

Jesse's POV

Loud claps and cheers were heard as we left the stage.

We went back to the room and I could see smiles on everyone's faces, indeed our performance was perfect.

"Listen up ".our dance Instructor spoke up 

We all turn around and stared at him 

"You guys performed as expected ".he spoke up 

"But remember we are dancing in a much bigger stage and much practice must be done starting from tomorrow".he muttered out those words while staring at us to see if he will get reaction from us but none of us said a word.

"Very well then, goodnight".he muttered out those words and walked away.

"Can't he just praise us for even a minute".one of the dancers spoke up 

"You know he is always like this, you should be used to him by now, having worked with him for two years ". Another dancer spoke up 

I would have love to stay and listen to their chi chat, but it was almost 8pm, and I knew Benson would be waiting for me.

I left them and rushed into the female dressing room and changed into my blue dress.

I left the room and told my goodbyes to Lee before leaving.

I left the druids hall and called Benson, it rang few times before it was picked 

"Hello Jesse".he spoke in a calm low voice.

"Are you okay ?" I asked 

He hissed before speaking up 

"The pressure on me is just too much".he murmured sadly 

"What's going on?" I asked in panic

"Let's see then we can talk about it, where are you ?" He asked

"I just finished performing, where should I meet with you ?" I asked

"Do you know the way to the Tasman park?" He asked 

"No, but I can tell the taxi man ".

"Alright I'm already there waiting for you "

"Alright I'll be there in few minutes". I muttered out those words and ended the call.

I took a taxi and told the driver where I was going and luckily for me, he knew the place.

He drove for several minutes before he stopped in front of a big quiet park.

I came out of the car and paid the taxi man before staring around.

I stared around for a while before I Walk inside the park.

"Jesse".heard Benson's voice from besides me, 

I turn around and saw him flash a weak smile on me 

The way he looks at me was so different, so different from the way he has been looking at me for the past one month.

I swallowed nervously and walk up to him 

"Hi Benson". I wave my hand at him 

"Hi".he sounded as if he was In so much pains and I wondered what the problem was ,and if indeed he has actually been told anything.

"What's the problem". I asked while staring at him with curiosity 

He hissed and stared at me for a while before speaking.

"Let's go over there and talk ".his words sounded like a pled 

"Alright". I followed him to the direction, and we sat on a bench.

I stared at him and realized something was wrong, but it doesn't have to do with him remembering anything or his aunt telling him anything about me 

"What's wrong ?" I asked 

He took in a deep breath before speaking up 

"I really need your help Jesse".he spoke those words like a pled.

"My help ?what wrong ". I asked

He roughly ran his fingers through his hair before speaking up.

"They want to take Lilly away from me ".he spoke almost in tears 

I stared at him shocked and confused.

"Who wants to take Lilly from you ?" I asked confused

"Charity's mom want to take Lilly from me"he spoke almost in tears

"How? Why?". I asked confused

He hissed softly and stood up from the bench with his back at me.

"She has asked me to get marry within the next one week, if not, she will legally take Lilly from me since I won't be able to take care of her".he whispered 

"This is ridiculous, why would she do such a thing"? I muttered out in anger.

"She said I work every day and have no time for Lilly, and she can't let her granddaughter grown up in such environment".he murmured.

He turns and stared at me in half tears, he squat down to me and took my hands.

Seeing him in such devastated state really breaks my heart and I wish I could just take his pain away.

"You know how much I love Lilly, she is basically my life I can't even see myself living without her ".he murmured hurt 

"I can't lose her I just can't ".he expressed those words like he meant it.

"Please Jesse, please help me ".he begged

I stared at him confused and wondered what he was driving out.

"I love you Jesse, I love you from the deepest part of my heart and I know you feel the same way for me ".he said those words while staring at me.

I stared at him hoping it wasn't what I was thinking 

"Please marry me Jesse, please marry me". He begged 

I stared at him shocked but couldn't say a word

"You love Lilly and Lilly loves you too, she will be happy if you could be her stepmom".he pled

"Benson".he did not let those words finish from my mouth before he cut me off.

"Listen we don't have to do a big white wedding or anything, we can just have our court marriage and after everything might have settled down you can leave if you want to ".he begged while folding my hands.

I have been dreaming of a day like this when Benson will knell before asking me to marry him but not in a situation like this.

Firstly, his aunt hasn't told him a thing 

Secondly he still hasn't gotten his memory or remember anything. 

But saying no to his proposal means I will lose him forever because I could see the seriousness in him, and if I don't accept his proposal he might search for someone else, and I wondered what she might do to Lilly.

Saying no to him mean I will finally lose Benson again after twelve years and that is something I cannot take.