
Mystery to solve

Benson's POV 

I seized my breath while waiting for his reply.

Knowing her name will be the first step to my discovery and I couldn't wait. 

"You don't know her name ".he asked, 

"If I knew I wouldn't be asking you ". I replied impatiently.

He hissed softly and thought for a while before speaking up.

"Jeez, her name was jeez".he spoke firmly.

I hissed and took a sip of my drink.

"That seems like a pet name to me ". I replied firmly.

"Yeah, it is, but that's the only name I know ".he replied 

I hissed in frustration and roughly ran my fingers through my hair.

"This is ridiculous ". I muttered out in anger.

He stared at me for a while before he looked away.

I hissed softly and took a sip of my drink.

"Can I ask you a question". 

"Yeah ".he replied.

"How did I leave ". I asked, 

He hissed softly and took a sip of his drink.

"I don't know where to begin".he spoke up 

"You left the country unaware to us ".he spoke firmly

"How ". I asked confused.

He hissed in frustration and sat properly on the chair.

"You had a misunderstanding with your girlfriend and the next thing you disappeared into the tin air.

"Just like that ". I asked in disbelief 

"Yeah, you just left without saying a word to us not even me your buddy ".he spoke disappointed 

I hissed and closed my eyes 

"I don't even know a thing, I can't remember anything "I spoke disappointed.

He hissed softly and took a sip of his drink.

"You should ask your aunt some questions".he spoke up, 

"Why ". I asked, 

"Because I saw you leaving with her the last time I saw you, and she did not let me get close to you ".he spoke firmly.

"Why ". I asked 

"I don't know, you should ask her all this questions, I think she is in the better position to give you all the answers you need ".

I nod my head and took a sip of my drink.

"I'm going back to Australia, there I will get all the answers I need "

"That's good, you should ".

"Yesterday I saw Victoria". I spoke up 

"Did you remember her "

I shake my head.

He shakes his head in disbelief.

"She was your closet friends, you were like a brother to her, it's really surprising that you can't even remember her ".he spoke in disbelief.

"She gave me her card and talk about a reunion "

"Yeah, we are having a reunion, you should come, that will help you remember things ".

"Yeah, I will definitely come ". I replied firmly.

"That's nice, everyone will be happy to see you ".

We sat there in silence and none of us said a word.

"Do you know anyone answering, Jason". I asked.

"Jason".he asked, confused.

"Yeah, I remembered him in my last dream ". I spoke up.

"I don't think I know him ".he spoke firmly.

"Think carefully". I begged.

He kept quiet and thought for a while.

"Do you mean Jackson".he asked, 

"No, I think I remembered calling him Jason". I replied.

He thought for a while before speaking up.

"Can you describe him for me, " 

I closed my eyes and tried to remember the look of the guy in my dream.

"He has a fair skin, a well-built body and a curly hair ". I described.

"That's Jackson". He spoke confidently.

"Jackson?". I asked confused.

"Yeah, maybe you call him Jason,, but we do call him Jackson".

"I see, so where is he"

"You mean Jackson".he asked 

"Yeah "

"Jackson was in prison, but he should be out by now ".

"Prison". I asked confused, 

"Yeah, he was caught while taking drugs and for what we heard he gave a girl some drugs that killed her ".he spoke in disappointment.

I closed my eyes and remembered how he put some drugs in my drink when we were at a party.

"When was he arrested" I asked 

"The week you left".he spoke firmly.

"This is strange ". I murmured.

"What's strange ".he asked, 

"Nothing ". I murmured 

He stared at me for a while before looking away.

"Can I ask a question ".

"Yeah, sure "

"Can you tell me the address where my ex live, you must still have her contact  ".

He hissed softly and hesitated for a while 

"She moved out of their old house, and I lost her contact few years ago" 

I hissed and stared at him in disbelief 

I knew he was really hiding something from me.

"What about social network, don't you guys talk there ". I asked, 

"No, am not a social network person".he said those words while trying to avoid my gaze.

He was obviously lying and keeping thing away from me, and I wondered why.

I took the last sip of my drink and stood up from the couch.

"Thanks for having me, it was a pleasure knowing you again ". I brought forth my hand to him, 

He chuckled softly and stood up from the couch

"The pleasure is mine".he took his hand in mine.

"I'll have to go now ".

"Sure "

"When are you going back to Australia".he asked 

"The day after Christmas".

"That's okay, I hope to see you at the reunion ".

"You sure will ". I smiled at him before leaving his house.

I left his house and walked back home, when I got home I noticed only Samuel was at home.

"You are back "

"Yeah "

"Are you okay ".he asked while staring at me with curious eyes.

"Yeah ".

"I'll be in my room ". I said those words and went to my room.

I got to my room and sat on the bed. 

Jacob was indeed hiding the information about my ex-girlfriend from me, it seems like he doesn't want to tell me any information about her not even her name and I find it really strange.

He has pictures of our other schoolmate and even a picture of her twin sister, but he doesn't have even a single picture of her .this is weird really weird 

Why will he tell me every other information but keeps away the information of her from me.

This is a mystery and I have to solve it.