
ReLife: Our Happy Family

Eigen Webb, the hedonistic grandson of one of the country's wealthiest men, passed away at the age of 40 and went to another realm. He teetered on the brink of death in the first and then underwent a reincarnation in the second. He became a carefree, wise man with the aid of the AI that trailed behind him. After living for 800 years, he died in the world of cultivation. He understood what he desired only upon his soul's return to this world: a lovely, carefree life and the chance to make amends with the woman who had sacrificed everything for him in his first life. With the assistance of AI and the knowledge gained from centuries of experience, it should have been a straightforward task. However, he could not understand why he would lose control whenever he saw her. It is a passionate tale of a visionary adventurer traversing different realms as he endeavors to win the heart of the woman who holds his deepest affection. And the woman who lacked self-esteem… She refused to believe the man she had naughty dreams about could feel the same way. Author: A healthy relationship is not the focus of my main story. So, even I need to read some fluffy vanilla about a healthy relationship. This is the type of story I wrote during those days.

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4 Chs

4. Loving Sisters and cousins...

"Are you a cow or something?" The girl grabbed Grace from behind and squeezed her boobs without caring about the force she was exerting.

"Uhhh…" Grace tried hard not to make any sound as she bit her lips. She struggled to get herself free. But her younger sister, Joy, had no intention of letting her go.

Grace had three sisters. Two of them are older than her, while Joy was the youngest of all four children of her father.

"It's because of the black hoodie she is wearing. If you see…" Faith, Grace's second-eldest sister, said this to her cousin. "Joy, pull it up."

"Nooo…" Grace cried. Her desperate scream was drowned by the five girls present in the room.

Besides Grace's two sisters, two of her female cousins were also present. And the last girl was Faith's friend, the daughter of the capital city's mayor.

"So gross." She said it with a face full of disgust.

"I told you." Faith added, "If I were her husband, I would have divorced her as soon as I saw them."

"I would have run away even before marrying her." One of the cousins chimed in.

Although Joy was a lot smaller than the 170-meter-tall Grace, she had no problem overpowering her.

It wasn't that she was too weak. On the contrary, she was quite well-endowed, with fat stored in all the right places. Even her stomach and love handles have only a slight amount of fat. However, loose clothing could easily conceal that.

However, the thing they were making fun of was her breast. As one of the causes of her low self-esteem, she had studied the topic a lot. Grace also felt something was wrong with them.

Rather than being well-rounded, it was a little too big, as the weight of it pulled it downward. And if her extra big spread of areola wasn't enough, her nipples were directly at the lowest points of her jugs.

"Those stretch marks are so gross." The other cousin pointed out the last reason Grace hated them. What was surprising was that none of them cared about the red palm print left on them by Joy.

Faith said, "She was so gross that she didn't even clean her coochie."

"Yes, yes." Joy chimed in as she was still struggling to pull the hoodie off. Grace didn't fight her; she simply tried to cover her knockers as she bent down to hide her nakedness from them.

"You have no idea." Joy slapped her back, leaving another palm print as she stopped pulling the hoodie away, saying, "The hair down there was longer than the hair on the groom's head."

And the entire room erupted in laughter. Faith was the first to say, "I tried to help her and make her shave it. Yet she went and told her mother. Do you know what Mother says?"

Joy didn't allow others to say it and answered, "Are you trying to be an ape? You will be a married lady soon. So, act like one."

Even if Grace bent forward to hide her nakedness, she could hear them. If she had been small, she would have cried already.

But listening to their jab, she couldn't cry anymore. At first, she told her parents. Her father didn't even care, and her mother ignored them, saying that her sisters were playing with her. 

In their entire family, only Hope was the one who would listen to her and protect her. Luckily, Hope soon came in.

"What are you doing?" Hope has a commanding presence. She was tall, just like Grace. But asset-wise, she was at the opposite end of the spectrum.

A suffocating silence filled the room. Hope didn't even wait for them to answer. She simply told them to leave. They didn't even dare to make a sound and quickly left.

"I asked, what are you doing?" Hope was wearing a monkey print pajama and a loose T-shirt, but that didn't diminish her mature charm.

Grace was still bending forward, covering her body with her hand, while her hoodie was pulled up around her neck. She looked at her elder sister, not understanding why she was angry with her.

"Come on, have some food." Slyvia put a plate of veggies and a bowl of soup before her. She noticed the red palm print on her back and showed it to Hope before pulling her hoodie down.

"Why are you showing that to me? Ask her. She thinks she is a gentle giant or something." Hope took a sip from the bear can and continued, "If I were her, I would have sent that little goblin to the hospital by now."

"Come on. Eat something. There aren't even five hours left. The makeup artist will be here soon. Once you start getting ready, you won't get much chance to eat." Slyvia was the only friend Grace had. They started at the same elementary school and continue to be friends to this day.

Grace nodded as she looked at her sister, who was drinking first thing in the morning. Grace had to say she envied Hope a lot if she had to be honest. No matter what others say, Hope always does what she wants. Even their stubborn father couldn't change her mind.

She ignored her father's threats to disown her and went out on her own to become a professional fighter. And when their father wanted her to marry the man he had chosen, she simply married her girlfriend the next day.

It created such a commotion that their father had to be hospitalized. Yet she didn't care.

"What are you looking at?" Hope was like an angry cat, even hissing at her loved one.

The heartless jabs and taunts from the previous party reddened Grace's eyes. Grace bit her lips and shook her head.

"What is the use of crying? You should have said no to the bastard when you had time."

Observing Grace having no intention of eating, Sylvia used the fork and put a piece of steamed chicken in front of her.

Grace shook her head again before eating the chicken. Grace knew the bastard Hope was talking about was her father, the person she was afraid of most.

But she didn't want Hope and her father to fight. She hated the fight, argument, and screaming. Most importantly, she hated the suffocating atmosphere that followed when people didn't talk to each other.

"Ahhhh…" Hope's sudden, frustrated scream startled Grace. 

Hope threw away the empty can, which hit the bin's edge and failed to go in. "I told that bastard… Ahhhhh! All the men he could find were bastards like him. He thinks we are his chess piece or something…"

"Hope!" Sylvia called. As soon as their eyes met, she pointed her gaze towards Grace, who was staring at the floor.

"Come on, open up." Slyvia put a piece of broccoli in front of her mouth. Although Grace shook her head many times, she lost to Sylvia's persistence.

"Do you know she wet her pants again?" 

As soon as Slyvia said it, Grace cried, "I didn't." Looking at Hope, she shook her head desperately, confirming, "It wasn't it."

Hope knew that her sister didn't have that kind of problem. And seeing Sylvia smirking, she understood. She kept her face straight, asking, "Did your aunt come for a visit?"

Grace blushed. She didn't dare meet Hope's eyes. Hope jumped up and sat beside her, saying, "Am I not your favorite sister?"

Grace still kept her head down but nodded. 

"Then tell me what happened."

'I don't want to." Thinking about this morning, Grace could still feel her face burning. She glared at the culprit. Slyvia pretended nothing had gone wrong and put the forked vegetable in her mouth.

Grace kept staring at her while she ate. 

"She had a naughty dream. Her panty was soaked."

"No…" Grace jumped on Slyvia, trying to close her mouth.