
The beginning of his 3rd Life

Kelvin blinked his eyes, or at least he commanded it to. Still, all he could see was darkness and nothing around him.

'Uh... where am I? What did I reincarnate as???'

Kelvin tried shifting around but found he could not move.

'Okay okay... so I can't move? Right I must at least be a living thing right? Yeah... it is feeling a little warm maybe I should just wait? Yeah while we wait I should try whatever H said.'

Kelvin wasn't really sure what looking inward meant so he started remembering his life from the earliest moment he could remember. To his surprise Kelvin found he could remember things crystal clear, what he had for breakfast at 2 years old and what his parents looked like clearly.

'Looks like my soul lets me remember things super easily.'

Kelvin scanned his memories, reliving the bigger moments in his life. Getting the education and jobs he wanted, beating some high ranked guy on a video game he played.

As Kelvin went scanned his memories a high pitched shattering sound like glass in his head. Suddenly he felt he was able to open his 'eyes' like they were glued shut before.

Kelvin could feel multiple eyes that he could open and he tried opening one slowly. His vision brightened but not by much, not even a little truly. It was the difference of absolute darkness and a moonless night in the forest. The only real difference he could see now was texture, the texture of darkness.

If before it was a static black void with nothing now it was like black paint on the roughest canvas.

'Can I see now? Maybe its night time that's why it's so dark. Lets try the next one.'

Kelvin closed that eye and opened another, this time instead of utter darkness it was brown, there was the color brown in front of him, and as he looked around Kelvin noticed that above him there was some blue hidden behind the brown.

'Maybe this is elemental vision? Maybe I'm a seed and I'm underground and its raining or under a pond? Later, next vision!'

Kelvin switched to the next eye and found stars, but it wasn't in the direction of the sky rather the ground.

'Hmm, seems I'm on an elevated area. Am I on a mountain? Still, what are those? Well I have no use for it yet so we can check it later. Last one!'

When Kelvin switched to his last vision he saw his own soul, floating in an endless white space.

'Okay so I can see my own soul now, and is it a bit bigger than before? Maybe thats why I suddenly got these eyes. Yeah lets name them so I can use them easier...'

Kelvin didn't think much about the names and tried being practical.

'So first one should just be ignored it is normal vision after all, lets start with the second. Elemental Eye fits, the third should be... crap I don't know... lets just leave this and the last one is Soul Eye! Yeah yeah.'

After the excitement of being able to see different things died down he started to think of what to do next.

'So should I continue to relive my memories? Or try do something with my elemental eye? Actually yeah! Let's see if we can manipulate the elemental energies first, if we can't then we can train our soul.'

With the decision made Kelvin opened his Elemental Eye and tried to move the brown colors with his mind like he did as the butterfly. At first there was no reaction, but Kelvin noticed something else instead, he couldn't influence the brown color directly. But there was a soft gray color that permeated everything, he just couldn't see it at first but now concentrating he saw it floated in and out.

When Kelvin focused his mind on the gray energy he discovered that he could control it. Using his control Kelvin pushed the gray energy into his body, and found that it swallowed it greedily.

Following the gray energy was bits and pieces of brown, but Kelvin found nothing wrong after a quick inspection and let it flow into his new body. Kelvin used the gray energy in his body to map it out and surprise, it was a seed.

Kelvin wasn't a botanist and didn't know much about seeds so he couldn't tell what he was. Still, he knew that to germinate seeds needed warmth and water. However Kelvin hadn't been receiving water for the past few days now and while he wasn't feeling sick Kelvin wasn't even sure if the seed could.

Using the gray energy Kelvin brought it up above the brown and into the blue, hoping it was water. When he brought the gray energy back down and absorbed it Kelvin instantly felt thirsty, like he had ran a marathon in the desert.

Controlling the gray energy, Kelvin quickly moved them to the blue and controlled it back. Feeling his thirst get quenched.

After a while the thirst disappeared, but Kelvin didn't want to be unprepared for that thirst again. Kelvin controlled the gray energy to stay at the blue and slowly the gray energy started to become tinted in blue.

However Kelvin found that it started to become harder to control the more it was influenced by the elemental energy, so he hastily brought it back and absorbed it.

At this point Kelvin was sure that the blue color was water and the brown was most likely earth.

Days passed as Kelvin lived in a cycle of reliving his memories to train his soul and taking a break when he became thirsty. At some point he had started germinating and had broken out into the pond.

Using his normal vision Kelvin saw that it was a normal clean pond that one could find anywhere. The only abnormal thing Kelvin could find was that there was no insect of any sort, it was just plants.

Days became weeks and weeks became months as time passed, Kelvin's plant body had grown and finally Kelvin could tell what plant he was, a lotus!

Kelvin had spent the time training his soul and absorbing the elemental energies around him, his soul had grown almost four times and his plant body had mixed the earth and water energies into nature.

Using his Elemental Eye he could see his plant body radiating green light almost like a sun, compared to the other plants around him which had extremely faint green energy.

During this time he had also discovered other energies like wind, light and heat.

Kelvin had also found that he could influence the way his plant body grew, but it was at a slow rate. He planned to dominate this pond since clearly there was something special about it, and even if there wasn't Kelvin needed something to do, a goal.

A year passed as Kelvin set out on his goal, pushing the other plants out with his roots and covering them with his petals, starving them. Eventually he took control of the entire bond, a single lotus flower floating in the middle of the pond.

At some point the plant body starting forming a lotus bud, but it didn't take any effort so Kelvin left it be. However for some mystical reason, when it bloomed it contained a large amount of mana.

Kelvin was pleasantly surprised and wanted to use the mana to reinforce his plant body, but when he pulled on it he discovered that he couldn't move the mana at all. It trickled into his body like a broken tap instead, the flower withering extremely slowly as it did.

Since there wasn't much he could do Kelvin just left it be and left a constant pulling motion on it.

He had reinforced his plant body with mana as he grew, allowing his plant parts to grow thicker and stronger.

A month passed as the lotus flower slowly withered, the mana within trickling into his plant body. When the last drop entered his body, Kelvin could feel it suddenly shift about, as if there were snakes under his skin moving around. It was a terribly weird sensation but when it was over Kelvin discovered the green light his body exuded darkened, and felt that the quality of the light increased.

Kelvin could also move his body faster now, instead of directing where it was going to grow he could now move his branches a little. It wasn't much but it was a start.

'The flower gave me way more mana than I absorbed in the last year. How can I make it so it gives me even more? Maybe if I send some mana into the bud as it forms it might mutate and return more mana? Let's give it a try next time.'

A year passed.

In the pond was a lotus with a uniform orb of water floating above, orbited by eight small pebbles.

'I think I can say to have mastered earth and water, next should be fire or wind? Actually maybe I should do nature...'

The lotus doubled in size and the petals reached the hundreds, the mana it released was incredible.

'Well the lotus experiment worked, It seems to multiply the mana inputted by roughly ten?'

As Kelvin thought over the lotus, a monster made its way to the pond. Attracted by the mana given off by the lotus it approached it.

'Huh? A kid? No wait... is that a goblin? Long nose, huge ears, short as hell, green and ugly.'

Kelvin didn't mess with it yet, it was his first time seeing a goblin and left it be. The goblin walked towards the pond alone, looking around warily.

The pond was beautiful, a single hundred petal lotus floating in the middle of a calm pond. It looked as if the pond was a throne for the plant.

'Is it getting closer? Wait can it sense the mana given off by my flower? Shit just in case...'

The goblin warily entered the water, reaching up to his chest it waded towards the flower ignorant of the slithering vines on the floor.

'Shit he is! Lets drown this idiot.'

The goblin stretched out its hand when it got close and right before it could touch the flower, the vines grabbed onto his ankles and pulled him back.

Unable to balance itself the goblin fell face first into the water, before the goblin could orient itself the vines wrapped around the goblin and kept it under water.

The goblin thrashed around in the water, the moment felt like it lasted longer than it did to Kelvin. Despite his situation it is his first time killing something.

'It's dead. Yeah. Let's get rid of it.'

The vines wrapped around the body and brought it out the water, manipulating the earth to dig out a deep hole Kelvin dropped the body inside and covered it up.

'I had to kill it, I had to. He was going to take my flower, I needed that. Shit I need to stop thinking about this.'