
Reincarnation Of The First Dhampir


DS_BILL · Fantasía
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3 Chs

the capital

After running for a long time, the boy falls tired to the ground, after resting for a while with his face on the ground, the boy gets up and looks at the sky.

'What did I do, by God what did I do, why?'

Absorbed in his thoughts the boy hadn't noticed a thing, he was as if he hadn't received a scratch and he didn't exactly remember everything that happened.

After looking at the permanently dark sky for a while, a throbbing headache

A large amount of information from his past life was piling up in his mind but without order.

The boy tried to hold his head from this pain and information overload but he fell to his knees unable to even think.

After a while the child's pain dissipated but the order of his memories was completely mixed up.

'Damn I don't understand anything, I have memories of fights in my other life, but I don't know why, also something about... A laboratory? Why do I recall a lab? Why a fight? I see everything else blurry, I don't know anything'.

The boy with some difficulty stands up and looks around him.

A kind of not so leafy forest plunged into darkness with sounds of what seemed to be insects was appreciated by the still somewhat confused eyes of the child.

'Well, I definitely can't go back, but I can't stay, and I can't do much either if I haven't finished processing both the orphanage and my past life... Ahhhh how complicated everything is'.

The children began to walk in a straight line towards the trees with no apparent direction.

After a while the boy is intrigued to see what appears to be a kind of plain. The boy accelerates his pace to the point of running until he reaches the place.

A not so big plain with nothing but not so tall grass and what seemed to be the continuation of the forest on the other side and around him made the boy astonished to be something he had never seen.

"Ahhhh so beautiful, too beautiful and peaceful."

'I think this is a suitable place to rest for a couple of hours.'

The boy lies on the grass looking up at the dark sky as his eyes slowly close.

A few minutes later the boy gets up abruptly.

"AHHH DAMN" he exclaimed with an expression of fear.

"Fucking nightmare I can only dream of the orphanage"

The boy tried to sleep one more time but he always had that nightmare, the disfigured lady's face, her hands holding meat that stained her entire body, chased him in his dreams.

Tired, the boy decided to continue walking, forgetting the idea of ​​resting. After what seemed like a few hours the boy saw a kind of tower, as he approached the forest seemed to end and the tower got bigger while more buildings were seen. The forest came to an end in the form of a cliff that gave a view of a large city, with a tower in the center, at the base of the tower there was a kind of "castle" that was a little separated from the houses around it. around.

It was an architecture quite similar to what would be found in Europe in the middle ages but with modern touches, houses of all sizes, blood red lights everywhere, a great cathedral with a gothic design in a shiny black color with red and white parts. golden. something could be seen far from the tower.

The boy, fascinated by everything he saw, tried to see further into the distance, thinking about how big the city was.

'wooooooooooow this is amazing, it's beautiful, I can't wait to see what's here'.

nope, I did not forget this ...... and what better way to return than with this incredible event called solar eclipse, a beautiful moon dyed red, perfect for vampires to follow their history (cough cough is no excuse in absolute to justify not writing cough) wait for the next chapter without worrying about waiting for another eclipse.... oh maybe yes?

DS_BILLcreators' thoughts