
Reincarnation with Rimuru from Tensura

In a new fantasy world, Rimuru Tempest, after reincarnation, finds an unexpected companion in the form of a cute, slime like himself. Together, they forge a brotherly bond while shaping their destiny as they navigate this new world. However, with the introduction of this intriguing new variable, the story takes an unexpected turn, veering into uncharted territory. What transformations will unfold due to the presence of this endearing little slime? Join Rimuru on an adventure brimming with moments of joy and forged alliances with unlikely comrades. Along the way, he'll uncover the enigmatic secrets veiling this world, and face unspeakable tragedies and sacrifices, some of which will leave him in awe and others heart-broken. Amidst the discovery, he'll also confront heart-wrenching trials that test his resilience and rock the very core of his newfound home. A Prologue to Chaos & Destruction. Recommended to read the Original Story by 'Fuze' first, as the story skips lots of content and It is heavily inspired from it. Also keep in mind that the introductory chapters are more or less same (for the context) with few changes here and there. But there will be changes, and a lot of it in the upcoming chapters.

ETRNITY01 · Cómic
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74 Chs


Panic set in as I tried to make sense of what was happening.

What's going on, Great Sage?

<Answer: Your remaining Magicule level has dropped below a certain point, putting you into an automatic "Sleep Mode." estimated time for full recovery is three days.>

Three days? But I was only naming the goblins and the wolf! I had no idea that using up my magicules like that would have such consequences. Wait, was this common knowledge among monsters?

Did Rigurd try to warn me about this?

I sighed inwardly, realizing that Rigurd's warning had indeed been an attempt to prevent this. Well, at least he tried.

I reassured myself that I could handle three days of rest and recovery, and I would be back to normal soon enough. I instructed the Great Sage to relay a message to Hiiro, entrusting him with the task of managing the goblins and ensuring their well-being until I woke up. Hiiro had proven to be dependable in times like these, so I had full confidence in him.

As my magic sense had run out, leaving me in a state of rest, I couldn't actively perceive what was happening around me. However, I could sense the goblins' presence and their efforts to care for me. They were constantly rubbing and tending to my slime body, ensuring I was comfortable during my period of recovery.

Y'know this would be a real turn-on, if they were hot nurses but instead they're goblins....

It's pretty surreal picture but I kind of like it.

<.... >


Three days later.


Despite depleting my magic earlier, I felt stronger and more magic-rich than I had before my little accident.

Anyway, the worker goblins, realizing I was awake, began congregating around me. They were joined by the direwolves, who were streaming in from their outside base. Which was fine, but...

"Um... Hey, guys? Have you all, like, gotten bigger?"

They were nearly six feet, and some were even inching toward six and a half. Monster evolution happens fast. I'd say they didn't "grow" so much as become completely different creatures.

Oh, right! Veldora did say something about how earning a name provides a sort of "divine blessing" that helps boost your ability as a monster. Hence the evolution. Well, hell, no wonder everyone was so happy. And no wonder it tapped all my magic reserves at once. The tepid, void-like eyes of the goblins now shone brightly with the pale light of intelligence.

Even more so for the females... Wow! They actually kind of look like women now!

I was so shocked, I could barely even speak.

Huh? ...Huh?!

I had to double-check to make sure they were the same goblins a few days ago.

What the hell happened when I was sleeping?

The goblin elder, Rigurd, who was a scrawny old man that couldn't walk without his cane had transformed into a Macho Man with a body that could make a Gym Veteran in my world so jealous, that he could die.

Hmm.. Using their official terminology, which they heard from the World Voice, the males were now "Hobgoblins" and the females were "Goblinas". Quite a rare occurrence, judging by how excited Rigurd was about it.

And as for the wolves, they had evolved into "Tempest Wolves". I remembered them being a lot browner. Now their fur was straight-on black, with a lustrous sheen. They had grown, up to ten feet in length and looked intimidating. Ranga had taken control of the remaining Wolves as well.
