
CHAPTER 114 Gift & Mission 3

I stiffened upon hearing that familiar baritone voice that sounded annoyed. I immediately turned around to see Claude with a frowning expression. I gulped before I chuckled nervously. "You're unfair. You used Rionach to come here," I said, wanting to laugh so loud right now.

  Rosie's deity name here in Mother's place was Rionach. All of the spirit goddesses' offspring would be able to enter here even without our help. However, our abilities couldn't be passed down to the next generations. That was what Mother told us.

  Claude squinted his eyes at me before he looked at Mother and bowed before Her. I already knew I'm dead later. I giggled mentally. "Greetings, Mother. My apologies for coming here without asking permission first. I am just looking for my mischievous wife and sons," he said as he glared at me. I just stayed silent and made a face to annoy him.

  Mother chuckled and took Rosie from his arms. (It seems like they really want you to have a heart attack, Claude.)