
Chapter Two

Letting herself in her apartment almost thirty minutes after leaving her professor's house, Ember sighed shutting the door behind her a frown on her face.

"Well, I hate it when my gut is right," Ember muttered in the silence of the room walking over to the couch where she put her bag.

She had been in the professor's class since the beginning of the semester, and yet she never thought anything of it until last week when they were talking about the exam.

If Ember hadn't been paying attention, she wouldn't have seen the way Professor Lyra's eyes darkened when one of the students made a teasing remark that she hadn't found funny.

It was a look she remembered often from her aunt when she had been upset with something especially with Ember although that wasn't often. Yet, it left an impression so when she saw that look on the Professor's face, the idea started to grow and when the Professor said she was holding a study session at her house, reluctantly Ember realized, then she knew it would be the best way to confirm her suspicious.

Until she saw the house, Ember still held hope that she was imagining what she saw that day. Then the house came into view although turning off the road had already turned her suspicion up more, and when they entered, it was like walking into her uncle's house. It wasn't as huge, and Ember surmised that the pack wasn't as big as her uncle's, but the overall feeling that it gave her was similar to the one she got when she entered her uncle's house for the first time.

She had been in this area for almost five years now, and she never realized that a pack house wasn't too far from the city limits. They intermingled with the people of that town everyday if she wasn't mistaken, and yet there was no news of any trouble remembering the fires her uncle had to put out when she was younger.

She frowned, leaning against the back of the couch, she had five more months to go before she graduated and remembering how her uncle's pack treated her, she believed that the Professor's pack wouldn't be any different.

"Staying away from that pack house would be in my best interest," Ember reminded herself straightening up. Sighing softly, she shook her head. "I liked her, too."

She went into the kitchen remembering the remarks, and words, of the members of her uncle's pack which reinforced her determination to stay away from this pack.

After grabbing a bottle of water, Ember headed for her bedroom putting the bottle on the nightstand while she got undressed so she could take a shower.

Staring in the mirror over her dresser, Ember traced a finger over the light outline where her mate mark once sat, but now it was like a scar that had healed over. It started disappearing almost a week after she left remembering the pain which went through her when Eon marked another female, cutting their bond. It had hurt, Ember recalled, but not as much as it should've according to her uncle.

Normally a breaking of a mate bond should leave the individual in severe pain, and yet Ember had been able to move around that day even though she was pale and occasionally sick to her stomach.

"I guess I probably should've told my uncle that I was never truly attracted to Eon," Ember uttered turning away from the mirror wondering why she was even thinking about that wolf now when she hadn't thought about him since the day of the mate bond breaking.

Shaking her head, she finished undressing and headed into the bathroom to take her shower forcing the feeling that something was going to happen from her mind.

A chuckle came out thinking about the other women at the study session and the gorgeous men who had made their presence known.

"I wouldn't be a female if I didn't notice," Ember remarked turning on the water to the shower before stepping in and turning her face up to the hot water. "I may be a little wiser, but I hope they have fun tonight although it is most likely that they will get their hearts broken tomorrow."

She took a quick shower because she still had some studying for the test tomorrow especially after the useless study session although Professor Lyra had done her best.

The next day, Tala walked around the room while her last class for the day took their exam noticing that the young women who came to her house were struggling. Shaking her head, her lips tightened briefly since that had been the reason for the session knowing these ladies had needed the extra studying, but they had been too busy flirting with her boys than earning the material.

She walked over to Ember who was nibbling on the end of her pencil and taking a swift glance at her sheet, Ember turned away before her smile teasing the corners of her mouth. She headed for her desk striding past Tasha , Jame's mate as they recognized yesterday, and noted she looked relaxed her pencil flying over the paper.

Glancing over the students one more time, Tala shifted her gaze to the clock on the wall opposite her desk. "Five more minutes," she called out seeing heads nod or flash up at her in shock.

At the sound of the door opening, Kala turned a frown in the direction which deepened when James and Ethan walked in.

Her hand came up in a silence notion before she flashed her hand at them one time letting them know the class had five more minutes.

Ethan and James nodded their heads stepping back to lean against the wall eyes going over the class.

She turned back to the class noticing some of the young women had noticed their uninvited guests which distracted them from finishing the exam.

"Time's up," Tala called out relieved to see the five minutes was up since the arrival of Ethan and James had distracted most of her students from working on their exams.

Groans echoed throughout the room, but others gladly put down their pencils and Tala sat down at her desk since the students knew to put the exams on the corner of her desk as they left the room.

Tala glanced up when Danna, the blond young woman from last night, put her paper down almost knocking over the pile since her gaze was focused on Garin licking her lips at the sight of him.

Tala shifted Ethan a subtle look seeing him react to the practiced movement, and she stifled the snarl that came to her throat.

She almost made a comment to Danna when the sound of a phone echoed in the silence and her head jerked in the direction of the noise since cells were supposed to be off in her classroom.

Her eyes widened slightly when Ember gave her an apologetic look digging the phone out of her bag her exam clutched in her hand.

She answered it. "Hello."

A second later, she yanked the phone from her ear as the sound of a woman crying on the other end could be heard in the room.

Ember waited until the crying settled down before she lifted the phone back to her ear gathering her things at the same time.

"Misty." Ember began only to stop a frown shifting across her face, and then she sighed. "Just tell him you are not giving him any sex until the baby is born."

She chuckled and rolled her eyes walking over to the desk laying down her exam. "You would think that is the perfect plan to punish Lex."

Her face grew serious while a resigned look came across it."Then why don't you wear him out so that he can't even thing about sex much less another woman."

She listened for a few more minutes before she hung up the phone, and she shifted her bag closing her eyes and taking a deep breath before letting it out slowly. Then her cell rung again, and she snapped it open answering it without any hesitation.

"Your wife called me up at four o'clock this morning because you were not in bed with her. I had to calm her down before she would hang up and then I tried to go back to sleep since I had class at eight. She called me back an hour later wondering if you were cheating," her voice stopping when Lex started protesting against it and Ember cut him off knowing that his mate would know for sure but wasn't thinking straight because of pregnancy hormones. "Misty has been calling me all day because she thinks you don't want her anymore. She believes that you're disgusted by the fact that she is as fat as a cow, her words not mine, because she pregnant with your child. Right now, she is thinking you are going to dump her because you have someone else you are in love with. Even I don't understand the irrational thoughts of your wife at this moment, although I think her hormones are off the chart so why don't you go home and spend some quality time with her."

Without waiting for a response, she pulled the phone from her ear and ended the call turning her phone off a second later. She glanced over at Tala who was staring at her with narrowed eyes and her face became flush even though her voice was calm when she uttered, "I'm sorry, Professor, about having my phone on in class."

Ember put away her phone feeling the few students left in the class staring at her not that she cared what they thought, but she didn't mean to disrespect her Professor.

"Ember," Professor Lyra called out getting her attention when she started for the door.

Glancing over her shoulder, Tala saw the questioning look in her dark eyes and smiled. "Have a good weekend."

Ember chuckled nodding her head. "I wish you the same, Professor Lyra."