
Reincarnation of the Yujiro hanma in MURIM

Yujiro Hanma strongest creature on earth, died after 450 of living, the entire world was watching the last moments of Orge. Even though he's a godlike being but he still isn't able to break the limitations of the world. With sadness in his eye, he closed his eyes but at moments he woke up in the body of a baby, in the strongest cult the heavenly divine church ** *** *** patreon.com/Fanfictionstudios

Ancient675 · Cómic
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20 Chs

New world

After that, the news regarding the defeat of spear god and the slaughter of 30 thousands Justice faction soldiers spread far and wide. The more people were shocked when they got to know the power of the heavenly goddess who sent flying the strongest master of the central plains the spear god.

Although Murim Alliance tried to keep their silence on this matter and even said that they were false rumors, however, the loss was far great and huge so not only sects but even normal people knew about it. Many people criticized the demonic cult people for this loss but just thanked that the heavenly demon spared the leaders of Murim. Otherwise, there would have been a great war and utter chaos.

Many youngsters were talking about Yujiro and his power level, the greatest genius in the whole world who reached the realm of divine beings and killed 30,000 people and four early divine realm masters.

Many people nicknamed him a fist demon, everyone was scared due to the power gap between justice organizations and demonic cults

It was dark day for justice organizations and they felt the horror of their enemy . Moreover, they remneber the last great was, where heavenly divine cult leader killed the martial god after fighting for 1 hours, it happened 150 years ago so majority of people forget about the greatness and godly power of that person....

Next, Murim Alliance invited great and medium-level sects for meetings. No one refused as they had heard the seriousness of the matter.

When every one reached the murim leader said, heaven leader is a godlike beings whom we can not kill but thanks to the sacrifice of past and promise he will never wage war against us in his lifetime. But there's this guy called yujiro's at such a young age his prowess are in such a transcendent realm. And I experienced with my own eyes how he got stronger while fighting us, even the first god and his qi talent.... It's truly monstrous guy,,, even the heavenly demon, head elder of Shaolin were pale compared to him, and his last words to us were that he would come back and slaughter everyone there.

So, if we let him grow then forget about living or the future of murim alliance, we and our upcoming generations will live under his shadow.so either we have to kill him by paying any price or find someone equal to him.

The first option is impossible as yujiro went back to thousand mountain, the home of demons. No one can harm him there.

As for second it is also impossible as heavens will never send two emperors In one world .

After a long meetindg with no solution everyone face were pale, they are the pillars of murim alliance, and they could destroy a high-level sect with their decision and they command the largest force in the whole world. However, they were hopeless, then the leader of mysteries sect said there's way.

At that everyone looked toward him as he said the heavenly is home of demons, what will happen if they had to fight actual demons, the demon king with millions of Army.

As they heard it, they were confused and the murin alliance sect said please enlighten us.

Then the mysteries sect's leader said our sects speciality is ruins and rituals, while performing a unknown ritual we accidenlty summon a unknown creature with height of 3 meters and 2 horn on his head, his power level was at ultimate master and we captured him after much struggle, then we began to understand his language and after torturing him for five or more year's we come to understand that he's from the demon realm and he said our world a medium level world and demon world is a magic world and they are higher existence compared to us. Moreover, there are demon generals, demon kings, chaos lord and demon gods. Which possesses prowess beyond our imagination.

We believe that powers of spear god is comparable to demon king and if not higher than what about chaos lords and demon gods. What if they attack the heavenly sect with millions of demons who posses the powers of masrer, grandemasters or even higher. What will happen than...? The answer is destruction of demonic sect by true devils.

The room was silent for few seconds, then he said if what your saying is correct then we have to perform a ritual to summon one high level demon what about others at that mystries sect leader said no... We will open a gate for them in the demon cult then their forces will come endlessly. And after the heavenly sect destroyed we will close the gate forever.

Many people who hold the high price disagree with this statements but majority of them agree as they were afraid of the cults powers. Then discuss about the process and how to do it. After a long discussion, they decided to use treasure swords for elegy supply with magic stones and the captured devil to medium to open gate near the gate. However, to connect two worlds they need huge energy supply and there's also chance of failure so they began to collect energy stones