

A guy who died in sleep, wakes up as his favorite dragon in his favourite tv series! But he is albino... Want more? Well read the darn book!

Olamihan_Temisire · Derivados de obras
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25 Chs

Chapter 5

 Zero opened one eye and yawning before slowly lifting himself up. He stretched and looked around in disgust. I know our old cave was not decorated but I never really noticed cause all of my sculptures. Plus Garff distracted me a lot... He was going to find somethings to decorate his cave, and just for fun, he'll get it all from the edge.


Zero landed at the edge of stables again, looking at the sun, he guessed it was about noon. The dragon rider are out in the, uh...I forgot, but I know this episode is Sandbusted. They are gone, time to strike! He went into the stables and saw Garff slouched in the stables. When he noticed me a playful, disappointed face.

'Really, you abandoned me? Just like that!'

'Well, you thought that you were going to die, at least let me keep you here for a while, more.' he teased

'What?! Please, let me go now!. I mean that Hotspike(Nadder) and that other girl human was nice but it's really boring in here!'

'Look, you'll be fine...Hey, maybe you'll stop eat dragon meat, realize they are friends, and start eating fish. They are lovely.'

Garff grunted and looked the other way, knowing he lost. He turned to the barrels of fish. Better get some for later. He picked up the barrel with his tail and proceeded to head out.

'Wait, Can I have some?' 

'Garff? your getting a taste for fish!' Zero turned back, surprised.

'No...I just...Denied, the fish they tried to give me last night but now I'm really hungry...'

'Wow. Here.' He grumbled softly to his brother. He put down the barrel with his tail and grabbed another one, knocking it by him. Garff looked down at the fish and hesitated before chomping on one, but then started to speed up. 'See, not so bad now, is it?' 

'I... Guess...'

He made his way out of the stable and took of, locating the next house. He landed by the presumed smithery. Lots of things here to take, I doubt people will notice at first... He peeked his head inside, seeing lots of metal and planks. He dragged some planks and metal in a crate/boxes out of the smithery. Heh, imagen if I steal snot's sheets just for comfort.

Zero made the crates/boxes stick with his amber and then molded a messy handle for the grate/boxes. He grabbed it with his mouth and backed up to the edge of the smithery, surveying the land. Wasn't Snotlout house the one with the burn S? Yea that one, it's close too! Zero took off towards Snotlout's house, it didn't take long tho. He did it quickly, peeking his head in, grabbing the sheets and leaving. He took off towards the location to his cave, but stopped when he heard faint crying...He stopped and hovered in the air. Huh, what's that? it's at the beach too. He flew to the area and saw a shipwreck getting slowly swept into the ocean and three small specks. He started his descent slowly and after a while, one of the small specks started moving, away from him. Zero could see it clearer now, the two specks were dead people and the smaller one was a small girl running from him, but he caught up quickly. He landed Infront of the small child and she fell back startled. She started to cry but her hands Infront of her face. Yep, she's 7. He put his snout close to her; she shimmied back but then after a few seconds, realized that he was not gonna do anything.

'I-i thought D-dragons were scary...Mommy said that they were monsters. They even attacked our S-ship but you seem nice.' she muttered 'But you might still eat me...'

Zero snorted at this remark and slowly raised his head to not scared the girl. He opened his mouth slightly and approached the girl, hesitating put grabbing her torn shirt gently with his teeth. She yelped as she got lifted off the ground, trashing. He grunted at this, hopping she won't actually rip her cloth and died of falling because of it. Taking of once more, once he was high in the sky she stopped trashing.

'I shouldn't have trusted you...Your just gonna to eat me..' she puted as we got closer to his den

Zero dived down was they reached their destination, pulling his wings back when he saw the ground was closer. Landing gently, the girl tried to trash again but got tired. He went inside his grey and white cave and dropped the girl in his nest. Why did I do this? I couldn't leave he there but still, I could have left her back there. May as well tell her to stay. 

'Stay..' He growled pointing to the ground.

'Stay, is that what your saying? Why would I stay when I could leave! Fine, since I don't know where I am, I'll Stay, but don't you eat me!'

Zero smiled before taking a closer look at her, She was a dark ginger and she had a muted blue that was even more muted because of how dirty it was, ragged sleeveless. Zero turned back to do what he was doing. dropping the barrel of fish and supplies he gathered, grabbing the sheet off. By the nest, he made a squishy like small mattress out of his amber, accompanied with a pillow. He laid the sheet by Snotlout on the bed. He pointed to the bed.

'Sleep' he grunted.

'You made a place for me to sleep...? Wow, thanks. But I'm not tired yet...Maybe I could stay up, could you tell me what it sounds like?' the girl replied.

' When you want.' He smiled and nodded, going to his nest to curl up ' Wake me if you need anything.' he said that last part knowing she'd probably not know what he said. He watched as the girl tried to figure what he said out before he drifted to sleep himself.