
'There are really a lot of capable players in those big guilds. The game has only started for a few days, but they have already bribed the NPC for information.'

Inside the underground passage, Mohai was slightly impressed by the resources of those big guilds. Back then, even after he played the game for a while, he had always focused on clearing missions earnestly. He never once thought about using tricks to achieve his goal.

His aggro radius could not differentiate the types of monsters, but he was able to differentiate monsters from players.

When he noticed the Elemental Tower luring the five mobs away from the Bovella clone, Mohai knew they must have bribed the NPC for the mission information.

A lot of NPCs in Origin were very realistic, especially those who were in charge of tests. Quite a number of them could be bought. A mission professional and a common player could perform the same mission, but the latter would realize that the mission was few times harder than the former.

Of course, NPCs had their pride and faces to protect. The players who assumed that they were rich and tried to bribe an NPC brazenly would only be rejected because of the insult. Furthermore, it would even affect the mission rating.

Bribes should be done subtly and in secret. Other than that, a player must find the correct item to bribe them with. NPCs could be bribed, but not all of them wanted the same thing. Gold coins were mostly useless. If a player could not find something that interested the NPC, bribery would not work.

However, not all NPCs could be bribed. Some of them were clean and hated corruption. If the player found the wrong NPC to bribe, canceling the mission was considered the lightest punishment. The worst that could happen was being blacklisted by the NPC.

Skillful players could determine whether or not the NPC accepted bribery based on their words and signs.

Mohai was a professional at this. With the experience of his reincarnation, his discernment would only improve, so he knew which NPC could be bought and which could not.

Unfortunately, he was a monster, so he had a vast amount of information, but he could not put them to use.

However, the strategy to conquer the Bovella clone was quite simple and obvious. Even if he did not bribe the NPC, Mohai knew that the Elemental Tower would figure it out after being wiped out once or twice. They would then be able to kill the clone.

"Be careful. I'm going out," whispered Mohai.

Since the Elemental Tower knew their way around the clone, they made it through the first stage of [Bloodthirsty] easily and the HP of the clone swiftly dropped to 20%.

Mohai knew it was time to make a move.

"Okay." DeepSea nodded.

She had not changed her occupation and she barely did anything in this quest for the Fire Stone. Given that their opponent was the Elemental Tower with more than 150 players and the Bovella clone, DeepSea was curious about what the bandit leader would do.

If she had been with a player, DeepSea would have asked to remedy her curiosity, but against a monster, she believed that even if she asked, the bandit leader would not answer. Therefore, she might as well keep quiet and stand aside.

"Maintain the HP of the three remaining clones. We'll kill them together on my count!" StreetRoamingRat's order echoed throughout the backyard of the manor.

The first stage of [Bloodthirsty] was easy, but the most important one was actually the second stage.

The second stage absorption of HP was a lot stronger. They must kill all three remaining flaming puppets within two seconds to lower the Bovella clone's HP to below 5%.

If they could do it, the Bovella clone which had 5% HP was basically in the bag. If not, they would be wiped out and it was impossible for them to escape this.

Meanwhile in the underground passage, Mohai made his move by jumping into the dark stone room.

The stone puppets that guarded all four corners reacted to his entrance with blazing flames igniting from their eyes. Each of the stone puppets was big and buff and they were engulfed in fire.

Sparks rose from the clones as the blazing flame granted them increased speed and Attack within a short period.


A stone puppet swung its blazing axe towards Mohai.

Mohai activated the [Encourage] skill just before the blazing ax grazed his body.


However, as he dodged the blazing ax, two more fiery greatswords were swung at him from both sides. It was the perfect follow up to the ax.

A player might have dodged the blazing ax, but he would be caught in the fiery greatswords, and from there, the stone puppets would be able to surround the player.

Fortunately, even if Mohai closed his eyes, he could dodge such a simple attack.

DeepSea saw Mohai bend down and roll forward to dodge the two fiery greatswords. Right before the fourth and final blazing ax could hit him, he sprung up from the ground and ducked in the nick of time.

Everything seemed to be within his expectations. It might look dangerous with ambushes lurking in the dark, but the fierce attacks did not inflict a single point of damage on him.

Despite the stone puppets trying to hold him back, Mohai managed to slip through all the attacks, and DeepSea saw him sprinting towards the stone table in the middle.

'He's amazing!' DeepSea's elegant body was trembling.

There were quite a lot of players who could dodge attacks perfectly, but only a handful could perform it smoothly and it was a pleasure to her eyes.

"What's this?!"

On the manor rooftop, the lazy blue fox jolted up. A tinge of anxiety and rage flashed over her eyes. She was unable to differentiate Mohai from the flaming puppets, but the battle in the stone room could not escape her attention.

'Someone was after that thing!' That was the thought that popped in her mind when he jumped up. Unable to stay calm any longer, she leaped off the roof right away.

"What's that!?" 

A blue speedy figure stood out from the charred and fiery manor backyard. HundredLivesAsMan and StreetRoamingRat were shocked.

"Team Two! Stop that fox at all costs!" HundredLivesAsMan shouted at his party. The blue fox was obviously here for the Bovella clone.

It was a delicate moment in the battle as they could not afford the blue fox messing things up. Otherwise, they would be wiped out.

"Get off!" The blue fox was very angry, but her shout sounded like squeaks in the players' ears.

"Hurry! Kill all three of the flaming puppets!" HundredLivesAsMan yelled when the Bovella clone's HP was reduced to 19%.

Many fierce attacks were launched at the three remaining flaming puppets who only had a bit of HP left.


The first one went down, followed by the second, but before the third one fell, the Bovella clone raised his staff and roared at the sky. He was already in the second stage of [Bloodthirsty], and after his roar, he started to burn up like the flaming puppets around him!

The red link that connected the members of the Elemental Tower suddenly became thicker and the absorption of the HP was stronger than before!

"A monster mutation!" 

HundredLivesAsMan, StreetRoamingRat, and the other players of the Elemental Tower were frightened.

"Hurry! Kill the last mob!" Immediately after HundredLivesAsMan shouted, the last mob was killed, but it was useless.

The Bovella clone's rampant [Bloodthirsty] state did not end even with the death of all three mobs. His HP also did not fall below 5%.

Everyone at the scene knew what happened. The clone had mutated a moment ago and instantly absorbed a large amount of HP. When the third mob was killed, the clone still had 8% of HP left and was recovering at an astonishing speed.

On the other hand, the HP of the Elemental Tower's players were dropping madly.

"Roar!" In its blazing form, the clone thumped his staff on the ground and a fiery magic formation appeared on the earth.

Back in the underground room, Mohai was dodging the attacks of the stone puppets after getting the red stone when all of a sudden, the ground beneath his feet shone brightly.

At the next moment, he appeared in the fiery magic formation at the surface.

'This b*stard! This b*stard took my item!' The blue fox was furious when she saw Mohai.

Her tiny body suddenly grew bigger and taller until she was almost 2 meters tall. Blue ghastly flames floated around her body.

What just happened? 

The series of unexpected changes caught the Elemental Tower off-guard. Even the experienced HundredLivesAsMan and StreetRoamingRat failed to react to the situation immediately.

They were drowned with questions but did not have the time to figure them out anymore.

The furious clone was absorbing their HP madly. Everyone in the Elemental Tower was losing HP as if they were spilling water. Not even drinking potions could help anymore. In the blink of an eye, everyone started to turn into the white light of death.

"Holy sh*t! Why is this guy here?!" Mohai was frightened when he noticed the blue fox.

Without the Elemental Tower in the way, the giant blue fox furiously threw herself at him.