
Reincarnation To be NPC Villain With Nerf System

An ordinary office worker who enjoys 996 working hours without any problems. Had to accept fate when his heart couldn't beat anymore because the working hours were too busy. However, when he died, a system appeared in his head. He now gets the chance to live a second life, with a support system. But the system that the man got, was a system that showed how almost all of his stats were - 3. And if all that wasn't bad enough, then for every level up going nerf overkill is next. "Damn it, must I always rack my head to find all the solutions? The system is supposed to give me strength and ease, then why is it giving me trouble instead?" Support system, no. That system of destruction that he got. "Having a stupid system then Being an NPC who even dies before the game's prologue starts. Then how can I survive? Damn it, why does my second life always have to be filled with hard work." .....

GreedFoxNV · Juegos
Sin suficientes valoraciones
84 Chs

First day

Kyle woke up in the morning with a bright, excited face, the cold temperature was starting to feel but that didn't stop him when he put on a white coat with thick fur on the collar. Luxurious white coat that was long enough to reach his knees, then with a brightly colored office attire, Kyle couldn't hold back a small smile as he walked the city streets that were not yet filled with residents.

Behind Kyle now, several guards with swords on their waists were also wearing white coats that were almost the same as Kyle's. While Kyle looked conspicuous in a luxurious coat with black lacing on the side, the guards wore fur coats with hoods behind his back.

A gust of cold wind began to be felt making the long sleeves of the white coat flutter like flags. Kyle then paused for a moment to feel the cold sensation which confirmed that his enthusiasm was much more pronounced than the cold temperature itself.


A gust of wind that came out of his mouth made his eyes close. He then opened his eyes again to blurt out his thoughts.

"Skipping school before graduation feels so good. I should have done this a long time ago. "

It's not good enough to spend time in a place that makes me uncomfortable. What's with the stupid adage that school is the best time of human being, the things you'll get the next time are just stupid worries about the minimum school grades to get into college.

Then will I go to college? Of course not, I already experienced it in my first life, what's more, is the college in this country worthy enough for me to enter? No, no I wouldn't do something stupid like that. I just have to enjoy my life right now.

As I thought about strange things, I then shifted my gaze to pay attention to every large building that I passed.

"Ah— A classic building that looks like a European civilization from the early 18th century, the residents of this country seem to have quite good artistic taste for a world with magic."

I'm not exaggerating to say that. The capital city is neatly arranged with large streets and squares that look very beautiful, especially in middle-income residential districts close to the harbor and industrial centers.

I've looked for quite a while, but I still can't say that "There isn't anything more extraordinary than this district." Everything is so good that I feel very comfortable.

Civilization in this city feels like the Victoria Era but with small touches of ancient Greek civilization. There are large buildings with gabled roofs like churches and there are also marble pillars in the town square and government offices.

Pigeons perched above the house, then flew away as the owner opened the window to water the plants on the second floor.

If the Victorian era is synonymous with black suits and long black hats. The residents of this city have their own very diverse types of clothing, some of the people who don't have much money usually wear plain clothes that look simple with two mixed colors of white and brown, but in my eyes they don't look like poor citizens who are sad enough to wear clothes with straw material like in a fantasy story.

Yes, to me those who look like they don't have much money are more like medieval people. Hmm. Perhaps the social inequality in this world cannot be determined by what the residents wear.

For residents who have enough money usually wear clothes with bright color types which are very nice to look at, the mix of colors from silk and cotton seems to be calculated well, and some look like clothes made of wool.

Some of the people who were walking in the morning, looked like they were carrying big weapons and there were also some who were carrying bows, they looked like adventurers with the armor they were wearing.

"I have no business with adventurers," Kyle whispered in a low voice.

Then with that I then walked back. The guards that were behind me also came with me. I asked them to come with me so I wouldn't worry if some idiot approached me just because I was dressed a bit better, it was just a precaution, well, more or less.

It didn't take long for me to get to where I was going, a large, magnificent building with a pointed roof was right in front of me.

I looked up from the entrance for the fact that the building had at least six floors rising up.

An employee then approached me.

"Mr Burnet, I already knew that you would come to this place, but it is still too early to prepare for a formal reception, I beg your pardon. "

"No problem. This time I will forgive you. "

Bowing and begging, the employee who greeted me seemed to be the building's receptionist or something like that.

Ah— I feel it, this feeling is really great. Seeing the people greeting me and not showing any expressions of hatred, all I felt from them was respect. Is this what it feels like to be a CEO?

The receptionist then led me into the building. With the guards around, I then raised my hand to signal that their escort was no longer needed.

I then stepped in with white leather shoes. The floor beneath my feet was a glass floor with finely carved patterns, some circular and some like bubbles stuck to the bottom of the ocean.

My eyes sharpened a little when I saw a large room with a marble table that was in front of a circular staircase. this is a room that seems like it was made for giants, huge pillars stand firmly supporting the second floor with the distance between the pillars is about 24 adult male footsteps, this room is so spacious that I think that it will at least be able to accommodate about 500 adults with plenty of room to spare .

It's amazing architecture complete with statues of winged goddesses and doves or falcons on every massive column I passed.

I then climbed the marble steps trying to follow the receptionist. Passing through each floor filled with doors and people in uniform, the gravitational pressure on my feet felt lighter as I continued climbing the stairs, it seemed like it would melt if it was the old me, but now the stamina I had was enough to keep me going.

It didn't take long for me to get to the top floor. A wooden door with carvings of eagles and knights led me to believe it was the room for the director of the company.

"Mr Burnet, I will immediately inform Tony Seras' secretary that you have come to visit."

"Fumu. Tell him that now, the company will be under the direction of new management. "

I then entered the room with the receptionist who left me.

There, I saw a classic room that made my eyes unable to look away. The large desk by the glass window and the bookshelves surrounding the room didn't make the place look dark. There were several parchments of plant fiber with a company diagram painted in black and red ink, it was placed on the wall like an art painting.

I then grabbed a wooden chair with a red carpet under the table. After taking off my white coat and placing it on the back of the chair, I then sat down on the soft wooden chair.

I took a breath then thought. This all looks good, even though it was obtained by illegal business, I can enjoy it for the rest of my life. Fumu, really is very convenient.

To think that I would become the director of a company, who would have imagined that this fate would come my way. For a former office worker, something like this I could barely imagine at all.

Now what, what's missing? Could it be the secretary who will give the sweet report? Fufufu— that would look good.

A small smile with joy around the chest. Taking over the company from my own sister, this feels like a sad drama plot.

When Kyle closed his eyes, a knock on the door was heard from outside, he immediately fixed his attitude to look like a reliable boss.

"Come in. "

Receiving the order, a mature man around 34 years old with small glasses entered the room, he had a small book in his hand. Looked at Kyle then said.

"Mr Burnet, what is your need to come to the main office? Regarding the ownership that Miss Lily has conveyed, I have received the letter. You also didn't give any explanation when you wanted to come to this place. "

I'm starting to think what excuse sounds good? It would be ridiculous to be honest with him if I came here just to experience the thrill of a director of an international company. All right, how about that excuse.

I then tapped my finger on the table making a rhythmic sound. After a moment of silence, I smacked my lips before starting to speak.

"Financial report, I heard that sister hasn't been here for quite a while so I just wanted to check the financial report of my family's company in person, I hope it will be pretty good news to hear."

Hearing that, Tony then opened the small book in his hand. He had a normal expression as if nothing mattered, that was the face of a good worker, or at least it looked to my eyes.

Tony then answered.

"The robbery by the pirates on the White Sea trade route, has done the company quite a lot due to the loss of mercenaries with valuable fighting skills. The company might be able to cover it up by recruiting more people, but experienced talent is hard to come by."

There was a moment of silence before Tony continued.

"Meanwhile, regional trade routes are causing heavy losses as local companies wishing to sell products overseas are starting to feel fearful due to the threats posed by bandits and monsters. Our company's profit to this day has decreased."

Tony closed his book again then emphasized.

"My lord, I think these are the financial reports that are coming in, mostly reports you don't want to hear. "

..... Hmmm... the expectations I had were shattered, the spirit I had was gradually fading. I was slapped with a cruel reality right after I took over the company from my sister..... Hmmm.. I don't want to say anything.