
Reincarnation: The Story Of Onyx Delphir Ambrose

After the loss of his parents he has tried to live a sincere and honest life yet has found himself subjected to cruel abuse from relatives and peers after enduring years of maltreatment and Misfortune he suffers an unfortunate accident however instead of greeting death he finds himself reincarnated into his favorite book only to realize that he wasn't the male lead or an extra but the Misunderstood cannon fodder villain will he follow the plot of the story? Or will he find the determination resolve to change his destiny? Even if it means resorting to being the bad guy everyone made the original out to be.

Rory_Belladonna · LGBT+
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6 Chs


In a small village called Eldor, nestled amongst rolling hills and flourishing meadows, a beautiful boy named Onyx delphir Ambrose lived his days in tranquility. With his short, curly red hair, vibrant green eyes, and freckles adorning his heart-shaped face, he captivated the hearts of all who laid eyes on him.

Days turned into weeks, and weeks into months and month's into years as Onyx and his guardian, Felix, carved out a new life in the small village. Felix, a vigilant protector, showered Onyx with love, guidance, and an education fitting for their noble lineage. Passionate about knowledge, Onyx grew into a young boy radiating with an innate sense of wonder and a thirst for learning.

With time, Onyx formed a deep bond with his dear friend, Olivia. She was a commoner, with dark, curly hair, mesmerizing dark brown eyes, and caramel-colored skin. Together, they explored the enchanting surroundings of Eldor – playing in creeks, climbing trees, crafting flower crowns, and even training in swordsmanship.

One fateful day of their dueling practice, Olivia, fueled by determination, rushed forward, preparing to strike. But Onyx's agility and reflexes allowed him to easily dodge her attack. With a swift movement, he caught her off guard, sweeping her leg out from under her and sending her sword flying. Onyx caught it with effortless grace.

"Come on, Liv! You can't afford to get distracted. If this were a real battle, you would be dead," Onyx teased, a radiant smile playing on his lips.

Olivia's response was lighthearted yet tinged with a hint of seriousness. "Yeah, yeah, I know. You're just too damn fast."

Laughs filled the air as their camaraderie blossomed. Olivia lowered her voice, leaning closer to Onyx. "Hey, Onyx, I've been wondering. Are you planning on going to the prestigious academy in the capital when you turn sixteen? My birthday is tomorrow, and yours is next week. I want us to go together."

Onyx's breath stuttered in his chest, his eyes widening at the question. He recalled his father's words, speaking of the need to check his usefulness or face a dreadful fate. Pushing the unsettling thought aside, he answered Olivia with a bright smile, "My uncle has mentioned what a fantastic opportunity it would be. I would love to go with you, Liv."

As the sun began its descent, casting an ethereal glow over the meadow, doubts started to seep into Onyx's mind. The plotline he had envisioned for his life seemed to diverge from the original Onyx's story, his supposed reincarnation. Questions about his uncle's role, the prophecy surrounding a looming darkness, and the origins of his own existence tugged at his young mind. None of it aligned with the book he had read prior to his reincarnation.

One evening, with a heavy heart and a mind consumed by curiosity, Onyx turned to his uncle, Felix. "Why, Uncle Felix? Why am I here, safe and loved? The story promised something different," he implored, his vibrant green eyes searching for answers in his uncle's face.

With a sigh, Felix's eyes shimmered with a mixture of sadness and determination. "My dear Onyx, sometimes the greatest stories aren't written in ink; they are written in the choices we make and the love we hold within our hearts. The story that unfolds before us is ours to shape, my boy."

The reassurance in his uncle's words provided a glimmer of solace, but Onyx's search for truth persisted. Soon after their conversation, Felix handed him a weathered letter, written by his mother, accompanied by a locket containing her picture. "This is the last letter your mother ever wrote. It was meant for you to read on your sixteenth birthday, but I think now is the right time. I'll give you some privacy, kid," Felix said, leaving the room to grant Onyx the space he needed.

With trembling hands, Onyx opened the letter, his heart aching with the weight of his mother's absence. Tracing the words delicately, he absorbed every emotion infused within them. "My dearest Onyx, if you are reading this, it must mean that I have passed on. I'm so sorry for leaving you, my dear son. I love you beyond words," the letter began.

Tears cascaded down Onyx's cheeks as the love and sincerity in his mother's words enveloped him. The warmth of her embrace resonated within his soul, contrasting the detached existence of the original Onyx in the book's pages. With each word, a resolve crystallized within Onyx's being – he would carve his own path, protect those he loved, and live honestly.

Determined to uncover the mysteries that shrouded his existence, Onyx rushed outside, locket clasped tightly around his neck. "Uncle Felix, I've decided! I'm going to carve my own destiny, protect everyone I love, and live a life of truth. I'm going to the academy. Can you please train me harder? I'll work tirelessly, never giving up," Onyx declared, his voice brimming with a newfound strength.

Witnessing the unyielding determination in Onyx's spring grass-colored eyes, Felix couldn't help but tear up. He pulled his nephew into a tight embrace, whispering, "It's going to be a journey filled with challenges and hard work, my boy. But just remember, I'll always be here to help you push forward."

And so, with days turning into nights of intense training, Onyx honed his skills, body, and mind. The time came for him to bid farewell to the familiar comforts of Eldor and embark on his journey to the academy in the capital Valeria.

The day finally came for Olivia and Onyx to embark on their grand adventure. They were to board a carriage to the capital, where they would attend the prestigious academy to fulfill their dreams. However, the roads leading to the capital were treacherous, plagued with bandits and misfortune. Undeterred, Olivia and Onyx readied their swords, their determination shining brightly.

For ten long and arduous days, they braved the perils of the journey, their swords slicing through the air with grace. Finally, they arrived at the capital, and it was a sight to behold. Its streets were alive with vendors and people, painting a vivid tapestry of life and excitement. Music filled the air, causing Onyx's heart to dance in tune with its melody.

Eager to explore, they sought refuge in an inn to freshen up and rest. But Onyx's adventurous spirit couldn't be contained. He knocked on Olivia's door, his eyes sparkling with mischief. "Hey, live, let's go on an adventure through the capital. There are so many things I want to buy," he exclaimed. Before he could finish his sentence, the sound of banging and rushing of feet filled the air as Olivia burst open the door. "You read my mind, my dear Onyx. Let us go and make this adventure our own," she said, grabbing her coat and taking his arm, propelling him forward.

The bustling streets welcomed them with open arms. They sampled various mouthwatering delicacies, their taste buds tingling with delight. Olivia wore a vibrant red cloak over her plain dress, making her stand out amidst the crowd. Onyx, on the other hand, donned a dark green cloak, his hood pulled up, concealing his identity in his training clothes.

As they meandered through the square, their laughter mingling with the music, Olivia's eyes gleamed mischievously. "Let's dance," she said, tugging on Onyx's arm. He couldn't help but smile and nod in agreement. Everyone in the square swayed and twirled, exchanging partners in perfect harmony with the rhythm of the song. His hood falls back as he spins letting his hair sway in the wind. And in that moment, Onyx's world changed forever.

A hand, larger and stronger than his own, intertwined with his. Onyx's gaze lifted, and he found himself staring into a pair of mesmerizing blue eyes, framed by a cascade of dark hair. The stranger had a handsome face and a sturdy build that sent shivers down Onyx's spine. Their eyes locked, and time seemed to halt as they danced and laughed together, their connection undeniable.

But the blissful harmony was interrupted by a voice that pierced through Onyx's heart like a sword. "Leo, come on! We need to return to the academy," it called. Onyx's breath hitched as he turned his head, his eyes widening in shock. Standing before the crowd was a dark-haired boy a bit taller than him with piercing golden eyes, his stare intense and full of disdain. Onyx recognized him instantly as the protagonist of this story, the man who would shape his destiny.

In a moment of panic, Onyx shook the man's hand off, leaving both Leo and the onlookers stunned. Pushing his hood back on he was met with a sudden surge of adrenaline, he grabbed Olivia's hand and made a hasty escape, their footsteps echoing through the streets. He dared not glance back at the figure of Leo, whose intrigued gaze followed them into the night.

With Olivia by his side, he sought solace in the safety of their inn, their hurried footsteps echoing through the empty streets. Olivia's concern was evident as she gazed at Onyx's pale complexion, her voice laced with worry. "What happened back there? Who was that man? I saw something change in you, Onyx."

Caught in the web of his own secrets, Onyx struggled to find the right words. How could he reveal the truth, the unimaginable truth that haunted his very existence? Instead, he mustered a weak smile and crafted a feeble lie. "I thought I saw my father, Olivia. It was a shock, that's all."

Olivia, ever perceptive, saw through his facade but chose to embrace him in a comforting hug. "Once we're in the academy, he cannot touch you. We'll make sure of that," she whispered, her voice laced with determination. Onyx found comfort in her words, in the unwavering loyalty that bound their friendship.

Alone in the darkness of his room, Onyx grappled with his swirling emotions. The memory of Leo's piercing blue eyes ignited a fire within him, a fire that threatened to consume everything he held dear. "NOOO," he screamed internally, desperately trying to silence the forbidden desires that surged through his veins. "Stop it right now, Onyx! This is the man who is destined to kill you."

With a heavy heart, Onyx succumbed to exhaustion and forced himself into a fitful sleep. Dreams, or perhaps nightmares, plagued his slumber, taunting him with glimpses of a future he could not escape.