

( inuzuka clan residence )

kei - moo... why do yamato sensei had to accept this mission ? its freaking cleaning dog kennels .. it's not a job for genins at all..

taiga - yamato sensei said that he accepted the mission because you told him that you liked dogs though ..

kei - it's those cute small pets .. besides here there are only nin ken and they aren't pets but partners of ninja from inuzuka clan .. god it stinks..

ken - taiga , this is not a job for girls man ... let's just quickly get it over with and console your girlfriend ( whisper ) ..

taiga - you are absolutely right bro .

( after a few hours in training grounds 12)

ken - ne .. sensei , please dont tease us by choosing such missions deliberately again .. you know that those two are already fed up with D RANK missions ..

yamato - I know . why aren't you complaining like them though ?

ken - I just prefer these missions over high ranked ones . they can get annoying but I can laze around more time in a day . besides why would I refuse easy money anyway ...

yamato - dont you have any dreams or goals Ken? like becoming strong ninja or hokage ...

ken - nah .. I just want to have fun and live a long life ( of course i do because i couldn't do both in my past life ... )

yamato - this is also a fine goal Ken... let's catch some fish now and grill them . I'm too hungry ..

ken - okay ( shit .. I forgot that I had planned to kill a rabbit or something for SP . thanks yamato , if you hadn't mentioned fish I dont know when I would remember that . besides a fish can also get me SP according to system ) ..

( after a while inside my apartment)

( yosh ... I have 3 SP now after killing some fish. who cares about them anyway .. now I can buy a bloodline for free from the shop . which one shall I choose now . let's see ..

uchiha - this will help me awaken sharingan . I love the powers of mangekyo sharingan ..

senju - I will gain wood style and huge boost to my vitality . my compatibility with natural energy will increase a lot ..

uzumaki - I will gain talent for fuinjutsu and vitality , stamina etc ..

sarutobi - who gives a shit about this one . at least I won't bother ..

I'm really hesitating because both uchiha and senju are too good . I can always buy them after saving enough SP in future but it will take a lot of time to do that . .

let's read the description about them in system first then ..

( after a while )

holy shit... i will get max benefits from them . i choose uchiha because according to system , i will awaken eternal mangekyo sharingan straight if i choose it . this is just too good . i have to thank god for this awesome system . looks like I will have to kill a lot of bad guys to gain SP quickly now ..

according to system , I have to sleep for at least 5 hours everytime to assimilate a new bloodline in my body . well its 8 pm anyway so let's just sleep and see what powers of my EMS will be tomorrow morning ..

my body will get stronger and my chakra capacity will increase automatically to use my powers easily . I just love this overpowered system .. this system is forcing me to kill bad guys now .. looks like I have a lot to do in future ..)