
Rejecting the Big Shot

Bo Xiyun had been transmigrating into one world after another. He just wanted to recuperate quietly but kept having weird interactions with a big shot. For example, the note he passed to the God of Studies offhandedly resulted in weird expressions from fellow classmates who told him, “You are still infatuated with him? You have no chance.” Bo Xiyun: “…I am secretly infatuated with him?” Holding the note, the God of Studies who had been quiet the entire time suddenly spoke up, “That’s not true.” Bo Xiyun sighed in relief. He just didn’t know how to act in a love drama. The God of Studies continued low and cold, “It was you who rejected me.” Bo Xiyun: “……” The consequence of rejecting the God of Studies was finally realizing what the true meaning of being passionate was. There’s nothing wrong with being passionate, just that it was tough on the waist. In the next world, Bo Xiyun became bankrupt, and when faced with a contract, thoroughly rejected him by saying— “I don’t want to be a kept man, I prefer love on an equal footing.” Such a cold-faced big shot who was used to his status as the top of the food chain will definitely not be willing to be in an equal relationship. Bo Xiyun just wanted him to get angry and leave. He looked into this pair of eyes, so similar to the God of Studies, and felt lingering trauma. His waist hurt. The other party stared at him silently, his voice calm, “You had agreed previously to be my provider for three years and didn’t want to be in a relationship.” Bo Xiyun, “……” The consequence of rejecting the big shot was, one thousand nine hundred and fifteen nights, one night less and it wasn’t three years. Even after paying off this world’s debt, there was still the next world on the list. In the end, Bo Xiyun finally realized. He may be cold and distant but when he falls, his passion has no end, like the sea. (Synopsis from NovelUpdates) (It is not an official translation, just a fan translation. Thank you for your support.)

Maya_3D · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
84 Chs

Rejecting Support (10)

"No," Bo Xiyun responded firmly, meeting the gaze that Wen Xiusen had directed at him. He didn't need much time to clarify his stance.

"I have no intention of having children."

He emphasized his point, "I'm not interested in doing what those three brothers of mine are doing, finding someone just to have a child."

He was referring to his three older brothers who had resorted to bizarre measures in their quest for a future inheritance. One of them, second young master Bo, known for his playboy reputation, had even gone as far as involving multiple omegas.

He had straightforwardly stated that whoever could conceive his child and give birth to it would be recognized as the rightful heir.

Bo Xiyun couldn't be bothered by such antics. He had his own pride.

"And," he continued, "this isn't as simple as they make it sound."

As he spoke, his lips showed a hint of bitterness, and he couldn't help but furrow his brows. His soft, pale lips parted slightly, revealing a delicate, rosy tip of his tongue.

"I'd rather go out and earn my own money."

Without saying it outright, Bo Xiyun knew that his three older brothers wouldn't allow him to find someone to bear their offspring. If he had such intentions, he'd only end up hurting someone needlessly.

Just talking about having children was already a troublesome matter in itself.

Bo Xiyun's words were resolute, and naturally, no one dared to continue teasing him. However, Bo Xiyun remained alert.

Even though he hadn't turned around or looked in the mirror, he sensed that Wen Xiusen was approaching him step by step, getting closer and closer.

Omegas were naturally attuned to certain signals, despite the barrier his glands presented. Bo Xiyun's surroundings were still buzzing with activity as the stylist put the finishing touches on his hair. When she finally finished, he seized the opportunity to stand up and create some distance between himself and the approaching Wen Xiusen.

But Wen Xiusen had already reached his back.

Before Bo Xiyun could react, he felt a slight tingling sensation at the nape of his neck. Wen Xiusen had raised his hand and, through the collar of Bo Xiyun's clothes and the patch covering his glands, gently touched the omega gland with his warm fingertips.

Bo Xiyun's entire body stiffened for a moment.

He hadn't forgotten the inexplicable look in Wen Xiusen's eyes during their earlier eye contact. The discussions about "babies" had been taken care of by Wen Xiusen, and this subtle touch of the gland served as a reminder to Bo Xiyun.

Only Wen Xiusen knew.

The omega capable of bearing their offspring was none other than himself.

Bo Xiyun's body became even more tense, but in the next moment, he felt the pressure at the back of his neck suddenly loosen.

Not only that, even his shoulders and neck felt lighter.

The coat that was draped over Bo Xiyun's shoulders was removed, and Wen Xiusen, without the help of others, took the overcoat from the bodyguard and then received the suit jacket. He raised his hand to prepare to help Bo Xiyun put it on.

He walked over to Bo Xiyun with the sole intention of changing his suit.

Bo Xiyun was taken aback, and by the time he considered refusing, it was already too late. 

He still had his back to Wen Xiusen, and the makeup mirror in front of him had limited height, so Bo Xiyun could only see the sharp outline of the man's jaw. The person behind him was so tall and imposing that Bo Xiyun was entirely enveloped in his shadow.

Wen Xiusen's body completely shielded Bo Xiyun, and it was at this moment that Bo Xiyun realized he wasn't wearing a high-collar shirt underneath the coat.

If someone else had come to help change his suit, there was a high chance that the gland patch on Bo Xiyun's neck would be visible through the white shirt. That's why Wen Xiusen had stepped in to help.

Bo Xiyun couldn't help but feel somewhat bewildered. In the two days since he woke up, he had gradually become familiar with this world and its intricacies. However, when it came to Wen Xiusen, the man he had interacted with the most, Bo Xiyun found it challenging to gauge his intentions.

At this moment, as Wen Xiusen stood behind him and helped him put on the suit, the expressionless man didn't appear to be someone with a caring personality. Yet his movements were incredibly smooth and practiced.

The slim-fit tuxedo jacket was effortlessly and securely wrapped around Bo Xiyun without him needing to lift a finger to cooperate. At that moment, Bo Xiyun had not yet noticed, but onlookers could see it clearly.

Wen Xiusen's actions while helping with the clothing were so precise and practiced that even the highly skilled stylists present couldn't compare. It was as if Wen Xiusen could anticipate every one of Bo Xiyun's reactions, as if he had memorized every curve of that slender body.

He tended to the pampered young master so perfectly and adeptly.

Bo Xiyun was unaware of this; he only knew that after buttoning his gentleman's suit, Wen Xiusen reached out to help him tie the silk ribbon at the front.

Wen Xiusen's fingers were long and slender, with clearly defined joints, and faint blue veins were visible under his skin, suggesting hidden strength. Yet at this moment, those powerful fingers delicately manipulated the soft ribbon, tying it neatly at the young master's chest.

It was like wrapping a gift with gentle finishing touches.

The custom-made suit was exceptionally well-fitted, and the process of putting it on was exceptionally meticulous. Bo Xiyun remembered adjusting it himself, from the chest to the shoulders, and the waistline, before Wen Xiusen took over.

Not to mention adding cufflinks, collar pins, and ribbon ties one by one.

Bo Xiyun couldn't help but feel like he was being measured and wrapped meticulously inch by inch. Even though there was no hint of Wen Xiusen's distinctive cold scent in the air right now, Bo Xiyun couldn't shake the feeling that he had somehow acquired another person's presence.

He couldn't help but raise his eyes to look at Wen Xiusen.

The man's expression remained unchanged, silent, and focused on his task.

It wasn't until he had meticulously groomed every detail on the young master's outfit to perfection that Wen Xiusen stepped back and moved behind Bo Xiyun.

He signaled the young master to turn slightly and look at the full-length mirror on the opposite wall.

The room fell into a hushed silence. Even before Wen Xiusen began his work, all eyes were already fixated on this scene.

Now, everyone instinctively held their breath, afraid to disturb the moment.

In the newly donned suit, Bo Xiyun appeared even more elegant and refined. His beautiful features were subtly accentuated with minimal makeup, leaving no excess decoration. It was as if the natural allure of his appearance was enough to captivate souls with just one glance.

It was a sight to behold.

Wen Xiusen had chosen a suit in a bold and eye-catching reddish-brown color, rather than the usual black or white. Such a choice was daring even on regular occasions, let alone in a prestigious award ceremony like tonight's. Many celebrities were wary of wearing such bold colors in such settings, fearing that it would make their skin appear dark and dull. Moreover, the unpredictable lighting at these events often resulted in unflattering photos.

However, Bo Xiyun had no reason to worry about such concerns.

His skin was naturally fair, even radiant, and stood out prominently even in dimly lit settings. Now, with the striking reddish-brown suit, his appearance was captivating, and it was impossible for anyone to look away.

The striking reddish-brown color of the suit served as a perfect complement to the young master's presence. It was as if the outfit had been chosen with utmost care to highlight his unique charm.

The suit itself was made of pure cashmere, with a layer of swan's down on the surface. Under the light, the velvet emitted a delicate, shimmering glow, reminiscent of a river of stars.

In the dim lighting of the room, the reddish-brown color bore a striking resemblance to the deep, enigmatic hue of someone's eyes.

This was Bo Xiyun's dressing room, and the intelligent mirror, with its automatic light tracking and focusing, naturally captured him in all his glory. It didn't, however, fully illuminate the man standing behind him.

Yet, even with the limited illumination, no one could ignore the overpowering presence of the man behind Bo Xiyun.

Today, Wen Xiusen was dressed in a tailored suit of an intensely rich blue color, so deep it almost seemed to reflect like pure black in certain moments.

In the absence of focused lighting in front of the mirror, it made Wen Xiusen appear as if he had blended into the shadows.

To the onlookers, the refined young master combed one side of his hair, revealing a fair and pristine forehead, resembling a dazzling yet worldly-unaware little prince.

It was as if nothing in the world was enough to catch his attention, making people willingly offer everything just to win a moment of his favor.

The man standing behind him exuded a silent intimidation, preventing anyone from daring to approach recklessly.

He seemed like a guardian in the shadows, silently protecting the young master, keeping others at bay.

No one dared to covet what was not to be coveted.

As the two figures created this captivating scene, the room fell into complete silence for a moment, where you could hear a pin drop.

It wasn't until the man behind broke the silence with a low, cold, and magnetic voice.

"Are you hungry?"

Bo Xiyun hesitated for a moment before shaking his head.

"Not hungry," Bo Xiyun replied, surprised that the other person remembered he hadn't eaten much for dinner.

The door was knocked again, and Wen Xiusen's assistant entered, walking up with a slightly urgent and hushed tone.

"Sir, the red carpet has started."

Wen Xiusen lowered his gaze, and finally, he adjusted a golden chain hanging from Bo Xiyun's chest before leaving the dressing room.

Once Mr. Wen left, the room regained its previous activity, and everyone started discussing.

"Wow, Mr. Wen looks amazing."

"When will he play an alpha character? I'd love to see that!"

Some were curious, "Did Mr. Wen and Yun wear matching outfits today? They seem to have a similar style."

"It seems like both outfits were handcrafted by the same designer, so that's why they match so well."

Someone couldn't help but remark, "It's not just matching; it's..."

They restrained themselves from saying more.

It was a match made in heaven.

Even Chen Tianpeng couldn't resist commenting, "Look at others, they have so many artists, yet they treat them like beloved pets."

"Except for you," he said to Bo Xiyun.

Bo Xiyun ignored Chen Tianpeng's teasing and opened his mouth, intending to ask about Wen Xiusen and himself, but he frowned halfway through and stopped himself.

Curious, Chen Tianpeng asked, "What's wrong?"

Bo Xiyun paused for a moment and then simply said, "Nothing."

He had originally wanted to ask about the arrangement he had with Wen Xiusen earlier, but he quickly realized that discussing it openly might harm Wen Xiusen's reputation. No matter what others might say, if Bo Xiyun were to talk about it, it could have a different impact.

So in the end, Bo Xiyun changed the topic.


The red carpet had already started, and Bo Xiyun didn't linger in the makeup room for too long. After the red carpet, the award ceremony would follow. Director Lin Shu had already given him a seat card when he visited the dressing room earlier, so Bo Xiyun planned to head over there now.

Chen Tianpeng was heading to see Jiang Cheng, while Bo Xiyun walked alone to the awards hall. Although he had to pass by the red carpet on the way, the various media outlets had already set up their equipment. Bo Xiyun tried to choose a less crowded path.

He was accompanied by a few bodyguards, and while they looked unfamiliar to him, there was nothing about them that made him feel uneasy or disgusted. They followed him from a distance, not pressing too close.

Bo Xiyun suspected that these bodyguards were probably sent by Wen Xiusen.

As he walked, Bo Xiyun couldn't help but think about his current situation. The Bo family was one of the top-tier elite families in Hong Kong. With the family patriarch gravely ill and in a coma, as long as Bo Xiyun remained in Hong Kong, he couldn't avoid the control of his three older brothers.

When Chen Tianpeng mentioned box office numbers earlier, Bo Xiyun had done some research. While he had recently invested in a Hong Kong-based company, the largest investor in "Two Faced" was a Mainland Chinese company based in Yan City. Furthermore, in recent years, Wen Xiusen had shifted his focus more towards the Mainland.

Even for this Golden Elephant Awards ceremony, Wen Xiusen had only temporarily come to Hong Kong and was planning to return afterward.

Upon closer inspection, Bo Xiyun realized that his business interests seemed to be more inclined towards the Mainland. If he faced too many constraints in Hong Kong, perhaps it would be more convenient for him to focus on the Mainland instead.


"Mr. Bo!"

Bo Xiyun was lost in thought, and suddenly someone called his name.

"Mr. Bo!"

Surprisingly, it was the group of people who had just finished walking the red carpet. Bo Xiyun had intentionally chosen a less crowded path and didn't pay much attention to his surroundings, inadvertently ending up near the area where the red carpet ended.

The group that called him over had just walked the red carpet, and they were from a Hong Kong film production team. Bo Xiyun had received significant attention due to his high-profile appearance, and even after leaving the red carpet, cameras were still focused on him.

Bo Xiyun found it unexpected to be called over by this group, but as the leader approached him with enthusiasm, he recognized them. He had some previous interactions with them, especially the director of the production team.

The director of this production team was the same director who worked on "Healer's Heart," the film that had earned Wen Xiusen the Golden Bear Award for Best Actor and was also funded by Bo Xiyun. The director was a young man in his thirties, more relaxed and casual in contrast to the meticulous Lin Shu.

"You looked amazing out there, Mr. Bo. I spotted you right away," the director exclaimed with enthusiasm. Bo Xiyun's exceptional presence was indeed hard to miss, even in the shadows.

Now that Bo Xiyun had walked to the edge of the red carpet, he was attracting the attention of the cameras once again. Curious, the director asked, "By the way, I just talked to Brother Lin about inviting you to walk the red carpet with us. Did you consider it?"

Bo Xiyun shook his head and replied, "He can go ahead."

Bo Xiyun's striking presence couldn't be denied. While he stood there for a while, various celebrities and industry professionals approached him to exchange greetings. Some even made a special effort to come over and say hello.

As people continued to approach, the director took the opportunity to introduce Bo Xiyun to the young actors from his production team, who still seemed somewhat bewildered.

"This is Bo Xiyun, Mr. Bo," the director said. "He previously invested in my film 'Healer's Heart,' which received critical acclaim. Tonight, he's also the investor behind 'Two Faced.'"

The group of young actors couldn't help but exclaim with admiration. "Wow!" they chorused, their faces filled with amazement.

"Healer's Heart" had been a low-budget production that garnered excellent reviews. It was released domestically after winning the Golden Bear Award and had performed exceptionally well at the box office. All the investors had made a considerable profit, and the film became a shining example of high returns on a low-cost project in recent years.

As for "Two Faced," it was the reigning champion in this year's domestic box office, making it even more impressive.

One of the young actors couldn't contain his excitement and said, "That's amazing! It seems like any movie Mr. Bo invests in becomes a huge success!"

The director chuckled and said, "Absolutely! I was just telling my friends that Mr. Bo is like a god of fortune. No, wait, he's the living god of wealth!"

His words elicited laughter from the nearby celebrities, who joined in with comments like, "Indeed!" These words weren't flattery; they were acknowledging Bo Xiyun's track record of successful investments in recent years.

Furthermore, the entertainment industry often believed in the idea that a person's success attracted more success, both in terms of fame and wealth.

One producer, whom Bo Xiyun had previously invested in, jokingly said, "I'm glad you didn't walk the red carpet with Lin Shu today. Otherwise, a few of us might have been jealous."

Bo Xiyun was puzzled, "Jealous of what?"

"Jealous that you got to walk the red carpet with him."

The director of "Healer's Heart" smiled and continued, "When my previous films won awards, you didn't walk the red carpet with me!"

Bo Xiyun blinked, not quite sure how to respond. It seemed like people were joking, but he couldn't help but feel there was some underlying competition going on.

The banter continued, and several people approached Bo Xiyun to take photos with him. This attracted the attention of many media personnel who had been covering the red carpet, and they turned their cameras toward him.

Amidst the crowd, Bo Xiyun couldn't help but notice the "Two Faced" cast and crew making their way down the red carpet. The man leading them was exceptionally tall and handsome, drawing attention with just one glance.

Bo Xiyun managed to find a convenient excuse and discreetly slipped away from the red carpet area. He wanted to avoid any situation where Wen Xiusen might join him for a solo photo.

He arrived at the award ceremony venue ahead of time, and soon, other artists and crews began to take their seats. The seating arrangement was roughly divided by different production teams. However, as a renowned actor, Wen Xiusen was seated in the front row of the "Two Faced" crew's area, close to several other famous actors, making it easier for the cameras to capture their reactions.

After taking his seat, Wen Xiusen kept glancing towards the back several times. It wasn't until one of his fellow cast members timidly asked if something was wrong that he finally redirected his attention.

He wasn't looking at anyone else; his gaze was fixed on Bo Xiyun, who was comfortably seated at the very back of the crew's area. Bo Xiyun was seated alongside the director Lin Shu, with a considerable distance separating them from Wen Xiusen.

Bo Xiyun couldn't help but feel like a child sitting in class, content that he didn't have to keep looking at the teacher.

(Tn: The author mentioned Xiusen here but it doesn't sync with the context and so i changed it.)

Soon, the award ceremony began. After the opening speeches from the hosts, they started inviting various guests to the stage to present the awards.

As expected, "Two Faced" received numerous accolades. Aside from the prestigious Best Picture award, the film also won Best Screenplay, Best Editing, and a total of six awards, making it a clear standout at the Golden Elephant Awards.

Who could have imagined that just last year at this time, this production had faced the setback of losing its investors and was temporarily halted?

The crew was overwhelmed with excitement and joy, and even the relatively new director, Lin Shu, remained composed as he went on stage to accept the Best Picture award. During his acceptance speech, Lin Shu delivered it with a steady and measured demeanor, as if he were giving a formal lecture, going through each point meticulously, and not appearing too nervous.

Sitting in the audience, Bo Xiyun watched him and remembered the time when Lin Shu had approached him for investment. He had the same attitude back then, which made Bo Xiyun chuckle.

As the speech concluded, Bo Xiyun applauded sincerely, offering his heartfelt congratulations to the dedicated and outstanding director.

However, tonight also came with a hint of regret because, apart from the Best Picture, the most prestigious Best Actor award did not go to Wen Xiusen, the lead actor of "Two Faced." The Best Actor award went to a local actor from Hong Kong, an obvious attempt to balance the awards, but Wen Xiusen showed no visible reaction.

Of course, he was typically unflappable, but Director Lin Shu clearly disagreed with this outcome.

Sitting among the audience, Lin Shu turned to Bo Xiyun and said, "Xiusen's interpretation of this role was outstanding. He deserves most of the credit for the film. In reality, this award should have gone to him."

Lin Shu had seen the award-winning film, and he knew that Wen Xiusen's performance in "Two Faced" was far superior to the actor who had won the Best Actor award.

Bo Xiyun understood the weight of such comments coming from a director like Lin Shu. It was a professional acknowledgment of Wen Xiusen's talent.

However, the awards were already decided, and there were people around them, so Bo Xiyun chose to steer the conversation in a different direction with Lin Shu.

But Bo Xiyun couldn't help but have his own curiosity. Why did Wen Xiusen choose to take on this role in the first place?

Honestly, the character in "Two Faced" didn't seem to align with Wen Xiusen's typical image, and this film was known for being physically demanding. During the shooting, the entire crew had been under strict lockdown conditions for over two months, and Bo Xiyun himself had experienced this while investing in the film. Actors had to endure the physical and mental challenges, and only after that grueling process did they achieve the heart-pounding effects on screen.

In fact, the previous lead actor had left the project due to exhaustion when the original investors pulled out. So, why did Wen Xiusen agree to take on this film in the first place?

Bo Xiyun couldn't help but wonder. Even if he had been the boss at that time, he couldn't have forced Wen Xiusen to step in and save the production.

The reason Wen Xiusen took on the role in "Two Faced" was that he was already famous, and the film offered a low salary with slim hopes of significant returns. There was no logical reason for him to risk an award-winning performance for a low-budget film.

As Bo Xiyun contemplated this, the awards ceremony had moved on to the latter half. They were now announcing some of the smaller awards, as the major ones had already been presented. The atmosphere in the venue had relaxed considerably compared to earlier.

The producer of the film, Song Lang, had come over to Bo Xiyun's side and jokingly asked him, "Bo, not to sound pushy, but I've got a fantastic new script. The lead roles are already cast. When are you planning to come and film another one with us?"

Bo Xiyun found it puzzling because Song Lang didn't ask about "investing in" but rather "filming" another movie.

He inquired, "What do you mean by 'filming with you'?"

"Great atmosphere," Song Lang replied and patted Lin Shu on the back. "Ask Old Lin if you don't believe me."

Lin Shu nodded in agreement. "He's right."

Bo Xiyun was even more confused. "I didn't really do much, did I?"

In reality, when he was with the film crew, Bo Xiyun was just hanging around, not taking on any specific responsibilities. He had gone to the set mainly to escape the annoying attention of his older brothers. He liked the script and found the filming process interesting, so he enjoyed observing it all unfold.

As a result, Song Lang said that Bo Xiyun's presence made a significant impact on the filming process.

"Throughout the filming, you were visibly engrossed in what was happening, making everyone feel like they were on some sacred mission," Song Lang explained.

He went on to give an example, "Especially when you were watching Teacher Wen, your gaze was particularly intense. At the time, people in the crew even speculated whether you had a crush on Teacher Wen."

Even Lin Shu couldn't help but laugh and chime in, "That's right. But later on, we realized it wasn't like that at all. You see, when someone's acting is so good, your eyes light up like you're seeing stars."

When Bo Xiyun joined the film crew, he didn't disclose his identity as an investor, and since the film was being shot inland, only the director and a few others knew the truth. Everyone else assumed he was just an apprentice. One seasoned actor even took a liking to him, nearly mistaking him for his godson.

So, Song Lang mentioned, "That's why we want you to come with us next time. When you're around, everyone's motivated, and the filming process goes smoothly."

Although Bo Xiyun didn't quite understand Song Lang's logic, he considered it for a moment.

"Alright, you can send me the script, and I'll take a look."

After all, he had a genuine interest in scripts.

However, when Bo Xiyun stepped outside, he was intercepted by Wen Xiusen.

"It's probably best not to go," Wen Xiusen advised.

Bo Xiyun hadn't expected him to join the conversation and was puzzled. "Why?"

Wen Xiusen frowned.

"You have no idea how much you influenced everyone during that shoot," he said.

"I noticed you watching carefully," Wen Xiusen added, "You saw something before anyone else did."