
Remnant's Sorcerer | RWBY x MARVEL

From the Earth-838 B Universe... Matthew Strange, the younger brother of Stephen Strange (Supreme Strange) from another universe, was transported to a new world... The World of Remnant. ========== This book is inspired by the movie Dr. Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, various Marvel comics, past MCU films, and the RWBY universe (volumes and comics) ========== Q: Hey Author! Is this going to be a harem? A: No and I don't want to make this one a harem fic. For me, writing a harem book requires more brain cells and I don't like the insertion of unnecessary things that are not with the main storyline. Q: No R18 stuff? (insert Megamind meme) A: A little fluff and teasing would be suitable, and the romance will be slow and steady. Q: Is English your first language? A: I'm still learning a lot about writing in English and I'm sorry in advance if you guys saw some wrong grammatical errors in this book. Q: Will the MC be OP? A: Although They were like one. They were not the kind of people who can simply punch the antagonist into outer space. There will be ups and downs, and timeskips will be rare. Q: Wait, wait, Author... Did you mention "THEY?" A: Ah, yes! There will be two MCs. That's all.

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15 Chs

Before Beacon

The scene changes quickly with a gloomy expression from Ruby and a bored look from Matthew. The two were sitting in an interrogation room with the only light source illuminating the table.

"I hope you two realized the actions you did tonight will not be taken lightly." The Huntress moves to the back of the room while her eyes are fixed on the sorcerer. "You put yourself and others in great danger, like this boy." The Huntress glared at Matthew that is yawning.

"For the record, I got caught up with their brawl. I was just walking on the streets and then Bowler Hat goons attacked me for 'witnessing' a crime." Matthew explained, defending himself from the Huntress's accusations. "I shouldn't be here..." Matthew muttered under his breath while looking at the floor.

"Bu-But they started it!" Ruby protested.

"If it were up to me... You'd be sent home... With a pat on the back--" She turns around facing the two with Ruby expecting to praise her. "And a slap on the wrist!"

The Huntress slams her riding crop on the table which makes Ruby squeal. However, Matthew was unamused and didn't flinch either as he had already expected that from her.

"But, there is someone here that would like to meet you both." The Huntress makes way for the man carrying a plate of cookies and a mug. The two glanced at each other as they watches the man examine them.

"Ruby Rose." The man said her name and now Matthew's brain is quickly making an excuse on how to deal with them without any skepticism.

He leans forward near Ruby and stares at her face. This made Ruby in an uncomfortable position and she slightly peeked at Matthew for help.

"You have silver eyes..."


"Oh-kay? That was weird and awkward." Matthew commented.

The man retracts back next to the Huntress with a tablet in her hands. He gestures for her to play the footage regarding the fight from earlier and Matthew notices that the video was caught by some security cameras that are fixed in the corner of the street in time when the brawl had started.

"Where did you learn to do this?" The man questions her about it.

"Uhm... Si-Signal Academy?" This caught the man by surprise, impressed by her combat skills. Matthew on the other hand was also amazed since he was busy with his fight, too. He kept on watching the clip, understanding that Ruby was skilled at using her scythe.

"They taught you to use one of the most dangerous weapons ever designed?" He asked in mixed shock and interest.

"Hehe. Well, one teacher in particular..."

"I see..."

The man placed the plate of cookies on the table, sliding it towards Ruby. Matthew waited for Ruby to make her move as she was hesitant in grabbing a cookie and before Matthew would choose one, Ruby snatches all of it in a continuous gobble until nothing was left.

'Wow, what a cookie monster...' Matthew thought with a sweat drop, seeing Ruby devouring the entire plate.

"That's the first time I've seen someone using a plate of cookies as a bribe for interrogation. Smart." Matthew nods at the two, and he returned it with a smile.

"It's just that... I've only seen one scythe wielder of that skill before. A dusty old crow."

Ruby mumbles something inaudible and Matthew gestures for Ruby to swallow her food first before speaking.

"Oh sorry, that's my uncle Qrow! He-He's a teacher at Signal Academy."

'Qrow? What kind of a name was that? Is he a bird or something?' Matthew thought.

"I was a complete garbage before he took me under his wing and-"

"Wha- *coughs*"

Ruby's accidental pun causes Matthew to choke on his spit. Ruby sees this and pats his back.

"Ah! Oh my gosh, are you okay?"

"Ye- *coughs* I'm fine, t-thanks. *coughs*"

"A-Anyway, as I was saying... Uncle Qrow took me under his wing and now I'm all like--" Ruby did some weird martial arts poses and strikes and she accidentally hit Matthew right on his neck.

"Ah! *coughs* That hurts!" Matthew grabbed his neck and coughs to ease the pain.

"Ahhh!! I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to do that! I swear!"

"J-Just be careful *coughs* n-next time, 'kay? Jeez, that hurts..."

Ruby apologizes once more before she gobbled the last cookie from the plate.

"So I've noticed." The man breaks their conversation as the two watch him move to the left. "And what is an adorable girl like you doing in a school designed to train warriors?"

'Hmm... I want to hear her belief about those things.' Matthew noted in his mind as they waited for her to make her statement.

"I..." Ruby paused as she held her breath. "I want to be a Huntress."

'A huntress?' Matthew repeated.

He learned the roles of Huntsmen across Remnant, defending the people from the likes of Grimm, a creature of Darkness that feeds on the negative emotions of its target. For hundreds of years, The four kingdoms created their academies, an academy for the sole purpose of eliminating Grimms and keeping the peace throughout the continent. Matthew stares at Ruby's bright expression while she explains why she decided to be a Huntress, to be a knight in shining armor, the girl version.

He can't himself but smile at her, thinking that she's indeed an innocent girl in this dangerous world. Matthew remembered the time when Earth was full of dangerous entities, criminals, alliances, and individuals that could destroy the planet if they wanted to.

And by the end of Ruby's speech, Matthew's smile shifted into a frown.

'I pity her for seeing this world in a colorful one yet her cheerful attitude makes people delighted. But, she's too young... Too fragile. I wonder what she'll accomplish in the future.' He mentally said in his head while he shakes it.

"Do you know who I am?" The man asks her after her speech.

"You are Professor Ozpin, the Headmaster of Beacon Academy."

Matthew's eyes dilated after hearing that the man, Ozpin, is the Principal/Headmaster of one of the prestigious academies in Remnant. But he chose to hide it, fearing that they noticed him flinched.

Ozpin let out a chuckle based on the quick reaction from Matthew, only to notice him at the last second.

"Do you want to come to my school?"

Ozpin gave her an offer that she could not refuse. Of course, Ruby would accept this sweet sweet offer.

"More than anything," Ruby replied with a nod.

Ozpin and the lady next to him looked at each other, only for the Huntress to roll her eyes, groaning that she had no choice but to acknowledge Ruby as a new student.

"Very well, I'll be expecting you tomorrow morning, Ms. Rose. But right now we should have a little chat with our 'new' friend, yes?" Ozpin looks at Matthew with a shit-eating grin. "Unless you'll wait for him."

"Uh, ah, yeah! I-I will be waiting outside. Catch 'ya later, Matthew!"

Ruby closes the metal door with Glynda escorting her outside the room.

"Now that she's gone... I assume we could talk about some... 'Transport', shall we?"

Matthew's eyes widened, and his hands are both ready to cast a spell against Ozpin, he easily notices the sudden change in his emotions.

"Calm down, young one. I do not desire to harm nor imprison you." Ozpin defuses the situation as he pulls out the table from earlier and plays a video clip for Matthew to see. "I want YOU to observe this footage."

The video reveals a camera showing a portion of the park that was familiar to Matthew's view. His expression changes into anger when he saw the same portal that had sent him to this world.

'This fucker is spying on me since the beginning?!' Matthew screamed in his mind. 'This clever piece of shit!'

"I was curious about what happened to you, Mr..."

'I guess I need to tell him my surname.' Matthew thought with a heavy sigh.

"Strange. Matthew Strange."

"Err-- Your last name is... Strange?" This caused a tick mark to appear on the sorcerer's head.

"Yeah, you got a problem with it?" Ozpin chuckles as he drops that topic.

"I found your surname... Bizzare, Mr. Strange. No family members in Remnant had that kind of surname, at least in our database..."

"What do you want from me, Headmaster?" Matthew asks with a hint of irritation in his voice.

"Simple." Ozpin leans on the table with his hands supporting his chin above it. "From the fight that Glynda and I saw in the video, you have a talent for using your semblance, or should I say... Magic?"

"How did you--?!"

"I will tell you about it if you'll take my proposal," Ozpin said in a serious tone by cutting him off. "This world is not the same as what you've experienced, Mr. Strange. This world is infested by the creatures of Grimm, and we require your assistance in winning this war against them."

"Your point?"

"We have another person... And she has the semblance like you." Ozpin revealed, dropping the bomb directly on Matthew's face.

'Wait... Could it be--?!'

"I'm giving you the offer to study at Beacon, a four-year course to become a Huntsman, acquiring yourself some friends along the way, battle experiences, and maybe a potential interest?" Ozpin stated the last word with a grin.

"Urgh. Fine... Do I have a choice?" Matthew rolls his eyes but in his mind, he thought of the idea of gaining some information about the other sorcerer here in Remnant. "When do I start? 'Professor...?' "

"Tomorrow morning, a Bullhead will be your transport alongside the other aspiring students going for Beacon. I see that you'll accompany Ms. Rose along the way?"

"She could take care of herself, Ozpin. Besides, I didn't know her that deeply."

"Oh, you will. Soon." Ozpin muttered.

"Come again?"

"Oh nothing, nothing!" Ozpin waves his hand and chuckles. "I suppose it is already late. You should go home, young man."

"Err-- I don't have a residence, yet."

"Ms. Rose is waiting for you outside of this room. I suppose that's her way of thanking you from earlier's brawl."

Matthew was about to leave the room when he turns his head around.

"I have something to ask you, Professor..."


"Can I unlock my aura alone?"

"That depends if your willpower could handle the aftermath of the awakening. Sometimes, a person who has their aura can wake up the dormant aura of others, thus gaining their semblance."

"I see... Thanks for the information, Professor. And please do me a favor. Don't let anyone-- I mean, ANYONE, know my origin. And I'll see you tomorrow regarding that other individual you mentioned. Goodbye, Headmaster Ozpin." Matthew said as he closes the door.

Ozpin was left all alone in the quiet room, as he stares at the closed door, letting out a big sigh.

"Ah, Stephen... It seems that they were quite a handful. Rest in peace, old friend. I will promise to take care of them, that young sorcerer and sorceress... How are they going to change this world according to your vision? I want to see it.."

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