We're both prisoners, faunas or humans, some respect goes a long way."


Satoru slightly nodded, "First off Corsa, what the hell is a faunus, where on Earth is Mistral, and by chance have you seen a black haired bodybuilder who reeks of sweat and cigarettes? Me and him got something to settle."


Jared titled his head, his blood red eyes looking elsewhere before settling back on Satoru. "You definitely hit your head kid, maybe rest a little first, and after this all blows over I will even take ya' to a hospital, that blade is in pretty deep."


Satoru glanced at the Inverted Spear of Heaven and gave the faintest frown, "It was a gift, though I preferred a different way to receive it. Just…for now act like I know nothing, do me the solid and humor me."


"Amnesia, haven't ever seen it personally but okay." Jared nodded. "Kingdom of Mistral, continent of Anima, probably inside some White Fang outpost."


Satoru raised a single brow to entice him to continue.


"Faunus or- I can't believe you really don't know, but it's people like me. We have animal features, and usually live in Menagerie."


The two grew quiet, and Satoru noticed most of the people around him were human, only with a few of these 'faunus' among them. Still though, they had all of their Cursed Energy focused inside their hearts, there was no difference there at least.


With his headache now relatively gone, his Six Eyes flared, and it let him notice how his Cursed Energy was almost bottomed out. It would take some time for him to fill back up again, and in an unknown place it could cause him some trouble if he needed to fight again.


However, it was enough, and though he couldn't actually see far. He was able to observe an area of three miles out, every single point of Cursed Energy now visible before his eyes. He noticed there were at least thirty people who had Cursed Energy like Sorcerers as well, but he focused on something else as he continued to look.


The first problem was that without most normal people leaking a constant wave of Cursed Energy that washed over the surrounding objects, he was not given the usual almost 3D map he was used to, most of it now just an abyss of darkness with little else.


He was about to turn to get a full view of the area, but stopped as he saw outlines of creatures in the form of large birds, wolves, and bears.


They were made of pure Cursed Energy, and he knew exactly what they were upon seeing them.






Satoru blinked, his vision returning to his surroundings as he glanced at Jared in confusion, having gotten lost in his Six Eyes like he always did.


"I never got your name." The burly man asked.


"Oh." Satoru sat up and grimaced slightly. "Satoru Gojo, don't wear it out."


He waited for that look of recognition, the awe, the greed, the fear. Instead though, he only got a pensive nod, then watched in relative surprise as Jared scooted back and leaned against the mental bars, crossing his arms and exhaling.


"Nice to meet you Satoru, I recommend getting some sleep, it will take a while for Hunters to get a whiff of the Grimm attacks and come to try and save us, that's if the White Fang doesn't kill us all before then anyways. I also recommend making peace with any regrets you have in life."


Satoru coughed in utter disbelief, seeing as the man before him so easily used his given name and also how casually he mentioned dying to the 'White Fang'.


"Sorry Jared, this White Fang doesn't really ring a bell."


The horned man rolled his eyes, "It's a terrorist group of mostly faunas, lost souls, and criminals. Worthless, the lot of them."


Satoru nodded, and once silence came and Jared shut his eyes, he guessed it was all he was getting for now.


So, as he sat within a cage on a continent in a kingdom he had never heard of, he was left alone with his thoughts.


The thought of losing to a man with no Cursed Energy, the thought of never seeing those he loved and cared about, and finally the tantalizing idea that he was no longer on Earth.


So much was different, and he was sure Tokyo did not have such dense forests with flora he did not recognize as well.


It was rather obvious now that he thought about it.


A clenched fist hit the dirty metal floor below him, frustration evident as he fought the urge to scream, all the emotions his earlier confusion had kept at bay coming to him in a tsunami.


He died, he fucking died, and now he was stuck here in some cage.


Satoru gritted his teeth, glaring at the inverted Spear of Heaven for a moment before slowly releasing his anger in a long exhale.


He blew away a lock of his white hair, glancing back up at the night sky, ingraining the constellations he didn't know in his mind, and then glanced down at his body. He still wore his Jujutsu Tech uniform, and he noted how other than where he was stabbed by the Inverted Spear of Heaven, he had no injuries or scars; even his uniform was still intact.


The frown he made might as well have touched hell itself.


'Well Satoru' he started in his head. 'Looks like things got a hell of a lot more interesting, but-'


His usually vibrant attitude plummeted, a serious glare on his face as he saw with his Six Eyes something very familiar.


Ten people with Cursed Energy worn like a second skin made their way toward Satoru's cage, and by the way they wore white masks, white armor, held firearms or weapons, they were probably the supposed White Fang who had captured these innocent people; Satoru now included.


'First, I'll get rid of them.'


It seemed they were going to just have to deal with Satoru's bad mood whether they liked it or not.


Bless their souls.











[A/N: I decided this will be my main series to focus on, so if you are reading my other story Full Potential: Using The Ten Shadows Technique in RWBY, I apologize. I will still update it, as I want to use it as a kind of reprieve for this story, but not as frequently. I put a notice for its sporadic updates in the first chapter's author's note for a reason.


Focusing back on the topic, this one I am taking relatively seriously, and I hope you enjoy reading it.


First, let's get this out of the way because I'm sure some will notice or ask.


Gojo Satoru will be a good amount of OOC due to the fact he lost to Toji, was humbled greatly because of it, is still training his abilities like he did in the anime if he hadn't been put on Remnant, and also because he is in a foreign place so naturally he will act different than his canon counterpart in some cases.


Also, warning to those who will most likely complain. This is a Gojo who has yet to reach the strength of his season 1 self who had 12 years to grow more powerful. This Gojo does not have a domain yet, he still needs to rest, he needs to manually activate his infinity until he learns to make it constantly activate on certain things, has yet to awaken the reverse cursed technique, and finally has not learned to teleport long distances. Even still, he will be relatively OP and will eventually reach his season 1 strength so no worries.


Another thing, JJK is very vague with things like the Six Eyes, so a lot of it is guess work or my own spin on them. If I happen to miss something about Gojo's powers please let me know, and if you have any questions I will happily answer without spoiling.]