
Reincarnation: The Story Of Onyx Delphir Ambrose

After the loss of his parents he has tried to live a sincere and honest life yet has found himself subjected to cruel abuse from relatives and peers after enduring years of maltreatment and Misfortune he suffers an unfortunate accident however instead of greeting death he finds himself reincarnated into his favorite book only to realize that he wasn't the male lead or an extra but the Misunderstood cannon fodder villain will he follow the plot of the story? Or will he find the determination resolve to change his destiny? Even if it means resorting to being the bad guy everyone made the original out to be.

Rory_Belladonna · LGBT+
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6 Chs

The Academy

Onyx woke up to sunshine billowing through the curtains, bathing him in warm light. He stretched his arms and yawned, feeling refreshed and ready for the day. As he got up, he caught a glimpse of his reflection in the mirror – a red-haired, green-eyed, freckled face boy named Onyx Delphir Ambrose.

After washing his face and getting dressed, Onyx made his way to Olivia's room, his best friend and partner in adventure. He knocked on her door, excitement bubbling inside him. "Hey Olivia, you there? Let's get some breakfast and head out," he called out.

"All right, I'll meet you downstairs in a couple of minutes!" Olivia's voice came through the door.

With a skip in his step, Onyx bounded down the stairs and headed to the dining area of the inn they were staying in. He ordered food for both of them and eagerly awaited Olivia's arrival. When she finally made her way down, bags in hand, she exclaimed, "Wow, the food looks delicious!"

Onyx hummed in agreement as they both dug into their meals with gusto. Once they were done, they paid for their food and began their journey towards the prestigious Academy of Magical Arts.

Upon arrival, they were met by a man with white hair, yellow eyes, and a monocle named Butler Carlyle. He introduced himself as their guide and handed them their respective schedules. Olivia was led to her dorm room first, while Butler Carlyle personally accompanied Onyx to his spacious dorm room.

Onyx's heart raced with excitement as he entered the room. It was larger than he had anticipated, with two beds across from each other, a bay window, and two bookcases filled with knowledge. Warm sunlight trickled in, casting a magical glow over everything. Onyx couldn't help but admire his roommate's neatness and organization.

As he finished putting his things away, Onyx waited outside the room for Olivia. When she finally appeared, they compared schedules and realized they only had one class together. Olivia's face fell, and she said, "Damn it, how can this be? Promise me we'll still eat lunch and hang out together."

Onyx patted her head gently, a reassuring smile on his face. "Of course, Liv. Nothing will ever come between us."

Together, they made their way to their first class, where Butler Carlyle introduced them as new students. The professor, with a gruff and intimidating demeanor, welcomed them, although he eyed Onyx intently. He waved his hand to silence the room before commanding the newcomers to introduce themselves.

Looking around, Onyx's gaze met the piercing blue eyes of Leo, a character who seemed to hold some significance in their journey. A brief moment of connection passed between them before Onyx lowered his eyes and Olivia stepped forward.

With a radiant smile, Olivia introduced herself to the class, expressing her excitement to meet everyone and hoping for lasting friendships. The professor pointed her towards the back row, where two empty seats awaited.

Then, it was Onyx's turn. He stepped forward, his heart pounding in his chest. "Hello everyone, my name is Onyx Ambrose. I look forward to working with you all this year," he said, giving a slight bow.

A murmur spread through the classroom. "Did he just say Ambrose?" "Duke Ambrose has a hidden child!" The students couldn't help but gossip about the red hair that marked him as an Ambrose.

Ignoring the whispers, Onyx glanced at the professor, who gestured towards the seat next to Olivia and another girl with pink hair. Onyx slowly climbed the stairs, carefully avoiding any eye contact with Leo, and sat down, determined to blend into the background.

Throughout the class, Onyx could feel Leo's eyes on him, his gaze burning with curiosity. But Onyx decided to focus on the professor's teachings, determined to excel in his studies and unlock his full potential, all while evading any unnecessary attention.

When the class finally ended, Onyx grabbed Olivia's hand and made a beeline for the lunchroom, eager to satisfy their rumbling stomachs. The sight that greeted them was breathtaking – a spread of exquisite delicacies from all corners of the magical realm.

As they filled their plates, Olivia couldn't contain her excitement. "Did you see that hottie in the back of the room? Woo-hoo, he made my heart race!" she exclaimed, a mischievous twinkle in her eyes.

Onyx's face flushed in a deep blush. "Knock it off, Liv. We're here to learn, not find potential marriage partners," he replied, trying to hide his shyness.

Amidst their laughter, a melodious voice interrupted them. "Sorry, sorry, wasn't trying to startle you. Let me introduce myself. My name is Leo de Alger Evergreen, and I am a student teacher here. If either of you needs any help, please feel free to ask," Leo said, leaning against a nearby table with a smirk on his face.

Onyx and Olivia stared at him, momentarily stunned. Leo's blue eyes seemed to hold a hint of recognition as they lingered on Onyx, and a beautiful smile graced his lips. "Well, I'll leave you two so you can finish lunch. Thank you for the compliment," he said before walking away, leaving Onyx with a mix of confusion and intrigue.

As the days passed, Onyx found himself swiftly settling into his new life at the academy. Surprisingly, he was able to avoid the main characters from his past, allowing him to focus on his studies and training. With his red hair, green eyes, and freckles, Onyx stood out among his peers, but he embraced his unique appearance with confidence.

One particular day, the entire academy gathered at the training grounds for a series of matches and skill assessments. The atmosphere buzzed with energy as the students prepared to showcase their abilities. The professor, a stern yet fair man, commanded their attention with a loud clap of his hands.

"Alright, students! Today, I want you all to choose partners for your practice fights," the professor announced. "However, I urge you to pick someone you are not well acquainted with. This will test your skills against unfamiliar opponents and broaden your capabilities."

Onyx surveyed the area, unsure of whom to approach for a partnership. He noticed Olivia, his childhood friend, already paired with a tall girl sporting vibrant blue hair. With a deep breath, Onyx psyched himself up, determined to step out of his comfort zone.

Just as he was about to ask someone to be his partner, a tap on his shoulder interrupted his thoughts. Onyx turned around, locking eyes with a boy a few inches taller than him. The boy had jet-black hair that framed his face perfectly, and his golden eyes twinkled with curiosity.

"Hello. It seems you don't have a partner. Would you mind partnering up with me?" the boy asked, tilting his head to the side, giving off an innocent puppy-like charm.

Fear gripped Onyx's heart as he realized that this boy, Dylan Michaelson, was one of the individuals he had been avoiding. He couldn't refuse, as it would make him appear rude, so he mustered his courage and smiled, albeit with closed eyes.

"Sure, I don't mind," Onyx replied gently, reaching out his trembling hand. "My name is Onyx. It's nice to meet you."

Dylan eagerly shook his hand, a genuine smile spreading across his face. "Pleasure to meet you as well, Onyx. So, shall we get started?"

The two boys made their way to gather their practice swords and protective gear. Onyx began stretching to warm up his muscles, using the training sword to assess its weight and balance.

Leo, who happened to be his student teacher for the homeroom class, approached Onyx, his piercing blue eyes meeting his green ones. He offered to help, but Onyx politely declined, grateful for the gesture. However, Leo couldn't help but be captivated by Onyx's voice, which sounded like bells to his ears.

With a friendly smile, Leo said, "Oh, please, call me Leo. No need for formalities. I'm only a few years older than you, after all."

Puzzled, Onyx nodded in acknowledgment, the mystery behind Leo's reaction lingering in his mind. With his focus now on the impending spar, Onyx joined Dylan in the center of the training arena.

Dylan assumed a lazy crouch, sword poised as he charged forward. Time seemed to slow down for Onyx as his heart pounded in his ears, adrenaline coursing through his veins. A grin spread across his face, reveling in the thrill of the fight.

In a flash of movement, the spar was over. Onyx reached out his hand to help Dylan up, a gesture of sportsmanship. Much to his surprise, Dylan smacked his hand away, rising to his feet with a glare, seemingly angered by the spar's outcome.

Leo, observing the entire spectacle from the sidelines, furrowed his brows, unable to comprehend Dylan's harsh reaction. "Why would Dylan react like that? It was just a spar," Leo pondered, his thoughts filled with confusion.

Onyx's momentary triumph was interrupted by a group of curious classmates. They bombarded him with questions about his impressive training regime and the enigmatic figure who taught him.

Suddenly, a young woman sprinted towards the training grounds, her expression urgent. She whispered something to the professor and Leo, their faces contorting with concern. It wasn't long before they informed Onyx that he was summoned to the office.

Nodding in understanding, Onyx quickly changed into more presentable attire before making his way to the office building. To his surprise, Leo joined him, having received permission from the professor to accompany him.

As they walked side by side, their shoulders brushed against each other lightly, causing Onyx to gasp and instinctively move away, his face plagued by a look of unease. Leo, too, felt his heartbeat quicken at this unexpected connection, his mind spinning with unanswered questions.

Arriving at the office door, Leo cleared his throat nervously. "So, you must be excited to see your brother and father, right?" he ventured, trying to fill the silence.

Onyx's blood turned to ice as the anticipation grew. When Leo opened the door after knocking, Onyx came face to face with a chilling sight. A man with dark eyes and red hair, bearing a sinister smile, stood before him. Beside him, Onyx's older brother Gabriel exuded an aura of authority, his resemblance to the duke unmistakable except for his dark hair, inherited from their mother.

"Hello, son," the duke's voice cut through the air like a sharpened blade, sending shivers down Onyx's spine.