
reincarnation:my sister is phycopathic

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22 Chs


As we went to the place where the practical test was being done I was left awe struck as I saw the whole place,I was seeing so many things I could never see on my previous lives.

The training ground was vast, stretching far and wide, with various terrains and obstacles scattered throughout. At its heart lies a massive fighting area, measuring 100 by 100 meters, marked by sturdy boundaries. The ground is firm, suitable for intense combat, yet forgiving enough for training purposes. Surrounding the arena are observation decks and stands, providing ample space for

spectators and trainers to watch and evaluate the fighters. The atmosphere is charged with anticipation, echoing the sounds of clashing weapons and fierce combatants, all against the backdrop of a sprawling training ground, dedicated to honing the skills of warriors.

I was surprised to buy the vastness of this place and the equipments you can gain from here to train, I was a little sad that most people on the outbreak weren't able to train themselves to win but had to adapt to the unwanted situation,if only they had some training then there would be more people surviving to see the future.

But I didn't wonder Much about this topic as yesterday is gone and I should live today.

I looked around curiously as I saw so many things for the first time, although my face didn't say it but I was little looking forward to use this items.

I could see so many plates that had 25 ton written on them.

{Do people use plates that are 25 ton instead of the old 25 kg or 25 pound, this is at least 1000 times harder for kg users and 2202 times harder for pound users }

{ My strength is right now 3000 or 30,000kg punch and for dead lift I can lift 90,000kg three times more than my punching power or 90 ton,so I wanted to try this new plates on what level am I on}

{But I don't have time for that right now I will use them later.}

Now everyone lets start with the most easiest one to check, your strength's and after that we would test your other stats but for now let's first test your strength, first of all you must lift the weights to see how much you can deadlift.

I was surprised by it as I wanted to try this new things .

{Although most people came here to learn new skills and new knowledges , since most of the people on my class where already on 2 Star begganer since this class was the top class in all of Asia so it was supposed to be filled with talents and didn't need to do strength test so early}

{I could even some having intermediate 2 star strength and more on some people's}

{This people were the one's that had been trained since childhood to become the strongest in history, although if my previous lives 18 year old was to fight to them all I would win with no trouble at all not to mention now that I am 3 times stronger than my previous life }

{I am more than half way to the intermediate 3 Star warrior,so I am the strongest in the class if I were to ignore Lia but with lia I don't know,i maybe second or first, since I know lia she is way stronger than she looks}

Some of the people in the class were secretly smiling since they wanted to show dominance to the other kids of the same age and show others that they are better than them, and lots of them were already planning on humilting other by showing how strong they are.

Although they were all confident in their abilities they also knew that there are others that will be just as strong as them since lot's of genius from other countries have came to this academy.

So they weren't that dumb to think that others wouldn't be as strong as them.

Well first

Marlow evergreen

The green haired bulky guy immediately became ecstatic because he was called the first.

He showed his muscles to everyone as he went there with Full confidence.

Second person pov

{Heh I will show them all my hardwork and show them that even without rich family one can get strong through intense training}

He was walking confidently and slowly towards the bar as he kept smiling the way to the bar.

First person pov

{This guy is about a half way to 2 star intermediateSo his strength must be 250 or more, so he can punch 2500kg and deadlift 7500kg since a person can lift 3 times there punch.}

{He is quite weak for a bulky guy like him,most people are still thinner than him are probably stronger than him aswell}

That guy got to the 1 ton plates as he started to put the 1 ton plates on each side of the bar.

The more he put the more the audience got a little excited as he was bulky so he must have insane strength to back it up,but all of them were disappointed when he only put 4 plates on each.

So 8 plates in total,

{I miscalculated he can dead lift 8 ton not 7.5 ton, I should try to understand someone's strength just by looking at them alot more since it seems i had lost my old skill of understanding any one's strength just by looking at there body}

He grabbed the bar with his hands and he gripped it tightly to send blood faster through his veins.

His hands showed nerves and his face also showed nerves as well ,he started to lift that plate slowly but surely as he holded his breath and fully deadlifted it.

Dudong! he let go of them as they immediately falled down the to the ground faster than normal weights.

The teacher wrote something.


Tamsin frost.

A icy haired guy stepped forward with a gentle and handsome smile.

Hello guys he waved as the girls was looking at him with loving eyes .

Tamsin went forward and started to add more weights to that 8 ton.

Marlow was shocked that someone was adding more weights to his already heavy weight not only that someone thinner than him was doing all of this.

He put a total of 16 plates there which was double the marlow.

Marlow felt humiliated that someone just put double his weight and was about to lift it,

I wish that you wouldn't be able to lift it and break your back while trying to lift it, he spoke in a small voice

After which Tamsin lifted it with only some difficulty not like Marlow who looked like he would die.

Marlow felt Angry that this guy was stronger than him.

But thought that this guy is the only one that will be able do it.

After that guy lot's of others came which had almost the same deadlifting strength as Marlow,

Marlow was on the middle of the whole class in terms of strength on deadlifting test.


Ronan swift

A red haired guy came in .

He took out all of the 1 ton plates as he put something better a 10 ton plate.

He put 1 ten ton plates on each side and an extra 1 ton on each side.

As he lifted 22 tones on one go although he looked like he could lift a little more.

{He must have 750 str with 7500 kg punch and 22,500 kg deadlift this guy is almost a 2 star advanced warrior }

I watched as a call was made.



I was confused why she only spoke one name but I didn't wonder much about it since the real show was about to began.

Lia went there with a calm and cold face, like a ice queen was walking through the residents of her kingdom..

The previous boys who were way to focused on me immediately got there attention on Lia because of her beauty which was heavenly,and they were all falling the moment they saw Lia.

All of the girls and boys were captivated by her appearance,as she had gained attention from just a simple walk

Some girls were jealous of her beauty and some were disappointed in themselves against her beauty.

{Is Lia that beautiful why is everyone looking at her like that ? Well I will say she is more attractive than other girls but I didn't expect that much attention just from an entrance.}

All of the boys that were thinking they were cool couldn't help but keep their eyes on her.

Lia went there with a no expression as she was walking she wasn't even showing any emotions but acting high and mighty.

From that day on Lia was called the ice princess of our academy.

{Huh,I keep forgetting lia is a phycopath that can change her expression according to the person,and knows how to hide her real expression just like me although I had gained this ability she was born with it so I can't say just like me}

She slowly went there as she took out the 10 ton weights.

huh just because she is a beautiful bit*ch doesn't mean that she is strong, a girl with a smirk remarked.

Lia didn't say a thing before she went to the 15 ton plates as she slowly rolled them there.

All of them were surprised because no one expected this girl to put a 15 ton plate on both sides.

Hey are you sure you can lift this, this is a 15 ton plate not 1.5 ton a boy said with little worried look.

It's okay Lia said coldly as she lifted the whole thing in one go to her hips.


She let go of the bar as she went out.


Did she just lift up 30 tons.

She must have 1000 str (10,000 kg punch 30,000kg lift)

She has a begganer 3 star strength????.

All of them were confused and fearful since the girl they just tried to trash talk on was way stronger than them.

The teacher was looking at this with shock sincw she has never seen the 4 th generation have 3 star kid at the age of 18.

She wrote something there

{It seems Lia is hiding her strength right now since I know she can lift 5 times more at the least right now if she wanted}



I walked up to that place as I walked every person suddenly sitted back as they don't really expect much from me ,but seeing lia who was with me have that kind of strength they were also expecting something from me but not that much.

I went took out the 15 ton weights

All of them had a face of desbileif, since I was taking out the 15 ton plate, they became disappointed in me since i was weaker than Lia.

Some of them laughed at the background.

I put some other plate one on each side.

Huh so this guy is doing 20 ton deadlift maybe he is not that bad.

I gripped the bar as I lifted this thing with a little difficulty .

I deadlifted the whole thing as I let it go.

Huh , this is heavier than I thought it was.

The teacher looked at the plate I was deadlifting.

It was not 10 ton it was not 15 ton

It was 25 ton

Is that 25 ton ?!!??

A student that saw the weights immediately screamed.

Huh are you dumb there is no wayy he could lift that muc~.

He became silent as he saw the weights.

Max total weight lifted 50 ton .

Huh another one that has gone over begganer 3 star.

His strength could be 1670 or less but how come he has that much strength?.

All of them them immediately got quiet the moment I walked out with a annoyed face.

I reached lia as I fist bumped her .

I sitted to a seat with her.

After my showcase of strength noone in the whole class was doubting me ,they all looked fearful because they had trastalked this guy before

After some time lots of people came and go but no-one could even come close to our record .

Only some guys were able to lift 25 ton while Lia had 30 tons lift.

The teacher gripped her hands tightly,and she crushed the pen into pieces of crumbs.

She immediately stopped as she took out another one.

After some time we were all done with the strength test,and now it was speed test.

Again we both surpassed there records as I reached 1500 SPD while lia reached 1600spd

Which I let her have it since the only reason I broke the record was to check how hard it is to lift it.

After I checked it we both continually gained first and second with me being second every time.

We did lots of stats test like stamina, defence,mana and more

Although we were hiding our powers I knew that Lia was way stronger than me.

After some time they were all there looking exhausted from all of this tests as they couldn't handle it.

Although Lia and I were fully okay but we still acted like we were tired.

After some time teacher said something that shocked everyone.

Now everyone lets start the real training she said as she took out small 40 yellow bells ,9 blue bells and a red bell.

Let me tell you the rules here the people that can get the yellow bell will get 50 Marks the blue bells will get 70 Marks and the one with red bell will get 100 Marks on this test and those of you who don't take this seriously the people that will pass will get special privileges and get points according to their achievements, you can buy lots of foods and stuff you want with points and everything in this school relies on points so be more mindful that you could lose many opportunities like buying a weapon or asking for vip rooms, you must pay with points so be ready.

I will not use my right hand and you must take it from me ,be careful I will not hesitate to attack back if I want to .

I will give you all 30 minutes before you take it from me.

First take 5 minutes rest I will put all of the bells in position.

She said as she brought some items that will be holding the bells.

In 10 box's there were 5 wires on each and on each box about 5 bells were put .

But the red bell was put on her neck as a necklace .

Everyone started to form teams since that was what is needed in this situation.

Lia and I just were looking at this with no interest in making teams.

I could see the blonde girl looked niave and scared of the people that were making teams she also wanted to be in one but she was rejected by every team since she had the least amount of scores on all the test so she would only be a dead weight to them.

And this was a physical test so she was fully aware she was at a disadvantage.

She looked disappointed that noone was accepting her , suddenly she felt someone staring at her.

She looked sideways as she saw us.

I gestured her to come near.

She didn't have any team so her only hope was us.

She came towards us with a little shy face.

So were you rejected by others?I asked her with some sympathy.

She looked sad as she nodded her head.

Well do you want to join us?

She became ecstatic about my invitation,as she nodded harder.

Well come sit with us I said as I hinted her to sit at between us

She slowly went and sitted in between us.

Although Lia was a little confused she didn't reject her.

My name is Lia and what is your? She was not that cold with her.

My name is cassian emberheart,nice to meet you.

Cassi I see ,I Will call you Cassi from now on so tell me what profession or class do you have.

She looked embarrassed as she spoke .


My eyes immediately became wide as I heard her class.

{At first glance most people will think this is profession where people dance and show there movements but there is more to it.

The profession sky dancer is a special class, which doesn't have a rank not because it's bad no quiet the opposite.

It's because it's too good.

The profession sky dancer means a person free of any restrictions.}

{This class is considered to be the most dangerous class in history since a person with this class can grow infinitely with no restrictions unlike most of the mortals and Even immortals have a limitation.

This class can be considered a version of creator rank if you train her heard enough.

So meeting someone like her is a once in. Lifetime opportunity.}

{If she wants she can gain every class in existence,and live with true immortality if she ever needed and can die if she wants she doesn't have to be restricted unless she wants to,.}

{The reason why I know about this special class is because the book of speed had lots of things that can be used to gain speed and in which had the sky dancer class which could gain you infinite speed if you used the class more intelligently.

But noone in this earth right now knows about this class so she was obviously rejected by others but thankfully she has a purple rank talent so they must expect something from her.}

Well I don't think you should be so embarrassed to tell us about your class,.I spoke with a reassurance.


She was quite happy about me being that comfortable with her even though she said her class Is a sky dancer.

Yes it must have a meaning behind it if you have it , since sky dancer sounds like a person that is free from the world and will move on her on whim.

If you ask me about your class than I would say it's beautiful and different than others.

She looked at me with renewed sense of hope.

A person that moves freely on his own accord, I am different ,I am beautiful.

She was almost about to cry right there but Lia stopped her from crying as she gave her reassurance.

Cassian was tearing up from her eyes as she finally stopped crying after being reassured for 3 minutes.

She cried so easily just how much sadness did she have to just cry the moment she got a compliment.I couldn't believe how much tear was holded on her beautiful eyes, I wonder how much did she suffer that she couldn't even cry, before meeting us.

The whole seat was wet with tears.

I used the cleaning Magic to clean us all.

I could see the people had made their own teams each with about 10 peoples there.

They were making plans on how to win instead wasting time like us.

I looked at lia before asking.

Who do you think the red bell should it to you or me?

She slowly rolled her eyes as she spoke.

Of course me she spoke with confidence.

Huh? Shouldn't it be me? I know how you spend your money and you will waste it all in just some day's.

I don't care I want that red bell and I am not settling at a second place .

Why ? You have nothing to lose except some points and I know for sure I will use it more efficiently than you.

No I want that red bell.

As we were bickering I said with a little heartlessness.

Okay then you can keep the red bell but I will take 3 blue bells okay?

Huh 3? she realised something there, there was no rule that said a person can't take more than 1 bell.

But why three? She looked at me confused .

One is for her I pointed at Cassi which was in between us.

She became happy that I was thinking to get one for her as well but she was quite confused,as she asked.

I am thankfull of your kindness but How are you all going to get the bells,the teacher will not hold back on speed and you two are not even a percent of her speed and we don't have any preparations so how ?

We smirked before We both comfortably sitted on our seat.

You will know in some time on how we will gain it.

(Next chapter at may 3rd,4:15 am new York time zone)