

A guy who died in sleep, wakes up as his favorite dragon in his favourite tv series! But he is albino... Want more? Well read the darn book!

Olamihan_Temisire · Derivados de obras
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25 Chs

Chapter 7

It's been 10 days since toothless almost got me, I got half blinded in the dawn of destruction episode and I can't use my camera power anymore...


Zero grabbed Hazel by her scruff and pulled her onto his back and made a quite, but quick dash to the sky. He had heard some commotion outside and went investigate. There he saw Krogan's dragon flyers, almost spotting him. Now they were flying to some cover they could hide in on a sea stack. Then, Zero spotted a riderless Meatlug almost getting heat by a fire blast. He knew what he needed to do at that moment. He dashed towards Meatlug to block the shot. Unfortunately, His body couldn't reach there on time and nit resulted in his face being blasted. It took a minute to get himself together, as his left eye hurt so badly. He found it hard to aim at the Singetail's wing, but he managed, making the dragon and the rider fall and secretly liquefying the amber once the flyer fell. Meatlug asked if I was okay and I nodded an okay, my left eye still closed. I dropped down to the seastack and secretly pick Hazel up and took her with us. And unlike the show, Garff was with us too.

(End Of Flashback)

I visit the riders more often...Hazel is staying at the cave back in the island and we're going to the Slitherwing Island, great...I'll just hang back, right? Maybe I can change the plot...

Zero thought as they approached the island closer. Astrid had just finished Fishlegs sentence and I couldn't help but pull back. They can go without me... Yeah... He heard a voice which snapped him out of his thoughts.

'It's only him that's reacting, Garff's Okay!' He heard Fishleg counter, probably from Astrid.

'Maybe he's just picky...' He also heard Snoutlout mutter. I got to me strong, for Garff...

He sped up to be side by side with Garff, hoping that he himself would be okay.


Zero to another munch of Mango's and savored their delicious taste. He took some and held it in his mouth. He would bring some to Hazel, wash it, and then give it to her.

'I have to say Fishlegs, this really is perfect..' Astrid said ' as much as I love the little guy, his not really little anymore'

Garff tackled Zero to the ground. his back legs and it worked. He retaliated by trying to push his back legs. It worked supringingly and he got up and latched on to his back. He kicked me off and sat by his pile of mangos. 

Well, I guess it's, uh, that time' Hiccup waled towards Garff and Zero. Garff turned to approach him and embrace his hand.

'It was nice meeting you..' Toothless roared.

'Yea...You too.' Garff responded. Toothless and hiccup stepped back.

'So long Garff. It's been a pleasure...' Fishlegs said but his mind started to wonder.

He turned to Graff who had a confused look on his face. Yep, Tuff and Ruff....

He watched as Stormfly nuzzled Garff. And he couldn't help but join in. This is the cutest thing ever...Wait this is the part...OH HECK NO.

He took to the skies and landed on a nearby branch, Looking horrify. The group was puzzled until they heard leaves rustling. They turned to the bushes.

'Uh, is there anybody out there?' hiccup called out nervously.

They all watched as a red snake-like head slithered into view. Zero hissed at the Slitherwing from his hiding spot. It rose and roared, causing the dragons to turn defensive. He watched in horror as more came out of hiding. They are way scarier in person!  Astrid glared at Fishlegs.

'Oh, right, I-like I knew there were giant snakes here! Those are my favorite-oh!'

The Slitherwing roared, spreading it's small wings out.

'By the way, those are not snakes! Those are Slitherwing dragons.' Hiccup nervously corrected.

'Oh no! A Slitherwing dragon!' He faked yelped, then wisphering to Hookfang 'What's a Slitherwing dragon?'

'They're poisonous, very poisonous! Dragons!' 

'Don't touch their skin. It's coated in, well...' He flew up with Meatlug

'Poison?!' finished Snotlout

'Precisely. You touch one, your dead by the next moon.'

Zero looked around Panicked, Racing from tree branch to tree branch to avoid them. He noticed Garff running from the Slitherwings as well as Stormfly and he chased after them. Dodging trees and the Slitherwings themselves he was soon by Garff. Landing beside him, he saw they were surrounded but then Stormfly shot her spikes in front of us, standing in front of us. She roared, but the Slitherwings were unbothered. He nodded at Garff, and he Nodded back. Garff shot at Stormfly, protecting her and shot the others but it slid right off. making a run for the scent from where the Slitherwing came from, they ran as fast as they could. Luckily, most of the attention was focused on us, not Stormfly. We ran into the cave and Garff blocked us off at the farthest section of the cave as fast as he could. Making A clear amber wall, between them and the Slitherwings.

'You can not hide there forever, you SpitAmbers.....' One of the Slitherwing hissed. It had a wisp to their voice, curling up a bit farther from them, all the Slitherwings took position.


Zero was curled on the floor, his breathing heavy. Oh god...Why did we leave? Now Astrid's gonna poison herself for no reason!

'Big brother...? It's Okay...Stormfly is safe and we are too! For now...But, it's Okay! Isn't it? Garff moved a bit closer to me so we were side by side. 

'I don't know...We could have died! Stormfly oculd've gotten poisoned! So many things could have gone wrong and we wouldn't know! If we had listened to me, everything would have been-'

'Sh...It's okay...You know I really shouldn't be comforting you... Thats your job.' Garff sighed calmly.

'I know...But I really do Appreciate it...'

For who knows long, Graff comforted him. Soon they heard voices. Garff stood up to see who was there while he stretched.

'Not something Snotlout! Someone' A voice that sounded like Hiccup grew closer. It became brighter.

'Garff, hey there' Zero approached too 'And Zero...Your alive!'

Garff did his Iconic chirp while he purred in the delight.

'I knew it. They must have cocoon themselves as a protection against the Slitherwing venom! Just like he did with Stormfly'

'Yeah, expect that didn't work out too good!' Snotlout countered.

'Or did it..!'

'What are you talking about?!' 

'Yeah nothing. We need to get them out of here.'

'We all did to get out of here before these dragons wake up for breakfast in bed. And we're the breakfast!'

Zero watched as Hiccup used his Flaming sword to cut through the amber while Snotlout caught the piece that fell out.

'Any day now..' Snotlout said impatiently.

'I'm going as fast as I can Snotlout. If I hurt him on purpose, then it Kind of defeat the whole purpose.' Hiccup responded.

'Could you please hurry it up?.' Graff growled

'I know, Garff. We miss you too, but we need to get a moving before...Oh Zero...'

Zero watched it crack as he 'accidently' slammed into to it, watching the amber shatter. The Slitherwings immediately woke up and started to rise and hiss, approaching them. Garff fins pulled back, Zero knew what he was going to do, may as well join him. Garff and Zero both called out his usual call but instead more in the attraction voice. Toothless and Garff shot a blast at a Slitherwing. Tooth aim for the head while Garff shot after at it's body but like before, it slid off

'Right, and it worked perfectly last time.' I hissed sarcastically to Garff.

'That's why his amber didn't stick to these guys earlier. Their skin coating protects them from it.' Hiccup figured out.

Hookfang blasted at one and so did toothless, but this time it dodged Toothless's Plasma blast. They all back up as they came forward. Zero and Garff's head fins were down, as one charged at them but a hot blast intercepted it. Stormfly flew into the cave with Astrid on her back and stood in front of them. He fire was so hot that it was sliver as she scared the Sliverwings away. 

'No one tries to kill my friends and gets away with it...' Stormfly muttered.

'Oh, woah! What was that!' Hiccup asked with a surprised look on his face.

'Her new thing, pretty nice, huh?'

'Uh, very.'

'Here we go!' we heard Ruffnut shout as a explosion lighted.

Meatlug used her lava to force a already retreating Slitherwing into it's hole. While Fishleg was shouting 'Whoo!'

Garff and Zero rushed up to Stormfly. Him nuzzling and Garff doing his special chirp. They all nuzzled together and cooed, him especially needing it after his breakdown. They all rushed out, Stormfly clearing the way with her extra hot, Sliver blast.


Zero followed Garff as he explore a patch of the island turning back to Stormfly. Stormfly nuzzled Garff turned round and reapeted again. He sat by Astrid, watching them.

'This place is perfect Fishlegs!'

'Let's give them a moment to say goodbye.'

'It's tough to say goodbye...'

'Let's not call it goodbye hiccup. It's 'See you later'. '

'It's so beautiful' Ruffnut said

'One might even say, bro-tiful' Tuffnut added.

'Touché, touché'

They started to egt on their dragon and ready to take off, they looked back one more time. Zero had already told Garff of Hazel and what he was going to do so he look back., did a final 'See you later' chirp and flew off with them, it took sime moment to realize that Zero was following them.

'Aw, Zero, I know you like us but you have ti go back, it's your new home' Astrid stopped Stormfly as well did the others to their dragons.

'It seems like he would like to accompany us' Tuffnut piped up.

'Tuffnut, you know-' Hiccup tried to say but was cut off.

'You knew, H. Maybe if you were as, observant as I was, you would see that Zero did not attempt to eat a single dragon. Número cero'

'I'd even wager ate more of our fish than any dragon in his life!' Ruffnut piped up. Zero knew those twins always got his back.

'As much as I hate to say it Hiccup. The twins are right. Every time we find a dragon stuck in a amber cocoon, it's always Garff standing over it' Fishleg agreed.

'Yeah, I'd hate to leave the little guy alone when he clearly wants to come.' Astrid also agreed.

'Alright, alright. We can take him back, but if we see him Amber cocoon a dragon he's going back, Okay.'

'Yes Hiccup, we all agree.'

'Why don't I get a say in this?!' Snotlout shouted out. Astrid glared at him. 'Not that I don't agree...'

'Well then, it's settled, we'll take Zero back to the edge.' Hiccup said, starting to move toothless again.

Zero did a little, happy flip in the air as they continued on, knowing the first thing to do once he gets home.