
Rekishi: Beyond the Timestream

“The World of Paragonia” Where the blending of magic and technology converges, a realm of wonder and discovery awaits. A world where Gifted figures from earth have visited and influenced, infusing it with their knowledge and expertise, which has had a lasting impact. Some have left behind a fleeting legacy, while others have reshaped the world forever. In the present day, a century has elapsed since the last summoning took place. an event that has faded into the mists of time. But over 2000 years ago, a celebrated polymath from a far-off land was summoned for the first time to restore equilibrium to the realm. This extraordinary individual, called upon by the forces of nature, was able to recreate the portal that brought him to the world despite coming into the world in his old age. Before his passing, he imparted the wisdom: "When the world is lost and would have an adversity once more, summon someone like me again through this portal.” That’s how the tales of Paragonia begun!

JusJules · Historia
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10 Chs

Behind the Creation and Power

Part 1. "Abilities and The Forces in Paragonia"

Lyra and Lyrien approached Reiji cautiously, their eyes fixed on the stranger who had just saved their lives. Awestrucked mixed with anxious feelings towards Reiji.

"Thank you," Lyra said, her voice barely above a whisper. "We owe you our lives."

Reiji nodded, the effects of Mechanika's Touch fading as he stood up. "You don't owe me anything. I just did what I thought needed to be done."

Lyrien eyed him warily but with the hint of interest. "Who are you? How did you learn to fight like that?". She asked.

Reiji glints a smile, his eyes gleaming with mystery. "My name is Reiji. I am a warrior from a far away land. But I lost my way and I ended up being here." He bowed down and said "It's nice to meet you"

In Reiji's thoughts "I don't know how people of this world will receive me. I need to hide my true identity for the meantime.". "As for my fighting style. Credits to Shichiro! And his book "Tsuki no Shō!". I'm so glad I read it!"

The Travelers exchanged a look. Lyra gave a look of gratitude and thanked Reiji, 'Thanks for your help back there,' with a smile. On the other hand, Lyrien gave a look of interest.

Lyra came close and introduced themselves, "My name is Lyra Bellatoris and this is my sister –"

Lyrien's voice cut in, 'I am Lyrien!' Her face alight with excitement, she leaned in towards Reiji and eagerly asked, "Are you from Earth?'"

Reiji's eyes widened in shock and his jaw dropped in disbelief, flabbergasted by the question.

Lyra pulled Lyrien back and said: 'Lyrien! Stop with your nonsense!' I apologized on her behalf, 'I'm so sorry, she's just really enthusiastic about meeting someone from Earth – she's been reading a lot about it.'

Reiji looked puzzled.

Lyrien reasoned out on Lyra, "But Lyra that is how they are introduced in the archives too!"

With a storyteller's flair, she began to speak, "A person from a far-off land came into our world through the summoning portal."

Lyrien, back to her normal tone, "And you saw how he fights!"

Lyra hold down the excited Lyrien and said, "Okay! Calm down Lyrien. Settle down."

In Reiji's thought as she watched the two talk, "What's with this world?!" How do they know about earth?!"

Then Reiji's thoughts refocused. Lyra came to him explaining, "You know, Reiji, it's quite striking. You bear a strong resemblance to someone from Earth. From your attire to your combat style, it's uncanny. Are you intentionally copying an Earthborn?"

Reiji, still dumbfounded by everything reponded, "Huh?" With a confused tone. Then he burst out laughing. He couldn't stop, his laughter echoing on and on.

Lyra and Lyrien look at each other in confusion. When Reiji stopped laughing he said, "If I was from Earth? What then?"

The atmosphere suddenly changed.

"And how in the world could we understand each other's language?" He added.

Lyra through eye contact signals Lyrien to hide the artifact and said, "Are you an enemy? Reiji?"

Reiji replied, "I am neither an enemy nor an ally. I'll be completely honest, I just got here."

Lyra questioned, "How did you get here? And why are you trying to hide your identity?"

In Reiji's thoughts "She's sharp". Then he said, "What are you so cautious about? As your token of appreciation for me saving you can you please explain everything to me?"

Lyra trying to gauge Reijis honesty asked, "You asked about language. You truly don't know?"

Reiji just stared at her with conviction sending her assurance that he's not a bad person.

Lyra's tension dissipated, her thoughts softening, in her mind, "He doesn't seem deceitful, and his eyes hold a kind sincerity." With her guard down, she began telling Reiji about how it all began.

Lyra started the story, "Legend has it that when the great Archimedes, the first Earthborn in this world, arrived, chaos reigned supreme. The world was in disarray, but Archimedes' power and wisdom brought balance to the land. He reshaped the world, dividing it into four continents - North, South, East, and West - and establishing harmony. Over a century, after Archimedes' death, peace reigned. But then the world descended into turmoil once more.

Reiji's eyes lit up with fascination and curiosity. In his mind, "Archimedes, a Greek mathematician who is famously associated with the principle of balance. His approach to balance, both metaphorically in his scientific theories and practically in his inventions, reflects his deep understanding of equilibrium and measurement. That legend actually make sense."

Lyra continues the story. "As each continent developed its own language, division and strife ensued. So then, the elders of the southern continent decided to try to summon another Earthborn using the summoning portal created by Archimedes, then the illustrious Empress Cleopatra appeared. Her presence had a profound impact, her power fostering harmony among all living beings. Under her guidance, creatures and all the races worked together in a perfect symphony."

She continues, "She was the first summoned Earthborn using the summoning portal made by Archimedes. Everyone thought she would stay here until her death like Archimedes did, and then she felt she's being pulled back by the portal after 5 years of her stay. But before her eventual return to Earth, Cleopatra cast a spell that bound the world together, gifting all living beings except animals with a common tongue, a testament to her enduring legacy."

Reiji, Wide-eyed and fascinated, Responded "Wow, that's amazing! I can't believe how much history is packed into that story. Archimedes and Cleopatra are like legendary figures on earth. I had no idea they were connected to this world's history too."

Reiji thought, "Cleopatra is known for being Multilingual but her linguistic approach was not just about communication; it was a tool for diplomacy, cultural integration, and political strategy, allowing her to navigate the complex landscape of ancient Mediterranean politics and maintain stability in Egypt during her reign. So she applied the same thing in here when she came." He added, "Fascinating."

Lyrien is even more fascinated, almost shouting, stating, "So you're really an Earthborn!" as if the mere possibility was too incredible to comprehend.

Reiji responded, "Yes Lyrien, but I will humor you later." He turned to Lyra and said, "Tell me, Lyra, what magic did Cleopatra's spell impart? How did it bind our tongues together in a common language?"

Lyrien jumped in joy and sat quietly as Reiji and Lyra converse.

Lyra responded, "The skill you Earthborns possess is Called ART. Although there are some from this world who have also developed their own unique skill like ART --"

Lyrien looks optimistic and gives off a face that says "I can explain this better". So Lyra and Reiji looked at her and she started speaking.

Lyrien enthusiastically explained, "Yes! An ART is a unique magical power that only a select few possess. It's an innate ability tied to a person's elemental affinity."

Reiji asked, "Elemental affinity? What does that mean?"

Lyra anwser, "In our world, magic is based on six elements: Wind, Terrain, Fire, Water, Dark, and Light. Each mage has an affinity for one or more of these elements, which determines their magical abilities."

Lyrien butted in and said, "Although affinity for light and dark elements is mutually exclusive. If your element is one of these, you won't be able to use other elements. For example, me. I have an affinity for water and fire elements, but if I have an affinity for light or dark, it's impossible for me to have an affinity for any other element."

She continued, "And then there's ART, a special expression of that affinity. It's a personal, unique manifestation of a person's power. And remember no two ARTs are alike."

Lyra explained, "So Reiji, the enigmatic Empress Cleopatra's secret to uniting the world under a single tongue is a mystery, known only to her. Just as Archimedes' remarkable ability to reshape the world was a singular talent. Cleopatra's linguistic binding is a unique gift, beyond comprehension."

Lyrien continued to exlpain, "ARTs can be incredibly diverse. Some people can summon elemental forces, while others can manipulate the environment, or even bend time and space."

Reiji is filled with thoughts, "Even though the people of this world do not understand. It sounded to me like the power Archimedes and Cleopatra possessed here is the culmination of their works on earth."

Reiji the turned to Lyra and Lyrien to thank them, "Thank you for letting me know about this."

Lyra responded, "We thank you too for saving us from General Krogar."

Reiji's thoughts "There's these monsters too. I'll try to understand everything slowly. Knowing what they told me is enough for today".

Reiji noticed Lyra may not be bleeding but she still locked injured. He inquired, "By the way Lyra, your injuries. I can help you with that. My ability allows me to understand the human body so I think I can help you fully recover even your permanent injuries."

In his thought "I am also eager to discover the limitations of my power anyway"

Lyra was shocked, responded, "Heal permanent injuries?" she asked. In her mind, "I thought his ART is his ability to generate anything using any material." "Does he have two ARTs?!"

Reiji nodded and said, "My ability is...different. But I can help you if you'll allow me."

Lyra nodded.

Reiji asked Lyra, "Turn around and sit down."

Lyra sits kneeling down, then Reiji places his hand on her shoulder. Lyrien watched with interest, her eyes sparkling with curiosity.

"Corpo illumina, shinsen terasu" "Vitalis Vedere" he incanted, his eyes glowing with a soft blue light.

Reiji focused on Lyra's inner wound, his mind racing with the intricacies of the human body. He could see the damaged tissues, the torn muscles, and the fractured bone. With a deep breath, he began to work his magic.

Lyra's eyes widened as she felt a strange sensation wash over her. Her mind raced with the implications "It's an ART skill!".

Reiji's magic was unlike anything she had ever experienced before. It was as if her body was being rewritten, her injuries repairing themselves at an incredible pace. It's different from the heal casted by Lyrien.

As the magic faded, Lyra flexed her arm, her eyes shining with amazement. "By the gods," she whispered. "You actually restored the broken part of my body, including the previous scars and permanent injuries."

Reiji smiled, relieved that his ability had worked.

"But how much did you see with that ability?" Lyra in an embarrassed tone asked. 

Reiji quickly responded, "Well, just enough to heal those injuries?" then scratched the back of his head.

Lyrien clapped her hands together, her eyes sparkling with excitement. Cutting the awkwardness between the two exclaimed, "That was incredible! I've never seen anything like it!"

Lyra stood up, her expression serious. "Reiji, If you're willing to travel with us, we could use your skills."

Lyrien added, "Come on Reiji, join us! We have an archive to answer all your questions about our world."

Reiji was hesitant, unsure if he was ready to join them or to discover his purpose in this world alone. But even after Lyra's determination and Lyriens enthusiasm. He refused to join them.

Reiji said, "I appreciate your invitation. But I think I need time to process all this. One more thing, can we keep my existence a secret for now?"

Lyra responded, "We sure can keep a secret. But you should not let anyone else hear your spell incantation. The incantation language you used when you healed me is not of this world."

Reiji answered, "I figured. Thank you for letting me know."

Then Reiji looked at Lyrien and said "well Lyrien, what questions do you have for me?" seated under the shade of the tree, they talked for hours and hours. Lyriens eyes filled with joy and excitement, until Lyra interrupted their conversation. 

Lyra said, "It's getting late, Lyrien. We need to go. We have to look for General Cornelius."

Reiji added, "Lyrien, we will meet again, you said you have a mission, you need to go now."

Lyrien respondede, "I have more questions for you. If you really plan to travel alone, don't go dying on me."

With conviction Reiji replied, "I won't."

Lyra and Lyrien started walking as they bid their farewell, Reiji bowed down and started getting in his own way.

Part 2. "Secrets to his ability"

Reiji then returned to the spot where he first materialized. He was met with the sight of a recently damaged mechanism, its pieces strewn about. "Was this here before?" he pondered. He gathered the fragments and attempted to use his power. "These are just woods and stones. Just a pile of junk, I suppose," he uttered to himself.

As the dusk is about to befall. Reiji stands in an unknown world in the middle of a forest. Thinking to himself, "Where should I sleep? Guess I'll just turn this junk into a house and a bed base." As he was about to use his spell he got lost in his thoughts.

"The power I have is still a mystery to me" He thought. His thoughts start to deepen, he looks up and gazes into the sky. He's contemplating. He suddenly remembers the works of Leonardo Da Vinci - not just as memories, but as vivid, visual recollections.

Reiji laid on his back on the grassy ground as he took in the sight of Da Vinci's sketches, inventions, and anatomical studies in his mind. Then he feels a sudden surge of understanding, like the pieces of a puzzle falling into place.

With a jolt of realization, Reiji comprehends the truth: his powers are like an inherited knowledge from Da Vinci himself. Mechanika's Touch and Vitalis Vedere are the culmination of the master's work that might have been passed down to him.

"Is this power his power?" "How did I inherit it?" "Do I have a deeper connection to him than I imagine?"

The weight of this knowledge settled upon him. He feels a sense of awe, respect, and responsibility, knowing that his abilities are a direct link to the great Leonardo Da Vinci.

"Or is it because of me deciphering the code of the modified Vitruvian man diagram?"

"I need to know more of this world"

"What is my purpose?"

"Did he visit this world too?"

"Will I return to Earth after 5 years too?"

"Was I summoned? Or did I do an unauthorized entry?"

There's more questions in his head than answers. He's lost in his thoughts.

Then, he woke up in the middle of the night, he's still in the middle of the forest. "Oh I fell asleep, then this all is not just a dream" he said. then He sneezed. 'Crap! Can I get sick in this world too?!"

He stood up casted his Vitalis Vedere, his eyes glowed blue, the spell temporarily boosted his body's tolerance.

"That should do it. But I can't keep this skill active all the time. It will eventually suck up my energy." "Appropriate place to stay and attire is still better".

"Also, I haven't eaten anything in since I got here" " I feel hungry"

"With that being said. Do I have a Fire affinity?" He thinks of an incantation that would generate a fire but unlike his other skills, It did not come to him naturally. "I should have asked Lyrien how to check my affinity!" He said, slightly vexed.

"I'll just look for any edible looking fruits for now". "But, can my ability identify that? Guess we'll see".

Then he started walking down south, foraging.

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