
Elder Wang?*

The next day, I found myself engrossed in the study of five-element techniques. These techniques hinged on the constructive and destructive relationships among the elements. The constructive, or nourishing, cycle strengthened elements: wood fed fire, fire produced earth, earth bore metal, metal collected water, and water nurtured wood. Conversely, the destructive cycle opposed elements to weaken them: fire melted metal, metal severed wood, wood penetrated the earth, earth absorbed water, and water extinguished fire.

"The only problem is my inability to use fire qi. Utilizing the nourishing effects of the five elements to create sword art won't be effective for me. While I could create an imperfect sword art and refine it later, it would lack stability and might even become ineffective under certain conditions."

Contemplating this dilemma, I made a decision. "For now, I'll go with an imperfect five-element sword art. I can compensate for my shortcomings later." With that, I left my worries to the future and delved into various sword art manuals.

During my usual morning sword practice, Lei Qiang suddenly appeared behind me. "Young master, the patriarch urgently requests your presence."

"Urgent? Is something wrong?" I felt a tinge of curiosity, as this was the first time I'd been 'urgently' summoned.

"I wasn't informed of the reason. I was simply instructed to bring you, young master."

"I see..." Mulling over the matter, I sighed as I couldn't guess the cause behind this summons.

'Maybe there's a secret matter Grandfather wants to discuss.'

"Alright, let's go."

We walked instead of flying or using spatial travel since those methods weren't permitted near Grandfather's residence.

As we approached our destination, I noticed a conspicuous absence of servants and clan elders.

'Hmm... Maybe a secret guest is visiting the clan...' With this thought in mind, I arrived outside the room where Grandfather was.

Observing the closed door, I cleared my throat and announced, "Xin Jianyu is here to see the Clan patriarch."

Grandfather's familiar voice resonated from within. "Come in."

Entering the room, I noticed Grandfather and an unfamiliar guest. The guest appeared to be in his forties, with salt-and-pepper hair and a neatly trimmed beard. His face bore a soft yet amused smile as he looked at me.

"Is this your grandson?" the guest inquired.

"Of course he is. Didn't I mention I would introduce you to my grandson, or has your senility set in?" I inwardly sighed as Grandfather unabashedly mocked our guest with a smug grin.

'Why can't you just behave your age for once?'I muttered inwardly, feeling a mixture of exasperation and resignation. After all, I had become accustomed to responding to my grandfather's antics thanks to his consistent displays of shamelessness.

"Well, unlike you, he seems to possess some tact. I merely had doubts whether you two were truly related," the guest replied with a wry smile.

'Hoo... a quick retort...' I felt a bit impressed by our guest's quick and witty retort, which was probably a testament to their familiarity.

"Ahem, anyway, this is Elder Wang from the 'Profound Heavens' sect."

I shot a stern look at Grandfather as he swiftly shifted topics, but he ignored my glare and continued.

"He's been my sworn brother for many years and is at the peak of the second major step."

"Still far from the third step, though," Elder Wang added with a wistful grin.

"Stop talking as if you haven't outstripped everyone in your generation," Grandfather retorted, rolling his eyes at Elder Wang. "Anyway, the reason Elder Wang is here today concerns your admission to the sect."

"Is he here to test me?" I asked, tilting my head inquisitively.

"Well, that's part of it, but he's also here to discuss some important matters with me as well as the things you'll need to know upon entering the sect."

"That's correct. Additionally, I wanted to familiarize myself with you in case any issues arise within the sect," Elder Wang chimed in with a nod.

'This actually makes things easier, I guess?' With this thought, I contemplated for a moment before asking, "So, how will Elder Wang test me?" I gazed at Elder Wang with genuine curiosity.

"We'll test your proficiency in sword arts. Senior Brother Dongyang spoke highly of your sword skills, so it seems fitting," Elder Wang replied with a serene smile, while Grandfather sported an amused expression as if expecting something.

"Alright, then why don't we begin right away? Is that agreeable to you, Yu'er?" Grandfather asked with a mischievous grin.

'What's he plotting now?' Remembering all the times when grandfather had a shitty grin that resembled the one he had right now, I felt a sense of foreboding. However, I reluctantly nodded in agreement.

We moved to a spacious open area outside Grandfather's residence. Just as I was about to showcase my sword art, Grandfather called out to me.

"Yu'er, since this test will determine your eligibility for special admission to the sect, display your most potent technique."

"... Alright," I replied, tinged with a bit of skepticism.

Approaching a boulder more than twice my height, I drew my sword.

Grandfather and Elder Wang stood nearby, both watching me with smiles.

"Phew." I exhaled deeply, my eyes closed, seeking a meditative state of tranquility as I directed my focus onto the sword in my grip.

Subtle blue wisps of light began to coalesce around me, converging toward my sword. Once the majority of these ethereal wisps enshrouded my blade, I opened my eyes and executed a precise strike toward the boulder.

The strike appeared deceptively weak but upon making contact with the boulder, a remarkable transformation occurred. The blue wisps ignited, resembling storming ocean waves as they swept through, annihilating everything in their path. The once solid boulder crumbled into an expanse of dust, succumbing to the overwhelming power of the phenomenon.

Suddenly, I heard the booming sound of Grandfather's laughter.

I turned towards him to find Elder Wang wearing a stunned expression, while Grandfather laughed like a mischievous child who had just pulled off a prank.

'This old bastard!!'

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Updates will be slow for a while.

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