
Rejecting the Big Shot

Bo Xiyun had been transmigrating into one world after another. He just wanted to recuperate quietly but kept having weird interactions with a big shot. For example, the note he passed to the God of Studies offhandedly resulted in weird expressions from fellow classmates who told him, “You are still infatuated with him? You have no chance.” Bo Xiyun: “…I am secretly infatuated with him?” Holding the note, the God of Studies who had been quiet the entire time suddenly spoke up, “That’s not true.” Bo Xiyun sighed in relief. He just didn’t know how to act in a love drama. The God of Studies continued low and cold, “It was you who rejected me.” Bo Xiyun: “……” The consequence of rejecting the God of Studies was finally realizing what the true meaning of being passionate was. There’s nothing wrong with being passionate, just that it was tough on the waist. In the next world, Bo Xiyun became bankrupt, and when faced with a contract, thoroughly rejected him by saying— “I don’t want to be a kept man, I prefer love on an equal footing.” Such a cold-faced big shot who was used to his status as the top of the food chain will definitely not be willing to be in an equal relationship. Bo Xiyun just wanted him to get angry and leave. He looked into this pair of eyes, so similar to the God of Studies, and felt lingering trauma. His waist hurt. The other party stared at him silently, his voice calm, “You had agreed previously to be my provider for three years and didn’t want to be in a relationship.” Bo Xiyun, “……” The consequence of rejecting the big shot was, one thousand nine hundred and fifteen nights, one night less and it wasn’t three years. Even after paying off this world’s debt, there was still the next world on the list. In the end, Bo Xiyun finally realized. He may be cold and distant but when he falls, his passion has no end, like the sea. (Synopsis from NovelUpdates) (It is not an official translation, just a fan translation. Thank you for your support.)

Maya_3D · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
84 Chs

Rejecting Support (11)

The bathroom was eerily quiet, and the sounds of the music and applause from the hall outside seemed distant, separated by an almost imperceptible barrier.

It took a moment for Bo Xiyun to recover from his surprise before he asked, "What do you mean by... ahead of schedule?"

But he couldn't bring himself to utter those three words in the middle of the sentence.

In contrast, Wen Xiusen remained much calmer, his voice steady.

"As an alpha, there's a fixed rutting period, usually occurring at intervals of a little over a month," he explained, seemingly aware of Bo Xiyun's limited knowledge of such matters. "My rut period is at least every two months, and it had just ended about three weeks before we started filming."

When he thought about it, he realized that this time it had come much earlier than usual.

Bo Xiyun's lips parted a few times, and finally, he asked, "So, how did you... handle it?"

The specific details of that unexpected situation were long forgotten by Bo Xiyun. All he could remember was how much he enjoyed watching the filming on set at the time.

Wen Xiusen's response to Bo Xiyun's lack of memory seemed nonchalant. He simply said, "We filmed the water scene ahead of schedule."

However, the content of his words carried an underlying chill, almost imperceptible.

Bo Xiyun was briefly stunned. He vividly remembered the water scene in "Two Faced." In fact, that particular scene had posed one of the biggest challenges during filming. The final result was outstanding, with a highly atmospheric and realistic portrayal. Even the recently thawed ice chunks in the flowing stream were captured clearly.

This scene received unanimous praise from both the audience and professional judges.

At the beginning of filming, in the late winter, it had been planned to shoot this water scene only when the weather became warmer and the stream had completely thawed. But Wen Xiusen had gone ahead and filmed it in the bone-chilling water.

Bo Xiyun even recalled that the shot used in the film was the final version after three different shooting attempts. Wen Xiusen had filmed in the icy water for not just a few days but an extended period.

After the grueling shoot, even Lin Shu, who had been closely monitoring the production schedule, had given Wen Xiusen a day off.

Reflecting on these tough experiences, Bo Xiyun couldn't help but press his fingertips together and softly apologized, "I'm sorry."

Under the frosty white lights, the elegantly dressed young master slightly lowered his head, and his long, delicate eyelashes gently brushed down.

From his lowered gaze, Wen Xiusen could see how soft the boy's nose tip and cheeks looked.

Despite being such a bold and vibrant young master, he appeared so docile when apologizing sincerely. After a while of genuinely saying sorry, Bo Xiyun noticed that Wen Xiusen remained silent, simply observing him without many words.

In the end, Wen Xiusen even shifted his gaze away. This left Bo Xiyun somewhat perplexed.

Why did Mr. Wen's reaction seem as though he had no solution for himself?

(Tn: his rut)

With Wen Xiusen not saying anything, Bo Xiyun continued to ponder. Why did he have such a profound impact on him? At that time, Bo Xiyun hadn't had pheromones, so he shouldn't have had much influence on a mature alpha like Wen Xiusen. However, Wen Xiusen was an alpha himself, which might have made him more sensitive to pheromones.

Considering this, Bo Xiyun returned to his previous question. Given the challenging filming conditions, the enclosed environment, and Wen Xiusen's fixed estrous cycle, he couldn't help but ask, "So why did you accept this movie back then?"

Upon hearing this, Wen Xiusen immediately turned his gaze back.

He furrowed his brow slightly. "Who else do you want to see?"

Bo Xiyun was taken aback. He hadn't expected Wen Xiusen to respond this way.

Before they could further react, footsteps were approaching from the end of the hallway nearby. Someone was coming, and their conversation couldn't continue here. It wouldn't be appropriate to stand there any longer, so they moved out together, one after the other.

Returning from the restroom to the ceremony hall, they found that most of the lights had been turned off, leaving only the stage's spotlights still illuminating it. The ceremony seemed to have progressed to a performance.

The corridor leading to the audience seats was also much darker than when Bo Xiyun had left. He failed to notice a fold in the red carpet beneath him and tripped slightly. Before he could reach out to steady himself against the wall, Wen Xiusen had already firmly supported him.


Before he could finish thanking him, Bo Xiyun heard Wen Xiusen's low, slightly cold voice.

"Song Lang's next project is an adult-oriented theme. You better not join the crew."

Bo Xiyun blinked in surprise. He hadn't expected Wen Xiusen to still have this matter on his mind. What was even more unexpected was the additional comment he made.

"Later on, I adjusted myself, so your presence won't affect my acting," Wen Xiusen continued, his deep voice carrying a magnetic quality that was quite convincing. "But it won't be the same for others."

This statement left Bo Xiyun even more bewildered. It felt as if Wen Xiusen was implying something, something along the lines of, "In the future, you can only watch me."

As Bo Xiyun returned to his seat in the audience, putting some distance between himself and Wen Xiusen once again, he continued to reflect on the words Wen Xiusen had spoken earlier.

He had a vague sense that their relationship might not be as strained as he had previously imagined. What surprised him even more was that Wen Xiusen had not only brought him to this awards ceremony but had also not mentioned the previous contract regarding his pheromone-suppressing medication since they left the restroom.

It was as if that kind of intimidation had been merely a show for someone else's benefit.

However, Bo Xiyun quickly dismissed this speculation. Because there was no way Wen Xiusen would take such a big risk just to put on a performance for him. The only people supervising him yesterday were the Bo family members. In the end, Wen Xiusen was just an actor. How could he possibly withstand the pressure from the powerful Bo family in Hong Kong?

In the end, Bo Xiyun simply attributed it to Wen Xiusen's reluctance to discuss private matters in public.

After the awards ceremony, Wen Xiusen didn't immediately leave. There were media interviews to attend to, as well as a celebration party for the cast and crew of "Two Faced." Bo Xiyun had been invited to the party, and this time, he didn't decline. He had not only reserved a banquet hall in advance for the event but also engaged in friendly conversations with several media outlets that approached him for inquiries.

Tonight, at the awards ceremony, Bo Xiyun knew he had been photographed extensively, but he was well aware that most of Hong Kong's major media outlets would remain discreet about it. Even if they did report on him, it would likely be in a scandalous manner, portraying him as a wealthy playboy who had set his sights on a new romantic conquest. They wouldn't utter a word about his successful investments.

Bo Xiyun was well-acquainted with the temperament of Hong Kong journalists, especially since some of the city's prominent media outlets were financially backed by the Bo family. With their implicit guidance, any positive remarks about him in the media would indeed be surprising.

However, he didn't pay too much attention to it. The reporters he interacted with tonight were primarily from mainland China, and he knew they had a different perspective on things.

The production team, main cast, and premiere location for "Two Faced" were all in mainland China, so it was only natural that the mainland reporters would pay more attention to this film. In comparison to the manipulated Hong Kong reports, at least the mainland would likely provide more accurate coverage of tonight's events.

After a brief chat with the reporters, Bo Xiyun headed straight into the banquet hall. As an investor, he could afford to be more casual than the actors who were still being held back by the media frenzy outside.

Particularly one actor in particular.

The celebration party was beautifully decorated, with long tables laden with an array of delicacies. Bo Xiyun casually picked up a cheese tart and savored it, feeling satisfied.

As he was finishing the tart, several people entered the banquet hall, including the producer, Song Lang, and the director, Lin Shu. They had just finished dealing with the media and were a bit disheveled. Song Lang, whose somewhat stout frame was showing signs of fatigue, plopped down in a chair, unceremoniously loosening his collar and fanning himself.

"Exhausted. Those spotlights almost roasted us alive," Song Lang exclaimed with heavy breaths. "I really don't know how those actors managed to endure it."

"Especially Wen Xiusen, I was nearly trampled by people trying to interview him."

In contrast, Lin Shu, who appeared lean and composed, was in better spirits. When he reached Bo Xiyun's side, he furrowed his brow and joined in the conversation, mentioning Wen Xiusen.

"Just a moment ago, someone was about to ask him how he felt tonight without winning any awards."

Lin Shu couldn't help but feel a bit aggrieved over Wen Xiusen missing out on the Best Actor award at the Golden Elephant Awards.

"Xiusen's performance this time was truly outstanding. He shouldn't have been just a runner-up," Lin Shu expressed his frustration.

Lin Shu had always been a stubborn and straightforward person, and it was his dedication that played a significant role in the success of the film.

Bo Xiyun thought for a moment and tried to console him, saying, "Wen Xiusen seems fine, and I don't think he'll be affected by too many interviews or questions."

Lin Shu acknowledged, "You're right. He loves acting but doesn't care about the results."

However, this made Lin Shu even more regretful. "Xiusen truly loves acting, or else he wouldn't have delivered such a performance."

As a director, Lin Shu was well aware that the role in "Two Faced" wasn't the most natural fit for Wen Xiusen.

The title of the film itself, "Two Faced," was a reference to the character. At the beginning of the film, the character was someone desperately trying to maintain a false public image, in simpler terms, pretending to be someone he wasn't. He claimed to be a doctor even though he sold medicine, and his vanity was his defining trait. What he desired most was the recognition of others.

As a result of a series of events, the character lost his original job and became disheveled, completely abandoning the "dignity" he had always sought. Yet, he gained genuine gratitude and respect from others.

The film was undoubtedly a great story with detailed and vivid character portrayals. The theme of whether one needed to maintain a false image or live authentically was a popular and relatable social topic, as even a simple matter like whether to follow one's parents' wishes and pursue a government job could spark heated debates.

However, this character role wasn't an ideal fit for Wen Xiusen. Bo Xiyun had been puzzled about why Wen Xiusen took on this role, and a significant part of his confusion stemmed from the character's image. In the early stages of the film, the character was genuinely annoying, and as the story progressed, his personality underwent significant changes, but his appearance became disheveled and messy.

For Wen Xiusen, playing such a character role could potentially harm his public image. It wasn't about him being limited to playing handsome roles, but there might have been better choices for him.

Even from the director's perspective, Lin Shu wasn't initially convinced about Wen Xiusen's portrayal. Having an award-winning actor come to the relatively unknown set was undoubtedly a pleasant surprise, but Lin Shu was hesitant at first.

The reason was quite simple: Wen Xiusen's appearance was too striking. It could easily undermine the original character's image and make it challenging to achieve the desired effect.

However, the director quickly realized that Wen Xiusen's performance could convincingly bring out the character's vanity, selfishness, and overall unlikable traits. He managed to make people completely overlook his charming looks.

Even the makeup artists on the set felt the impact. Initially, when they worked on Wen Xiusen's appearance, they straightforwardly expressed, "With that face, I could forgive him for anything he does."

Just two days into filming, the comments about Wen Xiusen's performance changed dramatically from "a cat meeting a dog, invoking heavenly wrath" to praising his exceptional acting skills. This transformation was entirely thanks to Wen Xiusen's talent.

(Tn: A cat meeting a dog, invoking heavenly wrath: this phrase means an extremely unusual encounter, like a cat meeting a dog, which seem to  defy normal expectations.)

Wen Xiusen unintentionally portrayed the character brilliantly, and Lin Shu was continuously impressed. He couldn't help but express his frustration, "If someone else played this role, they would never achieve this kind of effect. Wen Xiusen magnified the contrast tenfold, a hundredfold, and perfected it."

Bo Xiyun had no objections to this assessment and agreed, "He did indeed perform exceptionally well."

After all, even Young Master Bo wouldn't be captivated by the filming process in a closed set for two months if it weren't for Wen Xiusen's captivating performance.

Lin Shu nodded in agreement and continued, "That's why I just discussed with Song Lang about casting Wen Xiusen in our next film. The role in that one is perfect for him."

This piqued Bo Xiyun's curiosity, and he asked, "What kind of role is it?"

Lin Shu replied excitedly, "It's a high-level alpha."

Bo Xiyun paused for a moment, momentarily concerned that Lin Shu might have discovered Wen Xiusen's real gender. However, Lin Shu's next words dispelled those concerns.

"Xiusen's natural strong and assertive style is perfect for this role. Not only does it fit the character's image, but it will also allow him to showcase various character traits effectively," Lin Shu explained.

Bo Xiyun was still puzzled, asking, "Why not cast a real alpha then?"

He glanced towards the entrance where some cast members, including Jiang Cheng, who had recently presented as an alpha, had started to gather. However, Lin Shu remained resolute in his decision.

"It's not suitable. If an alpha actor were cast, apart from the issue of pheromones, their dominant aura might be hard to control and could affect the filming progress."

So, sometimes on a film set, alphas were not as favored as betas and sweet omegas. Lin Shu continued with a hint of excitement, "This script is quite good as well. It features a pair of undercover alpha partners with outstanding character development and conflict dynamics."

"Alpha partners?" Bo Xiyun was surprised.

In his impression, Lin Shu leaned more toward realistic themes in his directing. Lin Shu's preference was to film people, capturing their most authentic selves. While Bo Xiyun wouldn't have questioned other directors, he couldn't help but ask Lin Shu, "Wouldn't this character setup be a bit too extravagant for your style? It involves high-ranking alphas working as undercover agents, which doesn't seem typical for you."

Lin Shu responded, "No, it won't be an issue. In fact, high-ranking alphas and omegas face various challenges, and portraying these details on screen can make the story feel more realistic."

He provided an example, saying, "For instance, high-ranking alphas have a strong territorial instinct."

Bo Xiyun asked, "Territorial instinct?"

He had limited knowledge of these matters, and most of the related terminology was unfamiliar to him. However, Lin Shu was excited to explain as he had recently delved into understanding the established rules within the AO community for the script preparation of the upcoming film.

"It means they find it difficult to let others approach them easily. They are more selective about intimate actions like handshakes and hugs when it comes to their partners."

"Moreover, the higher the rank of the alpha, the more pronounced this instinct becomes. In some cases, even among S-class alphas, they may only allow their chosen partner to touch them."

It was precisely because of these intricacies that Lin Shu and the team had decided not to cast a real alpha for these roles.

However, Bo Xiyun couldn't help but furrow his brow. He hadn't noticed these traits in Wen Xiusen.

He asked, somewhat skeptically, "Really...? What about sensing pheromones around the scent glands?"

Bo Xiyun recalled the moment when Wen Xiusen had asked him to confirm something at the private clinic yesterday, and now it was the director who seemed intrigued by his question.

"Wen Xiusen's glands? That's not considered a normal action. Even for regular alphas and omegas, casually touching or getting too close to their glands is considered highly impolite, almost a form of harassment."

Bo Xiyun was taken aback, "??!"

How could Wen Xiusen have done that yesterday...

Filled with astonishment, he instinctively looked up towards the entrance of the banquet hall where Wen Xiusen had just arrived. Even though there was quite a distance between them and many people standing in between, Wen Xiusen, surrounded by several journalists, immediately turned his gaze in their direction.

Their eyes met from a distance.

Bo Xiyun quickly averted his gaze, realizing just how sensitive Wen Xiusen's senses were.

So... was Wen Xiusen really an S-class alpha?

The director continued with the previous topic of alpha dynamics, "Alphas have distinct physical and external advantages. Consequently, the higher-ranked alphas have a harder time finding compatible partners. Some S-class alphas even leave people stationed at testing venues every day, looking for omegas who might match them."

This was information that Bo Xiyun wasn't shared before. Moreover, if he guessed correctly, since he had already been stimulated to produce pheromones today, he would likely undergo an evaluation soon.

However, Bo Xiyun was puzzled, "Why do they wait at testing venues? Wouldn't it be enough to wait for the compatibility test results?"

Lin Shu explained, "When it comes to finding a life partner, you don't necessarily need a very high compatibility score."

Seeing Bo Xiyun's confusion, Lin Shu explained, "Oh, I see. Did you think that both S-class alphas and omegas have trouble finding compatible partners? That's not the case."

"It's only alphas who have a harder time finding a match as their rank goes higher. It's the opposite for omegas."

Lin Shu took out his phone and pulled up some research papers he had previously consulted.

"You see, the higher-ranked omegas can match with more people."

"Especially when it comes to the number of S-class candidates, they're incredibly rare."

Upon hearing this, Bo Xiyun, who had been wondering about his own pheromone rank, furrowed his brow.

Lin Shu continued, "So, many times, an S-class omega might even be pursued by numerous alphas of the same rank."


Tn: I want Yi Zhonsheng's gentleness again and I hope I can see that very soon...