
Reincarnation In Lookism

This is the story of a person who is reincarnated in the world of Lookism by a God Someone once asked him "Who are you?" He just chuckled and replied "Who am I? I'm just a student"

Gien_Nata17 · Cómic
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3 Chs


~3rd Pov

In a luxury area

Two dazzling figures ran down the path, the morning sun shining on their faces, the winds blowing against their clothes.

After a while one of the figures running behind stopped, and another figure also stopped looking at the figure of his partner.

"Hey why did you stop?" The figure in front spoke and his voice sounded like that of a woman. This woman is very beautiful, her skin is like creamy white jade, and her eyes are rippling like water, which is very heartwarming, with faint willow leaf eyebrows, flowing eyelashes, golden brown pupils giving a holy impression, her appearance is very beautiful, and her figure is slender, like thin willow.

Her hair was tied back in a ponytail leaving only bangs on her forehead, adding to her cheerfulness in her beauty that was like the beauty of an iceberg.

Wearing an orange hoodie, with mini pants showing off her white legs from her soft thighs to her ankles, because from there she was already covered in black-white sneakers.

~Image here~

"Ah, my shoelaces are untied wait a minute" This time it was a male voice.

This man was very handsome, and his eyes looked like the corners of the starry sky, he was very heroic and extraordinary, with the blood red pupil color adding to the extreme charm.

A tall body with broad shoulders, naturally proportioned muscles appeared on his body, like a prince who had experienced war.

He wears a white t-shirt, plus a blue shirt, blue pants, black socks and cream sneakers.

Her hair was ponytailed back, leaving some of it flowing forward, he had three earrings in each ear, and a lit cigarette in her mouth.

~Image here~

"Yeon, do you want to go for a walk?" said the woman to the man.

"Ohh Socheon want to go for a walk? do you want to bring a car or what?" Yeon said.

"No need, just run away" replied Socheon looking at Yeon.

"But I don't bring my wallet, let me get my wallet first," Yeon said softly.

"No need, just use my money, here I bring my wallet" Socheon said as he showed his wallet and then ran slowly.

"Well then, let's go" replied Yeon running after Socheon after tying his shoelaces.

"Oh yeah, next semester Yeon finally enters J High School, right? Yeon's gone, so it's not together for a semester, right, even though the others have entered J High School as promised." While running Socheon didn't forget to complain.

Hearing Socheon's complaint, Yeon stopped running and there was sadness in her bloodshot eyes.

"Hmm why did you stop?.. eh? Yeon still remembers what happened that time, sorry" knowing Yeon stopped Socheon asked, but he suddenly remembered something and immediately apologized.

"It's okay, it was already 6 months ago, life should always look forward right?" Yeon shook her head then replied with a smile and continued running.

Yeon is not a person of this world, rather is a reincarnation, well this world is not his real world, but a manhwa in the world he lived in in his previous life called "Lookism".

In his previous life his name was Akihito Hiro, he was a rich generation who liked adventure in the forest, unfortunately at that time he met a giant anaconda and was attacked to death.

After dying in his previous life, his soul floated in the void and was saved by a certain God who gave him the opportunity to be reincarnated in another world, the world was determined by playing roulette, well he was given the opportunity to play roulette three times, and the first roulette determined the world.

After spinning the roulette it turns out that the chosen one is the world of "Lookism" therefore he is reincarnated in this world.

In this world Akihito was born in a family with a good economy, his parents also loved him very much, and was named Yeon Jin.

After so many years of living in this world he too had experienced ups and downs, and adapted to a new world.

However, Yeon still has another identity besides a reincarnation, namely the protagonist of this novel.

As for Socheon, he was the first character he created using one of the five character-making cards he got from the third roulette.

When he wants to use it, Yeon realizes that this card is divided into two types "M" and "F". "Male" and "Female" as the name implies, cards of type "M" can only be made into Male characters, while cards of type "F" become Female characters.

And the first card he used was a type "F" that's why Yeon created Socheon.

"Don't you want to go for a walk?" Yeon said to Socheon who was still stopping.

"Ah, of course so, we'll buy this later, buy that, just a lot of them, it's been a long time since we've been together" Socheon hastily followed and continued talking.

"Yes yes"


"Let's go get some ice cream first" Socheon said pointing to a shop and running there.


Beside him was Yeon who followed Socheon to the shop, but right now his hands were full of shopping bags, and his face looked tired.

"I want strawberry flavor and vanilla flavor, here is the money, just take the change" Socheon said to the seller and went to Yeon.

"Here for you" Socheon gave the vanilla ice cream to Yeon while eating his strawberry ice cream.

Seeing the ice cream Socheon offered, Yeon just stared blankly at him and raised his hand full of grocery bags.

"Eh, then let me help you hold it." Seeing that Socheon was stunned for a moment, then said to Yeon.

"Oh this" Yeon said then handed the shopping bag held in her right hand.

"What?" Socheon looked at Yeon in confusion.

"Didn't you say you would help hold it" Yeon replied.

"I mean I'll help you hold the ice cream, here!" Socheon said then gave the vanilla ice cream he had opened to Yeon's mouth.

"Damn it" Yeon mumbled annoyed then licked the ice cream that had been given and walked with Socheon.

"Hey, what's with that annoyed face of yours?" Socheon complained to Yeon who had an annoyed face.

"Tired" Yeon replied while eating the ice cream in her hand

"Tch, turn fighting is not tired, but walking with your own girlfriend is tired" Socheon said annoyed.

"If you don't take me around the various shops with this much groceries for three hours, I won't say tired" Yeon said with a hash mark on her forehead.

"Hmm, you're the only one who's weak, that's why you get tired quickly" replied Socheon.

"Huh? how-" Yeon stopped talking because she heard people screaming around her while pointing in a certain direction

"Wow there's a fight, look at that"

"Let's make a video"

"Didn't anyone stop him?"

Yeon looked at the direction the people were pointing at and the corner of her mouth smiled. Socheon seemed to also notice the people around him and looked in the direction they were pointing and was slightly surprised.

"Eh? That-" Socheon said but was interrupted by Yeon.

"What's wrong? do you know them?" Yeon asked Socheon.

"Hm, the woman there is called Mijin, and the man who is fighting with the short fat man is called Zin" Socheon answered Yeon.

Hearing that Yeon looked and the corners of her mouth couldn't bend. He never expected to accidentally meet this world's character

If ordered by the timeline it should be the one Zin is beating right now is the original protagonist right? Park Hyung Seok.

Thinking of this, Yeon shook her head, put away the various thoughts in her head and walked home to rest, he was very tired right now.

"Let's go"

Hmm, didn't you watch? Ah Yeon wait"

"Tired okay? I'll see you tomorrow anyway"