

A guy who died in sleep, wakes up as his favorite dragon in his favourite tv series! But he is albino... Want more? Well read the darn book!

Olamihan_Temisire · Derivados de obras
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25 Chs

Chapter 9

Zero was lying down in a curled position at a dusty area near the DOME, with Hazel dazing at his side. She now sported a nice, mint green dress now, though she hates dresses. It was a bit to big for her. It's been a day now since he revealed Hazel to the dragon riders. The dragon riders were talking closer to the dome. Being the nosey dragon he is, he decided to concentrate all his hearing to them.

'...Is weird'

' It's rare for a Deathsong to adopt a child that's not theirs. Zero adopt a HUMAN child that acts nothing like a baby Deathsong. Graff was rejected for singing just our songs.'

'Well what are we going to do about it?'

'Maybe we can watch them?'

'It's not that simple... Zero is a very smart dragon. If we just watch them throughout the day, theu are most likely not going to acts natural.'

'Ohhhhh. So you're saying we should spy on them..!'

'No- Wait, that might be a good idea...'

'If we cannot get caught!'

'I know this might be off topic but, hiccup, we've never even seen him spit amber before.'

'What about when he and Graff defended themselves from the Slitherwings? How are we supposed to know who did it?!'

' Graff's amber is a bit darker in shade from a regular Deathsong.'

'How do you know that???'

'Maybe it's because I've always pay attention to them?'

'All of the amber were the same dark shade. That means he didn't spit even when his life was on the line...'

'What if somethings wrong with? maybe he can't spit for some reason.'

'It would make sense. SInce he only ate fish, it must have meant he had no other choice'

'But how did he know how to? I don't think that's even natural for Deathsong to know how to hunt fish, or their parent teaching them how when they hunt dragons, not fish.'

'Won't be surprised if Graff found him when he was young and decided to take him in.2az'

Excuse me? I'm older than Graff thank you very much! By at least 1h!

' Are we going to watch Zero or not? I'm pretty sure she stopped napping!'

Whoever said that, probably Snotlout, was correct and now yawning. Zero lifted up his head and stifled a yawn from emerging. Before Hazel can see, the dragon riders, quite quickly, dashed to their respectful hiding spots. Wanting to make it easier, he decided to bring and tell her to go to the sanding clearing where there were more places to hide, but she said something first.

'Where are the riders?' she said, looking around.

'Went somewhere, I guess. But let's go to the Sand place.'

'More Lessons? I thought we just had one before I napped.'

'No, another reason.' He said stand up (Note! I have now made him a litter taller! And he will continue to grow.)

'What is it?!' Hazel started to walk to the direction the Sand clearing is. Clearly in the mood for aa walk.

'You can know when we get here.'

They walked along the way to the clearing, Zero moving the plant and trees out of the way so Hazel can pass. Several times now, the bushes rustled as the dragon riders followed. This time Hazel commented.

'Is someone following us?' she whispered to him as closely as she could.

'The dragon riders wanted to follow us so they, or more he, can study me. But just act natural, I feel comfortable with them knowing about my special abilities and you speaking dragon.'

'Okay! But what are we doing?'

'Fine, since we are close, I'll tell ya'.' Zero defiantly did not like this but it need to be done. Plus, anytime the dragon riders aren't here, she always pesters about him building a house. Saying ' You can make it sticky and I can put the wood or leaves on it!'. They stopped as they arrived at the Sand clearing.

'We are going to make that house you really want.'

'Really? Really? But we don't have wood...'

'Eh, we can do it later.'

'But where are we going to make it?'


'Oh, No wonder! I want it to be a three-room high hut!'

'What about two...? For now. It has to be big. And here isn't so big. It needs to...You know what? We'll just make it smaller, and I'll chop some trees to make the space bigger. Now there you go! There's some wood. Oh and say something to make them back up.' 

'Who? oh, right. So we're going to chop the trees and make the space bigger?'


'Where will you stay if it's not that wide?'

' I'll just build me a little something after. And I'll make sure the top is open so I can always poke my head in.' (Yea, he's now canonically that tall)


He carefully, but quickly, spat out a medium sized base that was about the size of the center with multiple blasts. Hazel watched, sitting crisscross.

'Hmm, Can you please write ideas on the sand.'


He watched as Hazel used her fingers to write in their special alphabet.


Dining room 


Secret base!!!

And that was it. A regular seven-year-old, at least from his word would write lots of things down, almost all ridiculous The only thing Zero might expel from that was secret base...But he might just turn it into a basement. He carefully crossed out Secret base.

'Aww...Why not?' Hazel whined.

'No. Just no.'

'Okay...Okay.' she huffed.


They were done with the base. Zero had cut Hazel the wood so she could lift them onto the sticky amber. If that seven-year-old was not strong already then, she is now. After that tiring of a workout, she flopped to the floor. Even though they hadn't finished the interior. Zero quickly made a soft amber bed and dropped her on it, bring her up to the second floor through the open space. He decided he would make the remaining of the furniture and make it more to his world.

He shot 4 blobs of amber at the ground, turning it to a texture like clay. Carefully he sculpted the amber into a couch. making sure every detail from his memory is correct. Even making the cushions on the bottom of the couch. This continued for at least a few hours, making furniture for every room. Then, it struck him. I should make myself a weapon! Yea, special dragon wielding spear. I should make it have Spider legs so it can crawl back and grab its opponents, since I'll be able to control it. Plus it can't be use against you since It can just turn to slush. 

Zero spat a glob of amber to sculpt his amber spear. It didn't take long to make the spear itself. It had a barbed head, and the spider legs looked more like long ant legs but it still worked. Zero didn't know if the dragon riders left. probably, he did hear a rustle in the bushes later in the day.

It was getting late, about probably six, and Zero was getting hungry. He didn't really have time to eat so he prepared to go to sleep; he heard a rustle in the bushes. Soon a black dragon with green eyes. It was toothless with a fish in his mouth.

'I-I thought you were hungry.' He passed the fish towards him.

'Uh, yes. your right...' he hesitantly picked it up and ate it. He smiled as his hunger was filled a bit. 'Thank you'

'Uh...I wanted to talk to you.'


'Why did you take care of the little human?'

'...It felt right?'

'Yea, but even I would leave the human back there before I met hiccup...You haven't met humans yet, right?'

'Only hunters...Twice'

'So you should be even more aggressive.'


'Okay, what about why you are so close to Graff.'

'He's my brother...?'

'How? We found him as a egg with hunters.'

'From what our adoptive mother said, she found two eggs by a tree on a nearby island. She picked up my egg first and came back to carry him but he was gone. I hatched early because I was too far from him. I'm older than him- Wait...That must be why I'm smaller...!'

'Huh..?' he tilted his head.

'Oh nothing...'

'But what do you mean adoptive mother? We gave Graff to a male.'

'Then the male took him to Sephra.'


'Is that all?'

'Oh, right!' Toothless dashed off into the night.

He curled up into a ball by the house. Thinking about what to do in the future.