
Reincarnation: The Story Of Onyx Delphir Ambrose

After the loss of his parents he has tried to live a sincere and honest life yet has found himself subjected to cruel abuse from relatives and peers after enduring years of maltreatment and Misfortune he suffers an unfortunate accident however instead of greeting death he finds himself reincarnated into his favorite book only to realize that he wasn't the male lead or an extra but the Misunderstood cannon fodder villain will he follow the plot of the story? Or will he find the determination resolve to change his destiny? Even if it means resorting to being the bad guy everyone made the original out to be.

Rory_Belladonna · LGBT+
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6 Chs

The Enigmatic Reincarnation

In the vast universe, where stories are born and destinies are woven, a young soul named Alexander found himself on a tumultuous journey. After the tragic loss of his beloved parents, he had tried to live a sincere and honest life. However, fate had different plans for him.

Throughout his existence, Alexander was subjected to cruel abuse from his relatives and peers, his days filled with nothing but maltreatment and misfortune. Just as he thought he had endured the worst life could offer, an unfortunate accident befell him, shattering his fragile world.

In the midst of the chaos, instead of finding eternal rest, Alexander's consciousness awakened in a strangely luxurious room. Confusion painted his face as he tried to make sense of his surroundings. He could have sworn he had died, but the reality that unfolded before his eyes spoke otherwise.

"Hello, my baby. I'm your momma. Your name is Onyx Delphir Ambrose," a beautiful dark-haired woman with forest green eyes gazed down at him, radiating a mother's love. At that moment, a nurse walked to the bed, gently dabbing the sweat from his new mother's face.

Alexander's brain screeched to a halt as he processed the woman's words. 'Wait a damn minute! Did she just say Onyx Delphir Ambrose? What the hell? No, this can't be happening!' A bucket of ice-cold water seemed to drench his entire being, as he realized the truth.

He had been reincarnated into his favorite book, but not as the protagonist or even a side character. Instead, he was destined to embody the misunderstood and ill-fated cannon fodder villain, Onyx Delphir Ambrose. In the story, this young boy with fire red hair and spring green eyes was meant to meet his demise before reaching the age of eighteen.

Gods, could this be a twisted joke? Should he obediently follow the predetermined plot or take a different path? The weight of uncertainty pressed upon him, for altering the story too much risked unforeseen consequences and the unraveling of the carefully woven narrative.

As fatigue from his tumultuous emotions settled, his new mother's soft voice filled the room, "Sleep now, my beautiful Onyx, my lovely star." And so, he closed his eyes, allowing slumber to grace his weary soul, hoping for clarity and guidance as he delved further into this world of fantasy.

In the world of "Follow His Light," a recently popular boys love series, Onyx Delphir Ambrose was a beautiful and unfortunate soul used and abused by those around him. He was wrongly labeled as an F-rank Hunter, a useless existence that dragged down his incredible older brother. He dreams of the original story almost like he was there.

In the depths of a desolate world, where dungeons infested with monsters and demons ruled, a young teen named Dylan Michaelson battled against the relentless hardships of life. With his black hair, mesmerizing golden eyes, and a slender body, he appeared as a solitary figure fighting against fate.

Born into a poor family, Dylan's world was about to change forever. His mother, stricken by a devastating illness, had spent her final days in agony. Throughout her sickness, Dylan's father was absent, leaving him to shoulder the burden alone. But as his mother finally succumbed to her illness, a figure from the past emerged—a man he barely recognized—his father.

Dylan's father revealed an astonishing truth. He was a revered s-ranker, possessing extraordinary abilities just like the marquees himself . As he beckoned Dylan to join him at his estate, the young boy discovered his own latent powers, inherited from his father's lineage. The world of monsters and demons had always been his destiny. At the estate, Dylan's father shared tales of the prestigious academy where he would learn to harness his newfound abilities and fight alongside other guardians of humanity.

It was there, amidst the grandeur of this new world, that Dylan encountered Leo de Alger Evergreen, a captivating figure two years his senior. Leo de Alger Evergreen, an 18-year-old man with mesmerizing black hair and ice blue eyes, was often referred to as a walking enigma. With a strong-built body, standing tall at 6'4, Leo's presence commanded attention wherever he went. After graduating from the prestigious academy, Leo was determined to fulfill his passion for training young students, guiding them towards greatness.

Leo's arrival at the academy marked the beginning of a new chapter in his life. Little did he know, fate had a different story in mind. One fateful day, as he was strolling through the lush gardens, he crossed paths with a young man named Dylan. Their eyes met, and an unexplainable connection sparked between them.

Dylan, with his gentle demeanor and warm smile, was a student at the academy. Leo couldn't resist the urge to spend more time with him, to unravel the mysteries that lay beneath his charming facade. Day by day, their friendship blossomed into something more profound. Their love grew like a delicate flower, nurtured by the tender moments they shared. Surrounded by steadfast friends who supported their love, Dylan and Leo believed their happiness was boundless.

However, destiny played its twisted hand, and Leo's world was turned upside down when he laid his eyes upon Onyx. He was a bewitching beauty, with hair as red as fire and big doe eyes the color of spring grass that could ensnare even the strongest of souls. From the moment Leo saw him, his heart was captivated, and he fell desperately in love at first sight.

The struggle between his love for Dylan and this overpowering infatuation for Onyx tore Leo apart. His mind waged a battle against his heart, leaving him in a state of perpetual confusion. He was trapped in a web of emotions, unable to choose between the one he had known so intimately and the one who was an ethereal stranger to his soul.

Onyx's presence awakens a sinister obsession within Dylan. Consumed by jealousy and the desire to possess Leo entirely, Dylan hatched a malevolent plan with Onyx's older brother Gabriel. Together, they orchestrated a web of deceit, framing Onyx for unspeakable crimes. Cornered, Leo was left with no choice but to execute Onyx, forever staining his conscience.

As the years passed, Dylan and Leo completed their training, ready to face the world as seasoned warriors. They married and embarked on their greatest adventure yet—the eternal dungeon, a tear in the sky that promised unimaginable dangers.

On the precipice of their descent into the dungeon's treacherous depths, Dylan was confronted by a mysterious woman. Her ethereal presence warned of a grim fate, a punishment for the sins he had committed against the pure-hearted. Before he could comprehend her words, she vanished, leaving Dylan unsettled but determined to continue alongside Leo.

United with their guild, Leo and Dylan traversed through the deceptive dungeon that was ranked a class, anticipating challenges befitting their skills. However, their confidence wavered as they faced hordes of formidable monsters, witnessing guild members fall one by one.

In a desperate attempt to defeat the dungeon's ultimate boss, Leo and Dylan valiantly fought side by side. But their efforts proved futile when the villainous creature unleashed a devastating power—the Eye of Truth. Each found themselves exposed, their darkest sins revealed for all to see. Leo's sin was the forbidden love he harbored for another—a love that resulted in tragedy.

Dylan's sins, however, were more monstrous, having orchestrated Onyx's demise and committing unforgivable acts with Gabriel, Onyx's older brother. As Leo and Dylan faced their imminent demise, they were granted a moment of clarity. The shadows that had plagued their hearts were finally laid bare.

In the face of their own sins, they discovered the immense power of redemption and the strength of true love. With their final breaths, Leo and Dylan embraced, finding solace in the forgiveness they granted each other. Their selfless sacrifice reverberated through the dungeon, dispelling the darkness and freeing trapped souls. In their love, they had found redemption.

As Onyx awakened within the confines of his new life, he understood that he must lay low, preserving himself from the inevitable tragedies that awaited the original Onyx. His mother, aware of her impending fate, had left behind a seal infused with her remaining power to conceal his true potential.

"Please, my darling Onyx, I hope you can understand me in the future," she whispered through sobs, her love transcending the boundaries of life and death. "This seal will protect you from your power-hungry father until you turn eighteen. It will grant you a year to grow accustomed to your newfound abilities, as my love watches over you."

Onyx found solace within his mother's embrace, though tinged with a hint of jealousy towards the original Onyx, who had experienced such unconditional love without ever truly knowing it. Hours passed, and the reality of his mother's departure settled upon him like the weight of an unyielding storm.

In a moment of desperation and longing, the young Onyx let out a cry, his baby lungs unleashing a plea for anyone to hear. The sound echoed through the halls, reaching the ears of those who held power over his fragile existence.

The doors flew open, revealing a man with striking blood red hair and dark, almost black eyes. He cast an indifferent gaze upon the scene before him, dismissing the woman who had failed to survive. "Useless wench, couldn't even live long enough to take care of the brat," he murmured with derision.

Another man, with black hair and green eyes filled with hidden distress, quietly approached the newborn, his heart heavy with sorrow masked by a facade. Assessing the child with a blue glow, he reported monotonously, "Sire, it seems the boy is healthy and strong."

Eager to prove himself, desperate to find some ounce of worth within his father's eyes, the man asked about the child's rank. His inquiry penetrated Onyx's heart, fueling a growing resentment. "F-rank, sire," the black-haired man hesitated, aware of the impending storm that would follow this answer.

Disgust and rage contorted the supposed father's face. In an act of twisted dominance, he squeezed the child's delicate neck, taunting him with the threat of death. But Onyx, having tasted the bitterness of mortality before, simply rolled his eyes and dared the man to make good on his twisted promise.

"Brave little bastard, aren't you?" the man sneered, releasing his grip and tossing the child toward the uncle who would now bear the responsibility of his care. "Felix, you may keep the child until he turns sixteen. If he shows no progress and proves to be as useless as his mother, I will take his life."

As the door slammed shut, Onyx met the sinister smile of his supposed father, a glimmer of determination shining in his spring-green eyes. "See you in a few years, son."

Both felix and Onyx breathe a sigh of relief.

Onyx's uncle, Felix, had anxiously awaited his nephew's birth. However, when Felix learned of his beloved sister's demise during childbirth, his heart shattered into a million pieces. He had to endure the disgusting words of his sister's husband, anger plagued his heart wanting to escape from him to kill the man but Amelia had loved that man and there was his oldest nephew gabriel to think about and he needed to protect Onyx. He knelt by his sister's lifeless body, holding her cold hand and pledging to protect her son at all costs.

Through tear-stained eyes, Felix whispered, "I'm so sorry, sister. I'll protect your son with my life. No harm shall ever befall him. I swear upon our name." His words resonated with the heaviness of his grief, and Onyx, sensing his uncle's pain, began to cry alongside him.

Just then, a maid hurried into the room, clutching a bag filled with provisions. She surveyed the scene and spoke hurriedly, her voice hushed with urgency. "Master Felix, we must make haste before that man changes his mind. I have supplies and belongings the madam left for you and young Master Onyx."

Felix glanced at the maid, his weary eyes filled with determination. "Yes, let us leave. But first, please hold my dear nephew for a moment." As the maid cradled Onyx in her arms, Felix retrieved a small, delicate pendant from around his sister's neck. Prayers whispered, tears falling, he kissed the pendant and tucked it safely into the folds of his cloak.

"What about young master Gabriel? Will he stay here with the duke?" The maid asks quietly.

"Gabriel is accustomed to life here and the Duke cherishes him especially for his s-rank abilities. He will be safe. I'll send him letters or visit him when I can. Now let's go quickly."

With Onyx hidden beneath a dark blanket, his face shielded from prying eyes, Felix and the maid cloaked themselves in shadows and slipped away from the mansion, leaving behind a life steeped in darkness and torment.

As they ventured into the unknown, their hearts heavy with both sorrow and hope, the path ahead seemed uncertain. Onyx, in his uncle's eyes, is still too young to comprehend the gravity of his situation. Felix will never know that Onyx understands everything but it didn't stop him from instinctively clinging to his uncle's cloak, seeking solace in his warmth and unwavering love.

And thus, the story of Onyx Delphir Ambrose, once a mere specter within the pages of "Follow His Light," began to unfurl, with a twist of fate and a seed of rebellion planted firmly in his heart.

truth be told I wrote 40 to 50 different ideas for this story and I just couldn't decide what I liked best. this is the second story I've ever written but the first original story ive ever created. I'm looking forward to feedback and thoughts on characters and the plot. and thanks so much for taking the time to read it ❤️

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