

A guy who died in sleep, wakes up as his favorite dragon in his favourite tv series! But he is albino... Want more? Well read the darn book!

Olamihan_Temisire · Book&Literature
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25 Chs

Chapter 1(EDITED)

'Little one? Why have you hatch so early?' the female Deathsong cocked her head and said with a calm and gentle tone. 'Maybe... I am Sephra, your caretaker, but not your real guardian. You are here because I found you, it'd be cruel to leave a egg to fend for itself.'

He tried to say 'What? What egg? How did you find me', but all that came out was soft coos.

'Curious, Aren't you, little Zero? You'll need a night rest if you want your voice to come out...' Sephra purred curling up around him. He how realized that tired he was when She curled up around him, her warmth was like a lullaby lulling him to sleep.


 He yawned as he awoke from his deep sleep, nudged awake by...Sephra. Oh, not a dream... He stretched like a cat and cooed 'Good morning. ' subconsciously, this time it actually came out as words, though his voice was higher pitched.

'Hm? Now, you need training.' Sephra murmured, lifting her head up. See her now, now he realized how big she was. At least 14 feet compared to him which he guessed 1ft. 

'Huh?' he murmmed. I guess I should keep the talking down to a minimal, Im guessing hatchlings can't talk.

'Well, I should probably tell you the full story. I was flying when I saw two eggs, you and another, which would also explain why you hatched early... There wasn't even a nest! I smelt stale death-songs. I wanted to take both of you, but I could only take one at a time, so you were first. When I got back the egg was gone! Probably some blasted humans...' Sephra lashed her tail for a bit before calming down.

'Training?' he decided to asked, it would be risky, but he just had to ask.

'Oh? Yes, you need to at least know the basics of flying, some hunting technics, and fighting, of course' Sephra seemed surprised and curious when he spoke, but didn't say anything. Maybe she thought I was just copying her? No... That's stupid.. I'm surprised how fast I got used to this without panicking unlike some other people who would have if they were in my place 

'First, young Zero. You must rest, it will be very tiring tomorrow.'

He watched as Sephra flew off. Looking around he noticed he was at the entrance of a small, but big enough for a Deathsong. But to him, it was big. 

Zero felt the sun's rays on his back which made him quite tired, even if he woe up. He hummed a little tune, though sleep did not come yet.

Throughout this day, Kep, or now, Zero, slept and ate. Sephra tried to show him his instinctual amber by using various alive targets but it did not happen. Sephra thought maybe when training comes, after I do it intentionally, the instinct will work by itself.


It was early-afternoon and bright, they were in the middle of a cove that was most definitely the Death-song Island, Will he meet Graff? Sephra came back with a small boulder that was about the same size as him.

'First, you have to reach down below untill you reach a spot, your Amber reserves. Then, imagine you pulling it into a ball in your throat, making you hold it tight! Then, once you think it's big enough, you let go.' she spat an example at the ground, the amber hardening in a split second. 'The more you practice, the more precise and faster you become. If you want to get your prey out of amber you just need to use your saliva, our saliva melts amber.

He did as he was told, and he spat out... Muted Pink amber... And instead of hardening it just glooped to the floor. Sephra looked confused, glancing at the glop of amber, then towards him. No, no, no, no! Harden! Harden! Please Harden!  He thought acting like it was going to harden as soon as he did it and then surprisingly it did. Wait, wait, Wasn't it not liquid before? As soon as he thought about 'Liquid' it turned back into goop. Wait, I think I get this now!  He thought hard about solid amber, and it hardened. 

'What is happening?' Sephra gasped, looking stunned, confused, and curious all at the same time.

'It becomes hard when want it to and gloopy when I don't...' Zero muttered, almost not audibly. I guess... Maybe I'll be able to 

' Very strange... Anyway, next, claws and teeth training'

For the next hour or so Sephra had taught him the basics and some advanced fighting moves and techniques, even if he was horrible at them, it would still be good to show them off. It had been around mid-afternoon when they finished. Zero and Sephra learned that he was not strong in Biting or clawing an opponent, but if it means I get special powers then I don't care. Besides, I don't plan to hurt dragons unless I need to.

'Now I can show you my least liked part of training, Amber hunting... Unlike other AmberMelodies who do not care about other dragons dying for the sake of food... I don't...' she trailed off as a look of dread appeared on his face. Zero was gonna have to lure dragons in and then shoot them down, wasn't he? So much for not hurting dragons... Should've known I would. I'll have to look for alternatives.

'Great, just like me... It'll have it's setbacks, having to deal with great pain every time you go hunting...' She called out and paused.

'Remember this tune.' She called out an eerie song that was somehow calming. Soon they spotted three dragons, two Nadders and A Monstrous Nightmare. Sephra carefully aimed at them, spitting 3 quick balls of amber speedily. He watched as the dragon fell to the ground of the cove, their free heads twisting and turning everywhere.

'Now Zero, I prefer to end their lives quickly instead of causing fellow dragons' pain.' she turned back to Zero who was watching intently but still with a frown on his face. I need to learn how to survive! Or I could live off fish...But what if Death-songs need regular meat to survive!  Sephra bit the neck of the shrieking young male, it's call stopping abruptly. The Nadder lay numb its legs drooped.

'Come on, eat..' Sephra mumbled.

'N-no! I think I got that all down.' he stammered quite shocked from what just happened. Zero looked up at the sky which was now getting to a semi-dark sky blue. 'Well, it's getting late shouldn't we go back to the nest'

'Yes, very well, but how about we test those wings of yours, it takes a short time to get a death-song flying.' She said spreading her wings and lifting up in the air. 'It should come naturally!'

Well, may as well. Zero jumped into the air and unfurled his wings, he glided along a wind current before his body started naturally flapping his wings. The only thing was balancing, which was hard as he kept almost falling over but he managed to keep straight long enough for his body to adapt and keep it straight. 'I'm doing it...I'M DOING IT!' he howled with glee, his baby dragon mode taking over before Sephra's roar snapped him out of it. He shook his head and followed Sephra back to the nest, it was late night when they got back since he was not the best at flying fast. HE dived into the nest face first, not considering landing. Sephra chuckled as he curled around his small body. He calmed his heart as he drifted to sleep.


He awoke to the sound of light chirps and roaring in the distance. He peeked one eye open to realize the sun was almost at the top, almost noon. Training must have tucked me out...'He grunted groggily stood up and stretched as the two dragons drew near. One was Sephra and one was another hatchling. He realized he was a tiny bit taller now. Huh, dragons grow fast...Sephora landed and chuckled seeing Zero awake the other Death-song hatchling just stared at him.

'We have awoken you? Well, Zero I may have found your brother. They were with those dratted humans and dragon helpers! They must have taken him.'

He knew Graff from anywhere, but he felt a calling to him. Graff suddenly nudged him while purring.

'I am Graff!' Graff said proudly. Zero found himself purring too. "And you are Zero, right.?'

'Yes, Graff, My name is Zero, your brother, I guess...'