
Reincarnation: Divine husband and wife

Supreme Goddess Hao Zongying accidentally tripped off the Divine continent and died. She reincarnated as a poor but peerlessly beautiful woman who was already married since three years!! Hao Zongying, now Xia Lanfen, refuses to live in rags until she could go back to her continent. She makes money by using her divine skills and slowly rises to the top of society with her husband. When finally, after clumsy ways of telling him her feelings, they have their first child, he told her a shocking truth! Xia Lanfen: Bai Yang! You tricked me! She angrily glared at the cunningly smiling man beside the bed. Husband: My wife, I didn't trick you. It's you who seduced me. And, even now, you're tempting. Come on, I want a daughter this time. Xia Lanfen: (⊙﹏⊙) Are you crazy!? Nine months later, the second child was born.

Junee · Historia
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3 Chs

Chap 1: Reincarnated

Hao Zongying opened her eyes. The first thing she felt, after waking up, was a terrible headache that caused her to curse under her breath. "Ah! Painful." She sat up, holding her hand to her forehead, frowning. When the splitting pain in her head finally calmed down, she remembered what had happened the day before.

"Damn, I actually died in such a ridiculous way!" Hao Zongying muttered. She was just sitting on the edge of the Yun continent, an immense floating island, and accidentally fell to the mortal realm and died!

So stupid! She could not believe that she, the Supreme Goddess of the three realms had actually died by tripping on a rock at the edge of her own land!

She swore to herself that if she found that rock again, she'd destroy it until even its ashes wouldn't be anywhere to be seen!

Hao Zongying was furious that she died in such a way. After clenching her fists for a bit more time, she suddenly realized the situation she was in.

Mm? She was dead, so why was she in this small, shabby room? And the bed she was on was a simple pile of sheets…How uncomfortable. Her nails had dug into her palm flesh, and the vivid pain was now very perceptive, the red liquid flowing down and staining the ragged sheet that was covering her body.

What? How could this be possible?

Hao Zongying looked around. Perhaps someone had rescued her before she hit the ground…not. It was impossible. No one would be able to do so. The quick lowering of immortal energy would make their bodies disappear. Only she could have actually survived, but for not long.

So how come her body was not disappearing?

Hao Zongying narrowed her eyes and glanced at the snow-white, skinny and even bony arms. This body looked very unhealthy, not properly feed. Probably its original owner had died because of malnutrition, starved to death or had a peculiar disease.

Still, Hao Zongying felt like the heavens hadn't abandoned her. It made sense as she ruled them. Such a blessing, she had actually reincarnated as this human woman!

Now, she had to find a way to go back to Yun continent, in her palace, and never ever let a rock be on her way again!

Hao Zongying slowly got up from her self-made bed, only to discover how weak this body actually was.

It couldn't even move properly! She really needed food, otherwise she'd actually die once again, of starvation!

And with the state of this house, this owner was surely without a dime to spend! From her luxurious, incredible palace full of priceless treasures to this small, shabby house in this weak body, such a great change had occurred!

Hao Zongying thought again of the frail and weak body she had entered. She knew she was a woman, for sure.

You could just look at the huge meat buns practically tearing her thin clothes, despite herself being only flesh and bones. Secondly, the feeling of this body was the same as her old one. Therefore she had to be a woman. And like previously, she had to be a strong woman!

But a woman's three strength are quick-wit, talent and beauty!

She did not lack the two previous, but her body currently was not the same as before. The third was something that people cared about the most, especially in the mortal realm! She would not be able to make a lot of money if her face was not holding up to the one she lived so long with until now.

Hao Zongying was troubled and unpleased by this; such idiocy, mortals cared about their looks more than their blood's lives!

Hao Zongying's eyes swept around the small room, looking for something that could possibly show her looks. She stopped after noticing a mirror. It was a bit far away, for her body's condition, but her top priority was looking at her face!

She crawled until her arm finally reached the object, as she grabbed it and got back to her bed. She held the mirror in her hands, observing her visage in detail. Large, phoenix-eyes, blacker than black, long eyelashes, straight, small and well-shaped nose, full, dry but red lips like cherries, an oval face and perfectly shaped eyebrows, with a flawless skin.

If not for the large bags under her eyes, the sunken cheeks and the sick look of her complexion, she was indeed a beauty as great as before!

What a beautiful face, not inferior to hers at all!

She then inspected her body, to find anything that could be revealing an injury.

Seeing nothing like that, Hao Zongying breathed in relief.

Then, she recalled a detail that she had forgotten!


She quickly closed her eyes and entered her spirit beast's world, only to find the adorable, pinkish white nine-tailed fox asleep!

This bad girl was actually asleep, not knowing that her owner had actually reincarnated!

Hao Zongying felt her vein on her forehead popping in rage. She reached her hand to pinch the ear of the little fox, only to be pushed away by an invisible wall. Hao Zongying rubbed her aching hand and butt.

She narrowed her eyes at the sleeping fox and realized something was wrong.

This fox, she wouldn't wake up before a long time, due to her current state. She had forgotten, if she had fell down Yun continent then probably Hua was also affected, and greatly weakened. She had to sleep to get her powers back, but that meant that the powers from Hua that Hao Zongying had were also sealed!

She couldn't use them, how hateful!

She kept majority of her divine powers, but Hua's powers were useful. For example, she couldn't perceive hidden auras and the colors of the souls anymore. It was something that was incredibly useful for assassination attempts or catch her disobedient subordinates that used a disguise to flee work!

Hao Zongying sighed. Well, she could not do anything about it, and had to wait until Hua would wake up. She laid her back on the pile of sheets behind herself and thought.

This woman, whose body she had taken over, what was her name? Hao Zongying wondered. If she did not react when someone called her name, it would be bothersome. People would get suspicious. Cripples and retarded people were also regarded as wastes in this realm.

On Yun continent, even cripples were stronger than humans here.

Hao Zongying did not understand why humans would mistreat their peers. She did not understand humans, but now that she was one, perhaps she could finally get answers.

Hao Zongying was about to close her eyes and sleep when footsteps suddenly filled her ears. The footsteps seemed to be a man's; it was coming towards the small house. Hao Zongying kept herself on guard. Who knew, with that woman's beauty, even if she was sickly and weak there would always be scum people to take advantage!

"Lan Lan? Are you awake?" A deep, magnetic voice echoed, before a white hand pushed the worn-out sheet that was used as a door.

This is the first story I'm publishing there. It's extremely embarrassing, but that's fine too.

And yes, I am the author of this. I just like Chinese novels, so I wanted it to be the same settings.

Okay. I'm done.

o(* ̄▽ ̄*)o

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