
CHAPTER 89 Assurance

  Claude and I pulled away after I don't know how many minutes we had been kissing as soon as I brought him to the veranda for a surprise. We had been making out and I admit it was such a good feeling to be kissed by him.

  Claude had the desired look expressed in his eyes while his thumb was gently caressing my cheek. "I enjoyed having rice porridge and lasagna. I didn't know my lovely mate and wife know how to cook," he said softly.

  I squirmed at his touch and dared to look into his eyes. "I want to do something for you, Claude. You have done so much for me... I just want to do this small gesture to make you feel appreciated." I kissed his lips again.

  Ah... His lips were soft yet plump. It was such a good taste I would get addicted.

  Claude drew closer and rubbed his nose with mine. My wolf and I felt melting with that gesture. That kind of gesture was so sweet, it overwhelmed me knowing that Claude knew how to cherish and love me.