
Attending A Social Gathering.

I immediately got dressed after my mother called for me. As for the research of my skill absorption, I put it on halt since I'm about to head out with my mother and attend a ball within our dukedom's territory.

My mother wore a bright emerald dress with several gems intact in it, while I wore a red long-sleeved tunic coat with a black linear-layered undervest.

The white carriage was awaiting our arrival outside the gate of our household. A man wearing a gray flat hat and decently dressed in white classic attire held the horse's ropes tightly in front of the carriage.

Several servants from our household formed two straight lines on both sides as they all greeted us, "Safe travels, Duchess, Young Master." When we passed through them at the gate.

My mother and I elegantly went inside the carriage, and the door was gently closed by one of the servants.

Then our departure gradually occurred after the carriage slowly left our household.




"Mother, where's the ball being held?" Axel asked.

"The ball's being held at Baron Emasquez's household."

Oh, so there's a baron within our territory." Axel pondered deeply and asked, "Umm, Mother... What do nobles at my age do when they attend a ball?"

It might be embarrassing to ask, but I need a proper education since I've never attended one. In order not to embarrass our prestige image, asking mother for befitting acts for such noble kids my age is the right thing to do."

"Tehe~" Alexandra chuckled slightly.

Huh? Don't just Tehe me... I'm really nervous right now! But I can't show it to her. Ugh, this is such a drag." Axel thought, showing hints of worry, and asked once again. "Mother? Are there any tips you might share with your unknowledgeable son?"

Alexandra gave Axel quite a long stare after he spoke. After realizing the formalities of his words, Axel immediately acted all cutesy and asked again in a more suitable tone for his age.

"Mother? Can't you tell me something? This is my first time attending a social gathering, and I'm quite nervous." Axel said in a whimpering tone.

"Sometimes I see you as a mature young man, but when you act all cutesy, I can't control my urges to hug you~" Alexandra replied and immediately pounced on Axel.

Getting hugged like this truly rejuvenates my soul. After my mother died in my previous life, I didn't get to experience being hugged again. The only thing I experienced after she left were those thrashings and beatings by my father and my cold-blooded uncle."

Axel hugged her mother tightly as he closed his eyes and gently smiled.

Such warmth. Being loved really makes me at ease."

After several minutes passed, Alexandra told Axel what and how he should act once he's attending social gatherings, such as the ball they're currently heading to.

"Listen sweetie, attending social gatherings means establishing connections with one another, but most of the time, we all just chatter and gossip about trivial things. But in kids your age, they mostly like to establish connections since, You guys would be the next generation after us."

"So by establishing, you mean befriending?"

"Yes, something like that. But befriending someone and establishing a connection with someone are totally different."

"Huh? How so?" Axel asked.

"You see, befriending someone is like knowing them equally. While establishing connections has ulterior motives."

But back in my previous world, friends only took advantage of one another and only stayed whenever there was some merit they could attain from sticking within their friendship. Well, from my perspective, that is. I can't say for sure though, since I've never had a friend back in my previous life.

"What motives could there be?" Axel asked, showing hints of curiosity in his words.

"Nobility affairs, especially when you're next in line. You must establish decent connections among other nobles in order to ascertain a better future."

Oh, I get it."

"Okay mother, thank you for your advice."

"No need to thank me, sweetie; I'm sure you'll do well. Don't be nervous, okay? And just act as yourself." She said, gently patting Axel's head.

Hearing my mother's words truly made me feel at ease, as did seeing her care for me. I wish this would stay forever."

But based on what she told me, I need to show an image truly befitting of a Duke's son. In order not to give them any embarrassment."

The carriage stopped not long after our chattering ended. A manservant from the baron's household opened the carriage door for us and assisted my mother as she slowly went out of the carriage.

After I got out of the carriage, I stared silently at the dashing tall household in front of me, the cyan-patterned layers their exterior had, and the white squared windows that shone. Well-shaved bushes that formed a line throughout the gate's entrance.

A truly magnificent household indeed. Those 45-cubic-meter houses back in my previous world can't even compare to this.

"I guess this is my first step to being an extrovert." Axel mumbled in his head.

"Milady, I will escort you and the young lord to the ballroom." The manservant said politely.

Then we went inside and got escorted up until we reached the ballroom.

The interior design of the baron's household was truly astonishing. Expensive landscape portraits were all over the walls, while luxurious decorations were placed in every corner. Extravagant couches were seen as we passed through the hallway, and a red carpet welcomed us as we got closer to the ballroom's door.

Chandeliers powered by mana were all over the ceiling. Magical lamps were also stationed on every pillar that we've seen inside the ballroom.

Several tables with luxuriously designed tablecloths were seen all over the place, while a long table was placed in the middle, filled with different types of delicacies and trending wines.

People dressed in different beautiful attires were seen chattering around amongst themselves, indulging themselves in the pleasant atmosphere that the ballroom had shown.

Meanwhile, my mother and I went towards Baron Emasquez and her wife, Anastasia, to formally greet them.

"Baron Emasquez Thank you for inviting us to such a wonderful ball." Alexandra said elegantly.

"No, no, no. It's an honor for us to have you and your son, Duchess Alexandra." The baron replied politely.

Then they continued chattering while I slowly surveyed the huge area and walked around.

Pleasant chatter was all I could hear as I walked around the venue.

Meanwhile, all I could think about was my subskill, string absorption.

Thinking of possible ways to absorb different things since it was said in the description that the string absorption can particularly absorb "anything." Maybe it'd also work on living organisms. But what will happen to my strings? Would it truly materialize if I absorbed a living specimen? Well, I guess there's only one way to find out. After we're done here, I'll truly invest my entire time in researching my skill's potential.

"Umm." As a girl's voice was heard behind me.

I immediately turned around to check, and I noticed a flustered girl acting all shy in front of me.

She had rose-colored long hair, well-shaped brows, and beautiful eyes. I could say she's truly above average.

"Hello? Can I help you?" Axel asked.

"This place is my room." She spoke quietly, while her voice trembled.

"Huh?" I instantly gasped after noticing that I wasn't within the ballroom area anymore.

The place I was currently standing was surrounded by girlish designs, flower vases, and large teddy bears.

There was also a large pink bed beyond the corner.

"Huh!? Where am I!?" As Axel said shockingly while thoroughly observing his surroundings.

While I got immersed in my thoughts, I never realized that I'd suddenly entered another room."

"Umm, this is my room." The girl said.

"My apologies, young miss, It seems I trespassed into your room unknowingly. I'll be on my way out now." Axel bowed and expressed his sincere regret for his mistake.

As Axel walked out of the room, the girl slowly tried to reach her hand towards him and mumbled in a quiet tone, "My name is..." Axel's silhouette finally disappeared from her room. "Umm, Nevermind." She said it with a disappointed demeanor.

Meanwhile After Axel exited the girl's room, he bumped into a young boy who had rose-colored hair and wore a feisty expression on his face.

"I'm sorry." Axel mumbled and stared at the young boy in front of him.

While the feisty young boy stared back at Axel, who was a bit flustered.

Chapter End.

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