
A trip to where?

James was not looking forward to dinner. He thought he was seeing the last of Jason Kon, but he had to see him again one last time. 'Well he does need to somehow show up at the capital otherwise the plot of the novel might diverge a lot... But why did he even go to the capital in the novel? I read that thing about a hundred times, I can't have—'

James didn't think it important to overdress. He was at home, after all, and he wanted to pretend caaualness. The key would be to convince Jason without appearing too suspicious. Too bad he'd failed to reach some kind of understanding with Hansworth.

James was the last to step into the room. It might be because the title was new, but his father still wasn't the best at pulling rank. Even guests to a ducal dinner normally shouldn't be allowed to sit at the same table as the Duke and his family. But then again James thought the fact they still owned a mansion instead of a castle was to blame. A castle would have a private dining room and a hall where guests could be entertained. In the hall they'd have a great table, and the Duke would sit there, and the guests would sit on the lesser tables arranged in terms of rank.

For some reason James was sat to his father's right. His step mother to his father's left, and Crest next to her, just across from James. Lilia was seated next to James, and next to her was Eno, Nino, Hansworth, and then the Kons. They ate their food in silence, everyone seeming content to stay in their own heads. They knew they had things to discuss once the meal was finished.

"It is good to see you healthy and about, master Hansworth," mistress Kon started off the exchange.

The swordsman seemed to startle from some deep introspection.

"Huh, wha...? Ahhh...I mean! Thank you. I heard it was you who healed me."

"That is true, and the things I've heard since make me truly happy I did. But I have to say, your injuries were a tad ghastly. That experience is something I don't look forward to repeating any time soon. And I wouldn't wish it on a lesser healer."

'And now we know where Jason gets his arrogance. Although, in her defense she's really good.'

"Yeah..." Hansworth was saying hesitantly. "I guess I'll try."

The woman released a long suffering sigh, turning to eye her husband and son in turn. The two gave her marching goofy smiles. The Duke cleared his throat for attention.

"The last few hours, I think everyone here can agree, have been very eventful. I admit some of these revelations might be a bit overwhelming, however..." and he shared a smile with everyone at the table. "New acquaintances were made, new friendships forged, and a few disasters averted."

There were a few shared gazes. James saw mistress Kon squeeze Hansworth's hand.

"Allow me to address what I can here. First off, congratulations to Jason Kon for acquiring anonymous sponsorship to the royal academy of the Mareth kingdom."

A few rounds of polite applause, a frown from Crest.

"Baron Ken of Abley has summoned you. The letter was sent here, and its quite fortunate it arrived while we still hosted you."

The Duke handed the letter over. Jason looked conflicted about taking it. Everyone waited patiently as he perused it.

"He has invited me to his castle."

Jason frowned, looking toward James who was in the process of pouring his first glass of wine in days. James froze like a rabbit caught in a snare. 'What now?'

"And...?" he asked instead.

"I mean, should I go? I already have your sponsorship and all, so—"

"Do you think he's calling you about a sponsorship?"

"Well ...I mean...?"

"You have to meet him. The way I see it, our inviting you has him curious. He doesn't know we plan to sponsor you, as this was never made public." James had to stop and search out Gray. "I hope—?"

"No it wasn't."

"Great. Then as long as you don't somehow tell him what's going on, I have no doubt he may never find out."

"I really don't think I should go. Didn't you say you and the other great Northern houses are feuding?"

"Yeah..." James had to stop and think very carefully. "But think about it for a second, won't you? Your family stays in the Baron's domain. Ignoring an order from him could be...not so great of an idea." There was a hint of bitterness to his voice, though he tried to hide it.

"We could say we are under the Duke's protection," mistress Kon suggested.

"I think thats a great idea," Duke Desmond all but jumped out of his seat in his glee.

This was the difficult part. The balancing act James had to play to. Somehow, it was painful. These kind of games were the things he hated the most. It couldn't be helped though. At times you must use the tools you have, even if you hate them.

"I agree that that's a great idea. But, advertising that does put you firmly in our grasp. You know, your freedom and all that?"

"Oi, this is exactly why I hate getting involved with nobles!" Jason's father rubbed the sides of his head.

James wanted to agree wholeheartedly, but he refrained. He had work to do.

"I don't think that's too bad a consequence," mistress Kon submitted.

James was far from done. "Using our name does in the end mean you have to obey the summons though. Otherwise the Baron might think we are inciting rebellion in his domain."

Crest nodded thoughtfully. "It might be too dangerous for you to declare for us now. What with the political situation in the North. In all honesty, I see very little choice but for you to attend the Baron."

James could have winked at Crest for that. It didn't surprise James his sharp witted brother had been the first to see it. The inevitability, in the illusion of choice they had.

"But what should I tell him?"

James shrugged. "That we noticed your talent and wished to hire on as a guard."

"...and...I said no?"

"No. That you said you'd think about it. Once you finished school."

"You want me to lie to him?"

James paused, thinking through his next few words carefully. This is where these rigid people were a pain to deal with.

"Well, maybe. But think about it? Isn't that what you expected when you came here? That we wanted you to be my guard? And the thing about finishing your studies and working for us could be true."

"So you want me to work for you after I'm done at the academy?"

James didn't even hesitate.

"No. I'm just saying that could be an option. If it makes you feel better about not being completely honest, then you can consider it. But I'm pretty sure the crown won't let us have someone as talented as you. Especially since we'll technically have no connection to you."

"Okay. I understand."

James didn't need him to understand. He needed him to get to the capital somehow, and stop that stupid attack like he did in the novel. Crest would be there, and James wanted his brother safe. Problem was, even if Jason had saved a lot of people, there were lots of casualties in the rest of the capital. Was James a hypocrite for thinking only of his brother? Was he like those people in his old world who'd chosen to make him a scape goat for their family.

"Well," the Duke took centre stage again. "With that out of the way, I'd like to talk about master Hansworth's information. The crown's investigators have been informed of you, and they'll perhaps expect you in the capital to coordinate with them."

Hansworth took the information with a stoic expression, concentration written all over the lines of his brow. He just nodded in response, and looked to his plate in the ensuing silence.

"Now, for the last matter we need to discuss: a letter arrived from the capital inviting a representative from our house to a gathering the royal children are organizing. Just like you said it would James."

James took a sip of his wine, deliberately not letting himself be roped into any more conversation. Just that bit of manipulation he'd done was tiring him out.

"Me and your father were discussing," the Duchess took up the tale. "And we figured you were right. This is our chance to improve our image in front of all the Northern houses and the rest of the kingdom."

James waited for the tale to go on, but everyone clearly expected him to comment in some way.

"I...see." He really didn't.

"And we decided. That you should go. Represent the family in this endeavor. And Crest agrees too."

James snorted, "no he doesn't," he said before he could think better of it.

"I really do, brother," said Crest, his face focused on his plate, his jaw working.

James was quiet for a long time, just staring blankly at the boy.

"I don't know what's gotten into you Crest, but this is clearly hard for you. And I thought we'd had this discussion once before?"

"No. You had the discussion and said Crest should go," Duchess Viola supplied.

"Does it matter. This is about giving the family a good name right? Then I believe Crest should—"

"It doesn't matter what I do at the capital. The other families will all send their heirs. We will look weak unless we can send ours as well."

James stared around the table. Hesitating to speak with all these other ears around. In the end he figured it wasn't a secret anyway.

"But I'm not the heir, Crest. You don't think I know this?"

'And perhaps even want it that way?'

The boy's expression changed to one of horror, and he stared to his parents for help. James laughed at the panicked expression on his face.

"Don't worry, its fine," he shrugged. "I've come to make peace with this fact over the years. I'm not bitter or anything. I do admit you put in the work. And you deserve it too. I made my own bed, now I must lie in it."

There was an uncomfortable silence around the table. James was surprised he didn't feel any bitterness toward his brother. Not even his original instincts harboured a trace of ill will.

"But Crest isn't the heir," his father stated. "For that you'd need to officially abdicate your right to my seat in front of the king."

"Oh..." James stopped with his glass nearing his mouth. "So I'll have to go to the capital to deal with that then? Why didn't you say so?"

"Unfortunately," the Duchess spoke over him. "You can't do that until you're eighteen. Otherwise they'd think your father coerced you to abdicate, which is against tradition."

James sighed. "That's fine and all, but everyone knows Crest is the unofficial heir—"

"But you're still the official heir. Besides, the reason I think its a good idea you go is because of something a friend of mine in the capital told me."

"Which is?"

"Well, there is a rumor the king wants a marriage between the royal family and the newest Ducal family. Given we are possibly the richest territory, albeit not the biggest, he wants our money tied to the royal family."

Nobles and their continuous quest for power. They'd take everything if they could, James well knew.

James groaned. He had forgotten about that bloody rumor. It had made the character's life at school hard. His eyes inadvertently shot towards Jason, who was eyeing him thoughtfully. This fool was going to fall in love with the princess and make his life hell.