
Reincarnation of Balance

This story is about Balance, the former God of Balance. He has been living the life of a normal human for the past 18 years. He describes his life as dogsh*t and wishes to cause some chaos in this too peaceful world. Like his wish was heard by the gods, the world fell into chaos. Having an exceptional power as a former god, he is unstoppable... Or is he? ... 'Ah it's time...' The 'man' saw a light, the light became bigger and bigger. And at last he reached the light. Right after that sounded a loud baby cry. 'I'm crying? I haven't cried in who knows how long...' ''It's a boy! Congratulations!'' ' Unfamiliar language? Impossible, The reincarnation seed couldn't have gone so far. Even us gods couldn't find anything out there...' A slight smile appeared on the face of the baby. ''Ahh look! He is smiling, can I have him now?'' ... 18 years later. Balance was out of options, his life was sh*t. Being the reincarnation of the God of Balance, this world was too peaceful for him. He wanted to create some chaos instead of working in this sh*t hole. ''There is no other way around, I wi-'' [The world has now entered the apocalyptic era] PS: Cover is not mine

Kyliantheman · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
44 Chs

The Art of Skill Combination

[High Special Wave 4 will now start]

[High Special Wave Objective: Kill 500 A+ Demons, 5 High Demons]


Balance didn't bother listening to the surprised demons who suddenly got teleported in front of Balance.

Balance already knew these demons were forcefully being teleported in front of him. But he didn't care.

He used Fear of Death for the first time.

The expected screams didn't come, but the demons lost live in their eyes and fell to the ground. They were not dead, but trapped in endless illusions.

Suddenly a demon stood up and began to attack the air around him while screaming. When the demon saw Balance, the demon screamed even higher and began running away.

But the pitiful demon didn't come far, he dropped to the ground. Dead.

The fear it released was so high when it saw Balance that he died within the next second, sucked dry of life force by the absorption of fear.

Balance suddenly felt a wave of power overcoming him. Balance physic without God Force was actually very weak, not higher than a B rank. But with God Force he couldn't be measured by normal means.

Soon the other demons began to stand up, they saw Balance and madly ran away. They even killed each other to get as far away from Balance.

Balance was satisfied, he could quickly pass the waves with this ability and would become stronger in the process.

Balance didn't gain levels when he was in the Class Trial, so he didn't become stronger. But with this ability he did.

[Congratulations on clearing High Special Wave 4]

[High Special Wave 5 will now start]

[High Special Wave Objective: Kill S+ Demon Duke Magnam]

'Demon Duke, only S+?' Balance was surprised, either demon dukes were insanely weak in this dimension or this was the weakest demon duke there was.

''Who dares!?'' Magnam bellowed.

''I dared!'' Balance didn't take this demon duke serious, this was obviously a demon who carried one of the seven deadly sins: Pride.

Powerful demons possessed one of the seven deadly sins, this would affect their personality.

''You dare to forcefully teleport me?! I, the Great Demon Duke of Hel will personally behead you!''

''You should be honored! This great demon is the strongest of this realm! hahahah!''

Magnam arrogantly walked towards Balance. He took out a large ax.

When Magnam finally arrived, he raised his battle ax.


But before he could swing his ax, he felt immense pressure. He fell face-first to the ground.

''Bastard! What did you do to me?!'' He could hardly talk due to the immense pressure, even his voice became deformed.

Balance laughed, this skill combination was truly too powerful. He called it the Art of Skill Combination.

Just now Balance created another skill, he combined Gravity Manipulation + Turn Insanity + God Force. The main focus was Gravity Manipulation, he used this combined with God Force to make the pressure so high that it could subdue everyone. In order to subdue everyone, he used Turn Insanity to weaken the enemy and give them an illusion to catch them off guard.

He called this skill: Sudden Pressure.

The enemy couldn't even react when the pressure hit them, they would instantly be immobilized and quickly subdued.

''How the tables turned'' Balance laughed softly. ''You will be my guinea pig''.

The demon duke broke out in cold sweat.

Thereafter, Balance experimented some skill combination.

The combinations lasted until the demon duke died, the demon duke truly met a tragic death. He was long consumed by insanity because of all the torture.

The skills Balance created were: Gravitational Madness, Falling Down, Subdue the Strong and Alienation.

[Skill: Gravitational Madness (??? Rank)]

[Combination: Gravity Manipulation + Turn Insanity + ???]

[Turning Gravity off, your enemies will float in the air. While in the air, everyone will fall into a state of madness. Eventually the Gravity will increase, smashing them into the ground]


[Skill: Falling Down (??? Rank)]

[Combination: ??? + ??? + ??? + Gravity Manipulation]

[Using this skill will pull all the magic power into one place. Making an Anti-Magic field where mages will be neutralized. After 30 seconds of charging, all the gathered magic power will explode in a gigantic explosion killing everyone within a radius of 75 kilometre]


[Skill: Subdue the Strong (??? Rank)]

[Combination: Sudden Pressure + ??? + ???]

[When defeating a stronger enemy, you will be able to enslave them. When enslaved they will obey your absolute orders]


[Skill: Alienation (??? Rank)

[Combination: Subdue the Strong + Turn Insanity + ???]

[After you subdued an enemy, you can infect them with alienation. Alienation will turn them into mindless monsters with increased abilities. These mindless monsters will be under your command]

[Alienation Effects: +200% Resistance, +100% Power, Curse: Hope of No Return]

[Curse; Hope of No Return: Their minds cannot be recovered, they will be in a state of insanity for eternity]


Truly the Art of Skill Combination.

The only downside of this skill combination was that already created skills could only be used to create another skill once...

The previously created skills were deleted, these were: False Hope, Sudden Pressure and Subdue the Strong.