
Reincarnation in a crossover World

A guy who died trying to save a girl, but what he didn't know was the girl will be ok, whatever if he helps or not. "I´m die??" "Yes u are" "W-who are u??" "I´m u FATHER!" "NOOOOOOOOOO" ---------------------------------------------- Only update, when I have nothing to do ---------------------------------------------- This is my first time writing. English is not my first language. So go easy on me. ---------------------------------------------- I do not own anything in my novel other than my OC's. Including the cover of this novel.

Bleckends · Cómic
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24 Chs

Death and Reincarnation

Today was a day like all the others. I wake up, I take a bath, I get dressed, I go to college, I have lunch and I go home to continue reading novels or playing games, but fate had something different for me today.

"Fuuuck I'm late" Mc

I stayed playing until very late TFT (Teamfight Tactics) and now I'm too late for class and today I have a test, fucking rito why they need to close the season this month, why not the other one now I won't be able to reach diamond >___<.

"La La La :)" Random girl

Why is that girl playing in the middle of the street it's she retard? where are his parents?.

"Hey, girl don't play here and go with ur mother!" Mc.

"La La La :)" Random girl.

'Fuck even a little girl ignore me. Why is the world so cruel T__T' Mc.

While a was thinking a wild truck-kun appears.

"¡Fuck hey, girl run now!" Mc.

"Mph?" Random girl.

"Nooooooo Emilyyy" Mother of Random girl.

' Fuck she won't make it' Mc.

I started to run as fast as I could, but the driver had fallen asleep on the wheel. There was no time to get the girl out of there so I could only protect her with my body.


"Damn, in the end, I couldn't make it to diamond on TFT...." his final words before he closes his eyes for last time.

"where am I and why I can't feel my body" Mc.

He looks around him trying to see something, but the only thing he could see was complete darkness.

"¡Hellooo anybody here!" Mc

"I save a girl and now I' m stuck in this place ¿its because she was retard??" Mc

"sigh the person who runs this place is very careless leaving someone alone here -__-" Mc.

"cough cough" ??.

"mmhh H-hello?" Mc.

"Hello I'm God" ??


"Yes and I'm here to decide what to do with you" God.

"W-what do you mean?" Mc.

"You see you shouldn't have died there today, you weren't supposed to save the girl, because even if you didn't do anything, the girl would survive without a scratch." God.

"¡W-whaaaaaaat!" Mc.

"That's why I'm here to see what to do with you" God.

"¿W-will I be sent to hell?" Mc.

"If that's what you want" God.

"Nononono " Mc.

"Well, then I will give you 2 options, one to reincarnate in a world of your choice with 3 wishes or 2 to go to heaven where you will have a life of peace and full of comforts" God.

"Then I will reincarnate, my life was totally boring and monotonous, so I would like to live a new one where I can have an adventure" Mc.

"I understand then you can choose your wishes, but remember that you cannot reincarnate in your previous world" God.

"Don't worry, I also had no reason to return to my world anyway, I had nothing left" Mc.

Yes, I was an orphan, my parents died when I was 10 years old and my uncles took care of me, but they only gave me what was necessary and they never cared about me, so I never had any attachment to them. When I was 18 I left home and worked for 2 years to be able to pay for my university and my needs, I lived a monotonous life without friends or family until I died.

"So, have you decided your wishes ??" God.

"Yes, well you see I have read many novels, so I already had my wishes ready" Mc.

1. The 3 types of haki.

2. 2 Custom weapons

3. A system that has gacha, status, inventory, store and achievement rewards.

""Ok, for the first wish you will have the 3 hakis, but they will be in their basic form, for your second wish you will have to train to release all the power of your weapon "God.

"For the last wish there is no problem, but I wonder why you put an achievement system and not missions?" God.

"Well I want to create my own adventure and not one that the system gives me, but I don't want to lose the good rewards that they give me" Mc

"Ok then choose your appearance and the world where you want to reincarnate" God.

"I would like my appearance to be like Ouma Kurogane and reincarnate in a crossover world"

"Ok, what kind of crossover world?" God.

"I would like the Danmachi world as the main one while adding other types of worlds similar to that" Mc.

"Well then, I wish you luck in your new life" God.

That was the last thing our Mc heard until a vortex swallowed him up and took him on his new adventure.

This is my first fanfic and I hope you liked the first chapter I will try to publish whenever I can and finally I would like to know what worlds do you think I should add and why?.


if you see any problems in the grammar, indicate it since my English is not very good

Bleckendscreators' thoughts