
Reincarnation with Rimuru from Tensura

In a new fantasy world, Rimuru Tempest, after reincarnation, finds an unexpected companion in the form of a cute, slime like himself. Together, they forge a brotherly bond while shaping their destiny as they navigate this new world. However, with the introduction of this intriguing new variable, the story takes an unexpected turn, veering into uncharted territory. What transformations will unfold due to the presence of this endearing little slime? Join Rimuru on an adventure brimming with moments of joy and forged alliances with unlikely comrades. Along the way, he'll uncover the enigmatic secrets veiling this world, and face unspeakable tragedies and sacrifices, some of which will leave him in awe and others heart-broken. Amidst the discovery, he'll also confront heart-wrenching trials that test his resilience and rock the very core of his newfound home. A Prologue to Chaos & Destruction. Recommended to read the Original Story by 'Fuze' first, as the story skips lots of content and It is heavily inspired from it. Also keep in mind that the introductory chapters are more or less same (for the context) with few changes here and there. But there will be changes, and a lot of it in the upcoming chapters.

ETRNITY01 · Cómic
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74 Chs


"..you probably want to develop this village into a proper foundation where you can start developing and experimenting with things from your world," he explained.

I was momentarily taken aback, not because of the absurdity of his statement—though others might question his sanity if they heard it—but because it was shockingly accurate. During the month or so we spent together inside Veldora's cave, I had shared my past with him, revealing that I was a reincarnated person from another world.

While this revelation might not have surprised him, his precise understanding of my intentions was astounding. I had never explicitly shared this goal with anyone, mainly because I had no intention of settling down in one place.

He was aware that my ultimate goal was to search for others like me who had arrived in this world from our previous one. However, over time, a different plan had taken shape in my mind.

Instead of actively seeking out these individuals, which would likely consume a substantial amount of time and effort, I aimed to create conditions that would attract them to me. It made sense; those who had arrived from our world were likely to hold positions of power and possess extensive connections.

And If I were to approach them directly, I'd likely be viewed as a mere nuisance and promptly dismissed without giving much chances. Challenging such influential figures, no matter how powerful I had become, would entail substantial risks.

"Why not simply reveal your origins to them, explaining that you're a person from another world reincarnated here as a slime?" Some might propose this as a straightforward solution.

Sympathy stemming from our shared world, the presumption of innate goodness, and other such idealistic notions were what these individuals likely believed in.

But I knew better. I had been close to adopting such naïve perspectives myself, but a significant difference separated me from them—I understood the potential consequences of such reckless actions. What I had learned from Veldora only reinforced my convictions. I was a rare anomaly in this vast world—a reincarnated individual from another world, inhabiting a different species, and possessing memories from my previous life.

Have you ever considered how utterly absurd this scenario sounds? Reincarnation into another world as a completely different species, while retaining the memories of your former life?

Even In the context of this world, such a notion bordered on the ludicrous.

Now, picture this: when encountering an unknown entity that defied the established norms of this world, what would be the first instinct of the inhabitants?

In this world, they would likely take the precaution of neutralizing me immediately, subjecting me to exhaustive experiments, and eventually deciding between my death or my utilization until the very last of my slime cells. They might employ brainwashing techniques or various skills in the process. While this may seem like a worst-case scenario, it was a stark reality that had played out multiple times even in my world, concealed from the public eye and buried deep beneath the ocean of secrecy.

In a world where might dictated everything, my fate would be sealed if I were to be apprehended and subjected to unspeakable horrors. No one would intervene on my behalf. Why? Because I was weak, incapable of protecting myself.