
Rejecting the Big Shot

Bo Xiyun had been transmigrating into one world after another. He just wanted to recuperate quietly but kept having weird interactions with a big shot. For example, the note he passed to the God of Studies offhandedly resulted in weird expressions from fellow classmates who told him, “You are still infatuated with him? You have no chance.” Bo Xiyun: “…I am secretly infatuated with him?” Holding the note, the God of Studies who had been quiet the entire time suddenly spoke up, “That’s not true.” Bo Xiyun sighed in relief. He just didn’t know how to act in a love drama. The God of Studies continued low and cold, “It was you who rejected me.” Bo Xiyun: “……” The consequence of rejecting the God of Studies was finally realizing what the true meaning of being passionate was. There’s nothing wrong with being passionate, just that it was tough on the waist. In the next world, Bo Xiyun became bankrupt, and when faced with a contract, thoroughly rejected him by saying— “I don’t want to be a kept man, I prefer love on an equal footing.” Such a cold-faced big shot who was used to his status as the top of the food chain will definitely not be willing to be in an equal relationship. Bo Xiyun just wanted him to get angry and leave. He looked into this pair of eyes, so similar to the God of Studies, and felt lingering trauma. His waist hurt. The other party stared at him silently, his voice calm, “You had agreed previously to be my provider for three years and didn’t want to be in a relationship.” Bo Xiyun, “……” The consequence of rejecting the big shot was, one thousand nine hundred and fifteen nights, one night less and it wasn’t three years. Even after paying off this world’s debt, there was still the next world on the list. In the end, Bo Xiyun finally realized. He may be cold and distant but when he falls, his passion has no end, like the sea. (Synopsis from NovelUpdates) (It is not an official translation, just a fan translation. Thank you for your support.)

Maya_3D · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
84 Chs

Rejecting Support(29)

When Wei Fang was asked about the reasons for the leaked level, Bo Xiyun sensed that something was amiss.

He immediately realized that Wen Xiusen's situation was different.

The logic was quite clear—since Wen Xiusen was already aware of the shadow from the young master's past generations, under these circumstances, if the man truly wanted to forcibly claim the omega, he should directly obtain the medicine, secretly apply reproductive drugs to the young master, erase and alter the resistance of the omega, and the memories of the shadow.

He didn't need to confess to Bo Xiyun.

Because even if the confession couldn't be accepted, it would make the young master cautious.

Bo Xiyun remembered the night they spent together. He recalled that at that time, he originally wanted to discuss Bo Er's plan with Wen Xiusen.

After listening to Bo Er's plan, Wen Xiusen suddenly confessed his feelings to him.

The man didn't discuss Bo Er's plan much.

It was as if he had already determined the solution.

Moreover, Wen Xiusen also showed obvious aggression and possessiveness in front of Bo Xiyun.

He revealed his territorial awareness.

But Wen Xiusen clearly knew that alpha's loss of control and aggressiveness under the influence of pheromones were things Bo Xiyun disliked.

All these details were placed into the logical chain, like tightly connected links, ultimately leading to the clear truth of the situation—

Wen Xiusen's confession was not to express his feelings.

It was to make Bo Xiyun reject him.

Wen Xiusen just wanted to act as if he were a bad guy seeking unrequited love.

Hadn't Bo Xiyun figured it out earlier?

When the man contacted Bo Er, he was always so cold and harsh.

Just like when they were in the car in Hong Kong, Bo Xiyun saw through the man's fierce demeanor during the phone call as a disguise.

This time was no different.

Wen Xiusen still couldn't deceive him.

The room fell silent after deducing Wen Xiusen's true intentions. The atmosphere inside became increasingly solemn.

Yu Manzhou came over to clean up the broken glass that had just fallen to the ground, bringing some movement back to the room.

He Jianqing stepped aside, making space, and frowned, asking the young man on the bed.

"What should we do now?"

"Should we ask him to send a matching message?"

Although it was still uncertain whether their earlier terrifying speculation about Wen Xiusen was true, Bo Xiyun's situation was so dangerous that they urgently needed to seek a match, and Wen Xiusen, an S-level alpha, was a natural candidate.

Compared to the worried friend, the young master's slightly sickly brows appeared more indifferent.

His voice was somewhat weak but determined.

"He might already know."

He Jianqing paused for a moment, but upon hearing Bo Xiyun's words, he quickly understood.

Given Wen Xiusen's attention to Bo Xiyun, he couldn't have missed something involving a life-threatening situation.

Perhaps indeed, the young master understands Wen Xiusen better. Right after Bo Xiyun finished speaking, Wei Fang on the other end of the phone seemed to receive some new information.

He said, "Sir is likely preparing to go to Yancheng."

After conveying this information, Wei Fang hastily hung up the phone due to some urgent matter.

The speculations in the hospital room that were audible over the phone indicated that Wei Fang hadn't anticipated in advance that the boss would take such an extreme step.

In just a few days, Assistant Wei experienced a violent cognitive shock from these unsettling revelations. He hadn't thought that Young Master Bo was so formidable, and he hadn't expected their boss to be so extreme.

However, his excellent professional demeanor prompted Assistant Wei to continue working diligently.

They couldn't continue the conversation in the hospital room for long because Young Master Bo was genuinely weakened.

He Jianqing didn't say much more, leaving space for the young man to rest. Bo Xiyun was indeed exhausted. After taking the medicine, he half-dozed off for a while.

During this period, Bo Xiyun woke up a few times, but he didn't have much energy and soon drifted back to sleep.

When the young master finally stirred a bit, it was already late in the day, and doctors and nurses were still busy coming and going.

Those visiting the ward included not only medical personnel but also Wei Fang.

In the hospital room, He Jianqing. The bodyguards who had been guarding outside didn't leave, but after Bo Xiyun figured out Wen Xiusen's intentions, it was apparent that the bodyguards had received new instructions. Therefore, when He Jianqing came in again, there was no longer any obstruction.

Because he needed rest, the young master's tablet had been taken away before he slept, and Bo Xiyun couldn't see any new developments in messages, unaware of Wen Xiusen's current situation.

Regarding this, He Jianqing was still somewhat worried. They didn't know the situation on that side yet. Although Wei Fang had come, he was on the phone right away and hadn't been able to provide any information.

However, Bo Xiyun's reaction was very calm. He knew that since Wei Fang had come, it indicated that the focus had already shifted towards their side.

Wen Xiusen wouldn't linger in Hong Kong anymore.

However, the young master, who originally could do more, was currently not in good shape.

Pheromones disorder didn't have a targeted antidote, and the only effective treatment for patients was the pheromones of their destined partner. The drugs could only provide temporary relief.

After late-differentiation, Bo Xiyun's condition had become quite unstable, especially now, with frequent fluctuations and noticeable weakness.

As evening approached, the hospital was already preparing to use a special ward for him.

Dr. Sun had quickened the anonymous matching request submitted to the central database.

However, everyone knew that the requirement for a 100% match was too demandable, and the hope of finding a suitable partner was truly slim.

The weakness of the omega at this time made even onlookers feel anxious, but Bo Xiyun himself remained very calm.

He even turned around and comforted He Jianqing.

"How much worse can it get?"

The young master said calmly, "At least there's a thorough solution."

While the two were talking, Wei Fang, who had just finished a call, entered the ward.

Bo Xiyun's words reminded him of when he learned about the Bo family's ambitious plan, and Wen Xiusen had mentioned having a comprehensive solution.

Strangely, the young master and Mr. Wen, regardless of their gender, appearance, or personality, had such distinct differences. However, in certain aspects, the two were remarkably similar.

Wei Fang recalled that the young master's attitude was only in line with Mr. Wen's preconceived expectations.

However, Bo Xiyun didn't elaborate on what this comprehensive solution was, likely due to Wei Fang's presence, and He Jianqing didn't explicitly mention it either.

But Wei Fang understood his friend's intentions very well.

He Jianqing felt complicated emotions. He really didn't want things to develop to that extent. Must they really do that?

Did Bo Xiyun have to be like his daddy, a brilliant genius destined to endure the trials of fate?

The young master didn't say much; he remained quite weak. But there was no sign of weakness or despair on the young man's body.

He even took the initiative to ask Wei Fang, "In the marriage procedures, is this officially registered in the official system?"

Wei Fang hadn't expected to be suddenly asked about such matters, so he paused before saying, "Yes."

The young master asked, "After registration, is there a risk of Mr. Wen's gender information being leaked?"

Given that Wen Xiusen had not publicly disclosed his alpha identity yet, Wei Fang became even more cautious in his response, considering the directness of the question and the revelation of the boss's goals in the previous inquiry.

However, for information that didn't involve classified matters, he answered truthfully, "No, the central database system itself can only be accessed by relevant personnel within the system. Unauthorized leaks will be legally pursued."

Although Wei Fang was not responsible for the boss's entertainment-related work, he still had a basic understanding of it.

"Ni Jie and their relationship with the media in the industry is quite good, so there are currently no media outlets that would disclose Mr. Wen's private life information without permission."

Even if there were intentional smear campaigns or targeting, a professional PR team would handle it. So, not only Mr. Wen's alpha gender but even the fact that he got married would not be known to the public if he chose not to disclose it.

Wei Fang added, "Moreover, for alphas, after marriage, their personal information will be removed from the matching system, providing protection for their identity. The database will only repeatedly search for unmarried individuals."

After listening, Bo Xiyun's elegant eyebrows slightly lifted.

"Since alphas are like that," he said, "what about omegas?"

Wei Fang hesitated for a moment.

But Bo Xiyun had already guessed it.

Compared to alphas, who become more challenging to match as their level rises, omegas capable of soothing multiple individuals are even rarer candidates. Unmarried omegas retained in the central database system would undoubtedly be repeatedly involved in the matching process.

Even if Bo Xiyun applied for privacy protection, there was no guarantee that his information wouldn't be leaked in subsequent searches.

Wanting to keep things confidential, the most direct and effective approach would be to remove his personal information from the central database.

Bo Xiyun asked, "So, is this his reason for getting married?"

Wei Fang fell silent for a moment.

But Bo Xiyun had already figured it out.

Rather than face repeated searches as an unmarried s-level omega in the central database, keeping his personal information confidential was the most straightforward solution.

Bo Xiyun said, "Thank you, Wei Ge."

Wei Fang: "..."

Beside them, Yu Manzhou, who had been silently listening, had a cold expression and had already taken note of this negative example.

Unable to be trapped by clichés like him.

Even He Jianqing looked at him with a hint of sympathy.

To be honest, this couldn't be blamed on Wei Fang.

It was just that the young master was too clever.

The young man lying pale as paper on the hospital bed, his voice weak, still managed to analyze the speculations about alphas.

He revealed Wen Xiusen's plan.

"After he deals with three people, the threat to the Bo family will be lifted."

Simultaneously, being married, even in the event of widowhood, Young Master Bo would no longer enter the matching system. Without the danger of exposing his S-level omega identity, as the sole heir of the Bo family, Bo Xiyun could use his resources to conceal his gender information.

No one would target him anymore.

No one could shake the Bo family.

"This is his true plan after learning about the past shadows," the young master said softly.

Not a confession.

Not to express love to the person in his heart, not to seek anything for himself.

But to ensure that Bo Xiyun would no longer face any threats.

To prevent his beloved young man from being forced to match with any alpha.


During the two days Young Master Bo stayed in the hospital, the application for anonymous matching was approved. The treatment team immediately began searching for a 100% compatibility fate alpha for him.

Three hours into the official matching process, a new blood sample appeared in the hospital office.

Wen Xiusen had arrived.

His original plan had evidently not been implemented. It would take at least eight hours to travel from Hong Kong to Yancheng, not to mention the time at the airport and the hospital.

He had come overnight.

The situation in Hong Kong had been arranged properly—yesterday, the banquet on the Elizabeth Port cruise was held as usual. Although the eldest and second sons of the Bo family looked at each other with disdain, they both appeared at the banquet.

Although Wen Xiusen did not appear in person, his assistant from Hong Kong had lengthy conversations with several members of the Bo family.

Despite the absence of a key figure, the banquet concluded exceptionally smoothly, following the schedule without any anomalies.

—This incident alone was enough to illustrate Wen Xiusen's charisma and prowess.

However, when the top-level S-class alpha arrived at the hospital office in Yancheng, almost everyone could perceive his haste and uneasiness.

"How is he now?"

The doctor, who was questioned by Wen Xiusen, paused for a moment before responding. While providing an answer, the doctor looked at the alpha with bloodshot eyes, and inexplicably recalled a joke that a colleague had made before.

At that time, they were discussing the state of this big star when facing the young master.

It seemed as if he was a sculpture carved from thousand-year-old frost.

Yet, he had melted into a scorching heart.

Bo Xiyun had already been moved to a special ward. Although his condition had stabilized somewhat, the doctor did not recommend that the alpha go directly to accompany him.

At least, he needed to dissipate the cold scent caused by the intense fluctuations in his pheromones.

Wen Xiusen had his blood drawn first to match with the omega patient.

As the nurse approached with the blood-drawing needle, Dr. Sun happened to be in the office. Unaware of Wen Xiusen's plans over the past two days, he offered a reminder from a medical perspective.

"Mr. Bo's condition is not very stable. It's better not to leave him alone for such a long time."

It had been more than three hours since the alpha left that night.

[T/N: I think it's more a day]

Wen Xiusen did not explain; he just responded in a low voice.


His voice still carried the hoarseness of recent issues.

With both pheromones and blood drawn from the same arm, the nurse, a member of Dr. Sun's team, knew about the alpha's long-term use of suppressants. She deliberately lightened her movements to prevent the alpha from tensing up due to excessive pain.

However, the blood-drawing process went surprisingly smoothly.

The man in front of her didn't even show a hint of pain.

Shortly after leaving Dr. Sun's office, He Jianqing came to deliver a data list. When he saw Wen Xiusen, he couldn't help but pause.

The man had just finished drawing blood, putting down the shirt sleeves he had rolled up, and was lowering his head to tidy them.

As the night progressed, most of Bo Xiyun's speculations about Wen Xiusen had been confirmed.

Indeed, Wen Xiusen's plan did not involve harming Bo Xiyun.

But He Jianqing still harbored suspicions about his actions.

He Jianqing didn't say much; he just turned to submit the report to the doctor.

Wen Xiusen didn't leave immediately; there was still some information that needed verification.

The matching process was a bit complex. Although he and Bo Xiyun were directly matching, it would still take at least three hours to confirm the outcome.

As everyone was busy with their respective tasks, it was only when He Jianqing was alone in the office, filling out medical records, that he couldn't hold back any longer and called out to Wen Xiusen, who had entered to verify information using the office computer.

"Did you not consider discussing this plan with Ah Yun before making it?"

Leaving aside how extreme the plan itself was, Wen Xiusen's deep thoughts alone were frightening enough. He Jianqing had known this silent and reserved alpha since Bo Xiyun introduced them three years ago.

In just a short span, this initially unremarkable artist had grown into the scheming figure he was now.

Although the office door was closed, it wasn't particularly soundproof. Dr. Sun in the outer office could still faintly hear some commotion inside.

He heard the two alphas inside having a dispute, although calling it a dispute might not be entirely accurate because Wen Xiusen remained silent, checking his information.

However, He Jianqing directly questioned him. Dr. Sun, aware of the relationship between He Jianqing and Bo Xiyun, who had grown up together since childhood, knew that He Jianqing, being recognized as a step child of the Bo family, had faced disdain from others in the family. At that time, only Bo Xiyun was willing to be with him.

Therefore, the usually serious and mature He Jianqing was particularly stubborn when it came to Bo Xiyun's matters and refused to yield an inch.

Dr. Sun was busy with his work and didn't want to get involved in the affairs of these young people for the time being, but the commotion in the office didn't seem to subside.

When He Jianqing raised his voice, the words even became clear.

He Jianqing furrowed his brow and asked Wen Xiusen, "Have you ever thought about whether he would be willing to accept this?"

In the inner office, after a long silence, Wen Xiusen finally responded.

He closed the information window he had been checking and lifted his gaze away from the screen.

The cold and indifferent man looked at He Jianqing. "Otherwise?"

Wen Xiusen finally spoke.

"Do I have to tell him that if he doesn't get married, he'll be forcibly married by someone else? Should I condescend to redeem him?"

Wen Xiusen had never considered playing the role of a condescending savior. He merely saw himself as a selfish and villainous character.

"No," Wen Xiusen continued, "I'd rather he sweep away the trash himself, cleanse his own life of those worthless and despicable things."

The young man would have a broader and brighter future.


He Jianqing's brows pressed down heavily, and the two of them stood on opposite sides of the desk, facing each other in a silent confrontation.

The air in the room felt heavy and stagnant.

But then, Wen Xiusen stood up. He didn't have any intention to argue or refute He Jianqing's words. From start to finish, Wen Xiusen had only come in to check the information on the computer. With the verification completed, he was ready to leave.

However, before the man could exit, the door to the inner office suddenly pushed open. Both individuals inside were momentarily stunned. Wen Xiusen, who was already on his way out, visibly hesitated.

The reason for the pause was the unexpected visitor: the omega whom Wen Xiusen had on his mind.

Bo Xiyun.

The young man's face, still bearing a slight pallor from illness, appeared delicate and beautiful. Even now, he sat in a wheelchair, escorted by Yu Manzhou from behind, unable to move freely on his own.

Wen Xiusen's shoulders tensed slightly, and he stared unwaveringly at the person in front of him. The man did not have a mentality of evasion, so there was no room for wishful thinking.

He was acutely aware that the soundproofing in the room was not good, and his recent words were likely heard by the young man.

Bo Xiyun pressed a button on the wheelchair, and the electric wheelchair glided quietly into the room, stopping in front of Wen Xiusen according to his wishes.

Wen Xiusen's back stiffened visibly as he continued to stare at the person before him. The omega was wearing a special hospital gown, and in an attempt to alleviate his symptoms, he had taken some immunosuppressants, resulting in no discernible scent of pheromones. Therefore, Wen Xiusen was unaware of his approach.

The young man did not speak; he still had a faint sickly appearance, even now sitting in the wheelchair. Without saying a word, he pressed a button on the armrest, and the electric wheelchair moved according to his will, coming to a stop in front of Wen Xiusen.

Wen Xiusen's gaze remained fixed on the person before him, but his shoulders relaxed slightly.

Bo Xiyun did not open his mouth, and even his pale lips lacked color. His exposed skin was unnaturally white, resembling a snow-made doll.

But this pretty little snowman was not in a good mood. His delicate face, now stiff, revealed a trace of anger. It could be because of Wen Xiusen's annoying plan or perhaps the words he had just uttered.

Rather be swept away like trash.

Bo Xiyun raised his eyes, and even his long eyelashes seemed to have turned a slightly golden color, making him even more alluring. However, the young master still wore a displeased expression. Disregarding the situation, he raised his slender ankles.

Covering his knees with a thin blanket, the young master surprisingly wasn't wearing shoes underneath. In the midst of his movements, his fair feet were completely bare and stepped directly onto Wen Xiusen's knee.

It resembled the posture Bo Er had seen during their previous video call.

The young master stepped on Wen Xiusen's leg and, as if retaliating stubbornly, appeared to exert a lot of force, forcefully pressing down on him.

It seemed like he was genuinely angry and wanted to retaliate against him.

However, even though the actions looked convincing, the sick child really didn't have much strength. Even this retaliatory action was soft and weak.

Even the slender, bare foot didn't land properly. As he lifted his leg, lacking the strength to sustain the movement, the young man's foot slid down Wen Xiusen's leg.

Wen Xiusen instinctively reached out and caught the slender foot in his large palm.

He held the entire slim sole in his warm, slightly calloused hand.