
[2] Helping.....

Well other than weed I didn't even try and touch other drugs, Frank and Monica had addictive personalities, didn't want that happening me no matter how well my body stayed. After meeting Steve/Jimmy I went to bed if there was one thing I could say about Savannah and her brothers it was the fact that they sold some really good weed.

The next day when I went into the kitchen Frank was still there snoring on the floor, shaking my head I went and grabbed a pillow putting it under his head. This guy was a bad father but he wasn't a bad guy he had his moments where he was actually someone you could rely on, though I would never tell him that. I also put a throw cover on him before starting to make breakfast, I was extremely hungry after not eating after getting high.

While I was at it I made Lunch for the rest of the gang, the week has been the same of just school and hanging around, I got to watch this show play out and it was fun to see. I didn't say anything to Jimmy since it would be awhile before even Debby found out his secret, while I was cooking everyone came down and the day was getting started. "You should have just let him sleep as he was." Fiona said seeing that I covered him up.

"Yeah but you know me and Deb's are suckers." I joked while shooting Debby a wink who smiled back at me. Everyone else groaned but didn't say anything, after that I took off it was time to go to start another day at school with these people, the only thing that I didn't like was that the school was crappy.

Eight Grueling Hours Later...

I was going to Kash n' Grab to pick something up with the last twenty I kept hidden for emergencies we were running low on some things and this was the cheapest place. Ian nodded at me when I walked in, it was a quick trip of me grabbing everything I needed before walking out only having to pay ten, perks of your brother working there. While walking away I heard a whimper coming from the Alley near me, looking inside there was a girl sitting on the ground, he clothes were in order so it wasn't to serious,

My mind was telling me to walk away but instead I walked over to her to see if she was okay, getting closer I noticed she had green hair, the same green that I saw everyday at school. "Well do you want help or for me to just leave you here?" I asked her, it was obviously Savannah and while we hated each other I would help any girl in need.

"Piss off." she said but there was a groan at the end and she held her side. Moving closer I saw that her hair was disheveled and she had a busted lip, she was wearing a thin coat so I didn't know what was going on underneath her clothes though. Setting down my bags I walked closer, she flinched so I held up my hands.

"Don't worry I wont do anything to you I am just checking." Seeing that she didn't say anything I moved closer and brushed her hair out the way, she had a eye that was going to be black along with a busted lip. "Well if we don't get that clean it might get infected, and that eye is going to need ice." I said looing her face over, up close she was actually cute with smooth skin.

She didn't reply but sat there, sighing I decided to help, "Well come on then, you have been selling me good enough weed that I don't mind helping you out."

One Walk Home Later....

I put away the food while Savannah was sitting in my room waiting for me, Lip wasn't back yet so it was no doubt he was at Karen's the girl was going to mess up his mind real quick. I walked over to V's and Kev's letting myself in, "Hey V can I borrow some medical supplies."

"What do you need?" she asked walking over to where she kept her supplies and stash of pills.

"Alcohol, Cotton Swaps, and your strongest Hydrocodone you have for ten bucks." Though she would give it to me for free it was easier for me to pay her that way when one day I couldn't pay she would take an IOU. She handed it all over and I left going back to Savannah who was laying in my bed with an arm across her eyes, she was shaking a little but the movement caused her more pain and made her wince. "Sit up."

She followed my words without making a sound, "Why?"

"Well if you are asking why I am doing this? It is because like I said you sell great weed and why not." Taking the swabs I started to clean her lip, she winced but kept a straight face she was a fighter which was impressive. I wasn't going to ask what happen though it was none of my business and no doubt she would get her revenge, her family was as bad as the Milkovich.

"I'll pay you back for this but can I stay here tonight. My brothers are already at home getting ready for revenge and I can't guarantee that I will make it back without someone trying something." she asked looking at me, her left eye was swollen a little and it purple around it, no clue why they called it black eye.

I looked into her light blue eyes for a moment then went back to work, "Go ahead and take my bed, I will take the floor and since there is no telling when Lip will be back don't be surprised when he shows." she grunted in response but that could have been because I tapped her lip again just a little to hard.

After she was cleaned up I took her to the bathroom to let her shower and wash the blood away, she came back out with her hair a little damp and wearing my shirt that went mid thigh one her. With my never changing body after I got six packs I was standing at six two and she was a petite five foot three, she looked at me a moment before following me back to my room. I had enough for the day plus staying up all night to party wasn't my thing, "Thanks." I heard her whisper when she thought I was asleep.

Noon The Next Day.....

We were all sitting around waiting for the deadliest catch when there was a knock at the door, I happen to be the closest so I walked over to it an opened it up. Standing there was Savannah her brothers were at the gate not coming closer, they were in the same situation as her black eyes and what looked to be healing noses and lips. It was good to know she wasn't alone when that happen.

"What's up?" I asked leaning on the door but she backed off a little going down the stairs, I followed along sitting on the top step.

"Came to pay you back for last night," She said reaching into her pocket she pulled out a small pile of cash and what seemed to be a little less than a pound of weed, "Can't give much but I know you enjoy this weed and the money is to pay for the medical supplies you used."

I reached over and grabbed it stuffing it into my pockets, as we stood there staring at one another Frank walked up with a bloody nose muttering something. When he walked inside it was just us two again, her brothers were busy on their phones texting away, "Well if that is all I'm going to go back inside."

"Wai----" She went to say something but at that time there was shouting in the house and Steve came out a little angry, he brushed passed us and went to his car. It seems it was getting closer to him taking Frank to Canada but I wasn't going to stop that not like the guy got hurt there, Savannah didn't speak up again instead she put her hood up and left.

I raised an eyebrow but didn't stop her, going inside I saw Ian holding his nose while Frank was drinking a beer at the kitchen table, grabbing his arm I led him into our room since I still had some things there. "You know you should have hit him back, though Debby might get a little mad it won't bother anyone else much."

"Yeah you should have dropped him on his ass." Lip says lighting up he had a smile on his face.

"Next time I won't hold back." Ian said holding his nose a little, we all chuckled and I took out the weed getting my small lock box from underneath my bed.

"Shit man, where did you get that?" Lip asked grabbing the weed from my hand before I could put it away.

"Ahh I helped someone out last night and this was the thank you I got along with," Taking out the money I got I counted it real quick, "Fifty bucks, pizza or Chinese tonight?"

"Definitely Chinese." Ian said with a grin.

"I'll take a rain check I'm meeting up with Karen tonight." Lip said but there was a grin on his face, couldn't blame the man I would rather get lucky then out to eat too.

We all sat there passing around the joint until Fiona came in and joined, the kids were watching TV it was obvious she was a little mad at Steve but she was also calming down about it. "You know sis, while he seems cool it was the right thing to do at that moment. Don't beat yourself up about it." I said then took a long drag of the three that we were passing around, this was one thing she didn't fight us on since we all smoked it.

When you love someone, and you're not afraid to lose them, then you probably never loved someone like I do.

Cold_Phantom19creators' thoughts