
Rejected by my True love

Taylor is the oldest daughter of Alpha Wills and she has 2 other siblings both younger than her. There is Luca and Caitlin. Caitlin is a slut and Luca is a player they both hate Taylor for she is the oldest and gets the Alpha position but they also hate her because Taylor has more power than both of them. Taylors bestfriend Theo has always been there for her but what happens when he finds out she is his mate but he is dating Caitlin and falls in love with Caitlin as Caitlin falls for him ? What happens when the only person she can turn to is her other bestfriend Ace but he also leaves so he can find his mate and comes back almost 2 and 1/2 years later but alone..... ? Is Ace Taylor's second chance mate ? Or will Ace reject her for Lillian who he has been with for only about a week?

H_and_T_Daniels · Fantasía
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6 Chs

Chapter one

Well I guess today is the day I take over as Alpha. I mean being Alpha is going to be fun but stressful and being a female alpha makes it harder because there are people who think being a alpha is only meant for a male not a female.

I got out of my queen sized bed so I could take a shower but first I get an outfit to change into when I'm done. Once I walked into my closet I saw the perfect outfit, my skinny black jeans that are ripped on the knee and a white crop top with white Vans along with my black leather jacket. I took the outfit into the bathroom with me and I stripped out of my clothes to get in the shower. As I was in the shower I started thinking about what if my mate rejected me... What if im not pretty enough for him.... What if I have no mate

"Taylor stop worrying, our mate will love us." My wolf Amber told me

"But Amber wh-" she cut me off

"Taylor, you are beautiful"

"Okay Amber. I just really hope you're right about our mate wanting us"

"Me too Taylor, me too" and just like that she cut the link.

I finished scrubbing my hair with my coconut shampoo and cherry blossom conditioner they both smell really good so why not use one of each. After I was completely done I got out of the shower and dried off and got dressed. I put on the outfit I had picked out. I dont need make up I am naturally beautiful and also my dad hates it when I wear it he says Im beautiful the way I am and that I dont need make up and that I look just like my mom. As I walked out of the shower I stopped to look at my figure. Im 6'1, long dark brown hair, silver/gold eyes, long eye lashes, full lips and I was slim with curves. Today was my best friends birthday and his name is Theo... I saw him sitting on my bed with a "you forgot" look on his face. The man who has always been there for me since day one, the only other man who cares about me and sadly the man who dates my sister Caitlin. Him and Ace are my best friends, Ace is 6'7 with grey/blue eyes, light brown hair that is long on top and short on the sides and is well built. Theo has almost all the same looks as Ace only his hair is dark brown and his eyes are blue/green and is 6'5.

"Happy birthday Theo" I say to him as I look at him, as I really look at him. His hair is a little messy, shirt is a little wrinkled and his lips are swollen and he has a hickey on the side of his neck.

"Thank you Taylor, for a second I thought you forgot. You know I meet my mate today but if she isn't Alpha blood or if she is alpha blood but isn't 18 she wont know she is my mate because we wont feel the bond till her birthday" he said while keeping his gaze on his hands.

"I know Theo, are you hoping its Caitlin ?" I asked him

"Yeah kind of. I mean not that it would matter. I think IF I find my mate and its not Caitlin I might reject her for Caitlin. " he said still keeping his gaze down

"You love Caitlin that much to break your mates heart?"

"Yes Taylor I do, I really do. And you're the only person I trust and can talk to about it since Ace would tell me not to." He said as he slowly looks up at me.

"Hmm okay Theo, no lie I always thought you could do better than Caitlin- " I was cut off when he pushed me into the wall. I hit my side on the dresser but I didn't show any sign of pain.

"Your kidding me right Taylor !! Your supposed to be my best friend and stand by my side and you know what if you cant fucking do that then I dont fucking need you !!" He said and walked away from me and out of my room slamming the door in the process. Im not gonna lie when he said that it hurt, but I just I didn't think he would fall for my sister the pack slut. I lifted up my shirt to see if I had a bruise and I did only it took up a little part of my side and hurt like a bitch. I never thought Theo would do that to me, he saw me as a sister... Why the change now ??

I snapped out of my thoughts when I saw Ace's car pull up in the drive way. I ran out of my room, down the stairs and outside so fast. I stopped on the porch hoping he would see me and he did, he opened his arms and as soon as he did I was off the porch and in his arms. Ace is like my brother, the brother I never had.

"I missed you Ace" I told him hoping he don't grab my sides like he always does when he talks to me as he hugs me.

"I missed you too Taylor" He said as he looked at me while placing his hands on my sides. He noticed me wince.

"Taylor whats wrong? What happened to your side ?" I didn't look at him when I told him what happened.

"Ace, um wellyouseemeandTheowere talkingandIsaidthathecoulddobetter thanCaitlinandhegotmadandshoved meintoawallIhitmysideintheprocessI haveneverseenhimgetmadatmeand hesaidifIdidn'twanttostandbyhisside thenhedon'tneedmeinhislife."

"Taylor speak English "

"Okay um Ace. Well you see me and Theo were talking and I said that he could do better than Caitlin and he got mad and shoved me into a wall I hit my side in the process. I have never seen him get mad at me and he said if I didn't want to stand by his side then he don't need me in his life" I told Ace while looking at my hands. I slowly look up to see him fighting his wolf his eyes are going from grey/blue to dark blue and back.

"Taylor Im sorry that he did that isn't today his birthday anyway?" he said through his teeth

"Yes Ace, he is supposed to meet his mate and when do you leave to go find yours?" I asked him hoping he would say in a month but he didn't.

"I leave when ever, Im sorry Taylor but I want to find her I really do" he said looking at me.

"I know Ace, I know." I said looking away and stepping out of his grip

"Lets go inside and let everyone know your home from training as a beta"


And with that we went inside and on cue Theo and Caitlin came walking into the room. Theo looked at me with both hate and regret while Caitlin was looking at me with pure hate her and my brother both. Ace came up behind me and stood glaring at Theo.

"Happy Birthday Theo" Ace said while still glaring at him.

"Thanks Ace and its good to see you're back" Theo said slowly looking up to Ace.

"Yeah" Ace said. He never cuts things short so when he said that Theo looked at him with a surprised look. Ace looked away and looked down at me and smiled.

"Come on Tay lets leave them alone and go watch a movie or something."

He said looking at me then to Theo who looked lost and hurt.

"Okay Ace I'll be in the movie room" I said walking towards the floor were all the game rooms and stuff are. But I stopped when I heard yelling.

"You're fucking kidding me right, why the hell would you shove her into a fucking wall Theo she is both your best friend and mine. I swear if that bruise she has don't go away by tomorrow Im going to fucking beat you to a fucking pulp." Ace yelled looking at Theo with anger in his eyes.

"Ace I didnt mean to I was pissed off and she said I could do better after I told her that I LOVE HER FUCKING SISTER SHE IS SUPPOSED TO SUPPORT ME NOT TURN AGAINST ME. " Theo yelled back but Ace got even more pissed off


{ Hey Ace were are you ? }

{ Shit Taylor I am so sorry I just went off on Theo, I completely forgot I will be down in like 2 minutes }

{ okay Ace, I'll be here }

Then I cut off the mindlink. Im surprised he forgot he hardly ever forgets but he was just going off on Theo so makes sense. Just then I heard people coming in and thats when I saw Theo and Caitlin of course they came into the movie room it was their first date a few months ago. Then a shirtless Ace came in looking for me once he found me he came and sat right next to me.

"Ace why dont you have a shirt on" I asked him while trying to keep my eyes above his neck.

"Ohhh right I just got out of the shower when you mindlinked me" he said while looking at me with his head against the back of the seat.

He moved the arm rest that separated our seats and pulled me close to his side. I placed my head on his chest listening to his heartbeat thinking

Why cant he be my mate... Soon I fell asleep.

I woke up and the movie was over and Ace was asleep. I gently got up and moved over just then he slowly started to wake up.

"How long was I asleep" he asked while his voice was husky since he just woke up.

"I dont know I just woke up" I said while my voice was sleepy as well. Then he chuckled and said

"We slept through the whole movie and managed to sleep through Theo and Caitlin having a make out session as always" he said.

"Yeah I dont know how but we did and what time is it" I asked because my ceremony was at 5.

"Its 4:30 why" as soon as he said that I jumped out of my seat.

"Shit my Alpha ceremony is at 5. I have to get ready" I told him he got up and walked up to me

"Your taking over as Alpha"

"Yeah I forgot to tell you it just slipped my mind im so sorry Ace"

"No its fine we better go so you can get ready" he says looking at me.

We start walking to my room.

"You picked out your beta and gamma right ?"

"Yes I did Ace and you will be happy with who my beta is"

With that he left i hurried and got ready. The bruise I had was gone which I was glad about. I quickly put on my outfit and it was all white and did my hair I also brought a white dress to change into once I was done. Then i quickly ran down stairs and to my were my dad was standing.

"You ready Taylor ?" He asked

"As always dad." I told him smiling then he took the stage.

"Im here to pass down my Alpha title to my oldest daughter Taylor"

After he said that I joined him up stage.

"Taylor do you swear to protect this pack and be a great Alpha to everyone and treat them all well"

"Yes I swear to protect this pack and treat them all well"

After a few more sayings and such I was finally Alpha. I had to shift so my dad could give his last howl before passing down his title and power so I did. I loved my wolf she was tall and a gold color with a moon and crown on her ear and had silver eyes with gold speckles. Everyone was shocked and my dad passed his title and power down to me after his final howl as Alpha and I gave my first howl as the new Alpha of the BlackStone pack. I then choose my beta and my beta was Ace and gamma was Theo. After I appointed them as Beta and Gamma the ceremony was over and it was 7 and time for the party to celebrate me being the new Alpha. I chose to wear a light blue dress and black heels. Once I made my way down everyone was happy to see me even my brother. I forgave him and appointed him as one of the head warriors he was shocked and happy he told me why he had to turn against me and it was all because of Caitlin. I decided to go to the party with Ace since Theo went with Caitlin and you had to go with someone. Ace dressed in a black suit with a white shirt and blue bow he looked good. After a few hours of fun and games at the party I finally called it a night and so did Ace we made our way to our rooms and said goodnight. As soon as I hit my bed I was out like a light.

I woke up the next morning to Ace shaking me awake. I gave him a playful glare and said

"Ace why are you waking me up this early ?"

"Sorry Alpha but its your birthday and being your best friend I had breakfast made early so you could eat and so we could spend the day together before I leave"

"Right I forgot you leave to find your mate. And okay lets go but first I need to get ready"

"Okay Alpha" and with that he walked out of my room.

I walked over to my closet and grabbed a white dress that is a little tight and black heels and my black leather jacket. Just as I walked out of my room I bumped into someone and sparks went flying through me. I look up to see who it is and its my Gamma Theo.

"No, no it cant be." He started saying

"What Theo we are -" I was cut off

"Dont even finish that sentence. We can't be mates I am dating your sister Caitlin and I dont even love you at least not like that" the more and more he kept on talking the more and more it hurt.

"Stop Theo, stop please dont do this to me, not today please Theo its my birthday." But he didn't listen he just kept on going

"Taylor I love her not you at least not in the way I love her, I told you what I would do if I met my mate.."

"No Theo please don't" I knew what he was going to do. He was going to reject me so he could be with my sister.

"I Theo McAllen Gamma of the BlackStone pack reject you Taylor Wills as my mate and Alpha" as soon as he said those words my heart broke and my wolf whimpered.

"I .. I Taylor Alpha of the B..BlackStone pack accept your rejection" and just like that the pain got worse and I fell to the ground but Theo just Hunched over and left. Great way to start my birthday. I felt numb, broken, alone and thats when Ace saw me and he ran over to me.

"Tay what happen... Whats wrong?"

"Ace I m... Met him but he rejected me... Its Theo, he rejected me for Caitlin" I said as the tears I fought so hard to hold back started to fall. I looked up at Ace to see his eyes flickering from grey/blue to dark blue and back.

"Im sorry Tay" he said as he tried to help me up.

"Im so sorry you had to go through that on your birthday but lets go celebrate today your 18"

"Okay Ace" I said as I started to stand up but then I felt the worse pain in the lower part of my stomach. I hide the pain trying not to alarm Ace as he was holding me and helping me walk.

{Im sorry Amber}

{Taylor there's nothing for you to be sorry for. Its Theo who should be sorry but dont worry something good will come out of it I promise}

{I really hope you're right Amber}

{Me too Taylor me too}

Then she cut the link. I look to see Ace is still fighting his wolf as we made it to the kitchen were I was greeted with Happy birthdays and unmated males trying to see if they were my mate but Ace got them to stop and leave. Just then Theo and Caitlin came in and it hurt I mean it really hurt. I have to see him with her everyday happy and them sleeping together and with his mark on her when it should be me. But I didn't do anything and Ace came in with a cake and lit the candles and everyone sang happy birthday I blew the candles out but I didn't make a wish, none of my wishes come true. After that I went to hang out with Ace but he came to me with a sad face and I knew right then that he was leaving.

"Taylor, I am so sorry but I have to go find her. So can I Alpha then come back after I visit every pack ?"

I didn't want to keep him from being happy, he is my best friend and deserves to be happy so I close my eyes to fight back the tears and say

"Of course Ace. I will have my dad take over as Beta till you get back" I tell him as I give him a hug in which he returns.

After our goodbyes Ace leaves. And my dad said he will take over till Ace comes back. I went to my room and cried, cried because my mate choose someone else to be with, and because my best friend left me to find his mate. Im happy he is going to find her I just wish he could be here for me so I can get through this pain. But after I was done I became emotionless and hid my emotions behind a mask...