
Reincarnating in the world of Naruto

patreon. com/Wuffy123 Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto. (I always wanted to write that xd) A/N: This is my first fic, I hope not to disappoint you and that you support me in this new world that fanfiction is for me. If you have any suggestions on how to improve my writing, I would greatly appreciate it. The story will be told from the reincarnated person's perspective, although don't worry, Naruto and the rest of the characters will appear in due course. On the other hand, there will also be many changes, as you will see later, and as you will realize as the story progresses. - Hello – (person speaking) hello (thought) Edit: This is a translation you can find the original on FanFiction. Net with the same name

Nic345 · Cómic
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12 Chs



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Chapter 2: Disclosures.

Approximately 4 years had passed since I was reborn. I could walk, run and talk like a normal person.

Akio had been "teaching" me to read using an old history book that, for some reason, he kept in his closet. The book was specifically about the history of how the shinobi villages were created, and how Hashirama Senju, seeking to create some sort of peace, gave away the biju and the villages used them to create Jinchūriki, among other things. Rather boring stuff, it should be stressed. After all, I already knew how they were created, and their possible future, if the story continued down the path of the anime and manga.

It was getting harder and harder to fool mother into believing that she was actually teaching me something. I had to use all my creativity and ingenuity to make her believe that I was some kind of prodigy or something, otherwise I'm sure she would realize that something strange was going on with me.

I couldn't help but sigh at the thought. Aoki had been fascinated to learn that his son was a "prodigy" and that at such a young age he could read almost perfectly. He had been so pleased with the news that he had organized a celebration of sorts. A celebration for a child who could read... I cannot begin to describe the discomfort, embarrassment and many other mixed feelings I had at that moment.

But my stupid, impulsive father aside, whenever I made progress in my studies, Akio would let me read a bit of the scroll she had found, then put it away in her kimono and not look at it again until she thought I had made enough progress with my reading. I remember, in order to let me read it last time, she asked me to recite 3 full pages of the history book from memory. I'm supposed to be a kid, how did she expect me to accomplish that? Or maybe that's what he expected, but, anyway, I did, so he had to let me read the scroll.

So far I had learned the basics about chakra, things which I already knew, but it never hurts to read them in person. I had a vague idea of what I would have to do to unlock my chakra, but honestly I was a little afraid of it, after all, it is human nature to fear the unknown. So I decided not to do it until one of my parents proposed the idea, or until I finished reading the scroll.

Changing the subject a bit, I had also been learning formalities. Since my father was an "important" figure in the village, it was normal for him to meet with people of high social status, and it would reflect badly on him if his son behaved in the wrong way. So every day, after my morning reading, I had etiquette lessons with Miss Yoko, a kindly old lady who seemed to be in her late twilight years. But don't let that fool you, that woman when she got angry was a demon worse than any biju. I remember the time father had tried to sneak me out of the room where Miss Yoko was teaching me her class. The woman had noticed Aoki's intentions, but let him into the room, then sealed it somehow, and proceeded to give me a very illustrative lesson on what would happen to me if I tried to skip any of her classes.

A shiver ran through my body at the memory of that. After that class... "special", to call it somehow, I didn't even want to think about the remote idea of skipping any of his classes....

- Terrifying woman - I muttered.

- Is something wrong Hideki-kun?

- Oh, no, I'm sorry Obaa-san, please continue," I said, completely terrified that he might have heard that.

- Oh, that's fine then.

I had completely forgotten the fact that I was in one of his classes. I'm sure, if I had heard that, I would be nothing but mush on the floor right now.

One of the things that had made me most uncomfortable so far was not the fact that I had to sit on my knees, which, by the way, is horrible, don't try that in your homes... but going back to the initial topic, the thing that had made me most uncomfortable so far, was the fact that at almost every moment I had to use the proper honorifics for each person, you know, the typical ones; San, Kun, Sama, etc. It was incredibly annoying trying to remember those things and know at what point to use them. And to top it off, today was one of those days where I would have to use them, as an important man was coming to see my father and for some reason, he explicitly asked for me to be present, so unfortunately, I will have to be there. For that very reason I was in the middle of one of Miss Yoko's classes, we were doing a final review of the things I should avoid doing.

Hum... come to think of it, I haven't heard Miss Yoko's voice in a while.

I looked in the direction where my etiquette teacher should be, and found her just inches away from my face, staring into my eyes. She was so close I could feel her breath on my face.

- WHAA! What the hell?! - I screamed as I jumped back in shock.

- Did you just curse in front of a lady? - Miss Yoko's voice was so icy it could freeze an entire ocean.

- Ehh... sorry?

After saying that, I received a strong blow to my head from my teacher's cane.

- Again.

- Oh come on, I already apologized.

Another blow came to me, but this time to my ribs.

- Again.

Tch, you old geezer...

*sigh* - I'm sorry for my behavior just now, I promise it won't happen again - I said to the old woman in front of me, as I bowed my head.

- That's the way I like it - her voice was now sweet, like a grandmother's - Now, could you tell me what had you so pensive? - she asked, sitting down on the wooden floor of the room.

- It's nothing important - I answered.

- Oh, come on kid, I've been doing this job since long before your parents were born, I can tell when someone is telling me the truth and when they're not.

Yes, I assumed so.

- I feel uncomfortable at the thought that I will have to be present at Otou-san's meeting, what if I make a mistake and make a fool of him? - I asked, using the proper honorific to refer to Aoki.

- You've never had this kind of problem before, so why is it different now? - he asked, raising his furrowed brow.

- It is different for several reasons. On previous occasions I never stayed longer than strictly necessary, or just stayed there as a sort of decoration, but now, the person Otou-san will be meeting with, explicitly asked for me to be present, which leads me to think that I will have to engage in a conversation with that person, what if I say the wrong thing, what if for some reason the other person doesn't like me, what if I end up ridiculing myself in front of him, what if I end up ridiculing myself in front of him? - I let all my insecurities come out.

- Heh... so Aoki's silent brat has worries too, who knew - he laughed.

- It's not funny, anxiety is eating me up - I got annoyed.

- Easy, easy, it was just a little joke. Now seriously speaking, don't worry too much, just chat calmly, as you would with a friend, people of high social status are usually more common than they seem.

- I have no friends...

- Oh... well... that's depressing. How does a kid your age not have friends?

- I am 4 years old.

- Meh, at your age I was being trained to be a kunoichi - she shrugged.

- When was that? During the clan war? - I joked.

- Be more respectful brat - he growled, hitting me with his cane.

- Ouch, there was no need for the punch - I complained, rubbing the place I had hit.

- Well, in any case, just be yourself, at worst, they'll just disinherit you and throw you out on the street as if you were some kind of trash - he said, with a carefree tone.

- ...

- ...

- It was a joke.

- I think I'll get something to eat.

- Yes, I think that would be a good idea.

I stood up and walked toward the exit.

- Have a nice day, Obaa-san - I bowed and left the room.

- You too boy, you too...

I walked through the quiet halls of my home as I thought about what would happen tonight.

*sigh* Damn, you'd think being reborn in Naruto would be more exciting. Something like; fights everywhere, explosions everywhere you look, throwing jutsu like they're nothing, the occasional bloodline, I don't know, something more entertaining. Not being inside a house all day studying history, etiquette and reading a scroll about chakra every so often. I feel ripped off.

Once I got to the kitchen, I looked in the refrigerator for something to eat. To my misfortune, there was only some fruit.

Hmm... now that I remember, mother had unpacked our refrigerator to prepare a dinner worthy of the visit. I wonder who that is... after all, Akio doesn't normally do these things. Yes, she prepares a delicious meal, sometimes with the help of her friends, although it's almost always something simple, but elegant, this time she's taking her cooking too seriously.

I picked an apple and went out into the yard so I could sit under one of the trees.

Hum, what should I do while I wait? Hmm... maybe reminisce about the events of canon Naruto? I don't see why not, it's not like I have anything better to do right


- Okay, let's see - I muttered.

Important events: Kyubi's "attack". If I remember correctly, that happens 12 years before the story begins, and on the day of Naruto's birth. The fourth Hokage, Minato Namikaze, is supposed to have died sealing the Kyubi inside Naruto, his son, after fighting his former student. Then followed the massacre of the Uchiha clan. Due to suspicions that the Uchihas were related to the attack (which indirectly they were) they ended up being marginalized in the village, which led to a grudge between the Uchihas and the village and attempted a coup d'état. A coup which didn't bear fruit, because Itachi killed them all except for Sasuke. *sigh* And to think that Itachi could have reduced the whole Naruto story to a few chapters by simply killing his brother. But noo... the vengeful, sensitive, toned-down emo had to live and drag out the anime 600 chapters.

- Son?

My thoughts of avenging emos were interrupted by a voice calling me from the driveway.

As I looked in the direction where the voice was coming from, I realized it was Akio.

- Yes?

- Come, we have to change you for when the guest arrives," he said, as he came over to pick me up.

Huh? Wasn't he supposed to be here in a few hours?

I looked up at the sky and it was almost dark.

How long was I lost in thought? I could swear it was only a few minutes....

- Mother, is the guest already here? - I asked.

- No, but it won't be long now," he replied.

- Oh, that's all right.

Minutes passed and the guest still did not arrive. We had been waiting in front of the main entrance for 20 minutes for someone to arrive, but no one showed up, to make matters worse, the formal kimono that Akio had put on me was incredibly uncomfortable, I didn't understand how she and Aoki could spend all day with these things on.

- Darling, how much longer? - mother asked Aoki.

- It's already here," he replied, approaching the door.

How do you know it arrived? They haven't called yet.

Seconds after I thought that, I could hear someone knocking softly on the front door. Quickly Aoki cut the space between him and the door, opening it abruptly.

I could see only part of the guest's clothing, because my father was practically hiding it with his enormous size.

- Good evening, sensei, it's nice to know that you arrived safe and sound, I thought I would have to send my son to look for you with a new cane - said Aoki, with a mocking tone.

- I see you haven't changed at all, you damn brat," replied the other person, in a

voice that was rough and coarse.

- Still, you adore me, you know that well, after all, if that wasn't the case, you wouldn't come to visit me - he shrugged.

- Hmph, won't you invite me in? *sigh* Your father would be disappointed in your manners.

- Heh... I guess. Come in, sensei, let me introduce you to my family.

Aoki moved, making way for the sight of an old man. He looked like a frail, elderly man, and carried a cane. He had dark-colored hair and his right eye was bandaged, and his skin was white. He had an X-shaped scar on his chin. He was wearing a white shirt, with a brown tunic over the top of it spanning from his feet, to just above his right shoulder. And, for some reason, the tunic hid his right arm. His one visible eye looked at me coldly, as if trying to make it clear who was superior here.

I couldn't help but shudder as I recognized this man, after all, anyone who had seen Naruto would know him. He was Shimura Danzo, the shinobi of darkness, the leader of the Anbu root and one of the elders of Konoha provoking the Uchiha massacre. I swallowed as I remembered what Aoki had said, he had called him "sensei".

Okay, I have a lot of questions.

- You know my wife Akio," said Aoki pointing at her.

- It is a pleasure to see you again Danzo-sama - mother bowed in respect.

- No need to bow Akio, you are no longer one of my shinobi - answered Danzo, with a monotonous tone.

Now I have more questions.

- And this is my son, Hideki - this time he pointed at me.

I stared at Danzo's one visible eye for a few seconds until I responded.

- It's a pleasure to meet you Danzo-san - I said, in the most monotone tone I could manage, while bowing a little less than my mother.

- The pleasure is mine Hideki-kun, your father has told me a lot about you.

- Hopefully good things - I said, trying not to look nervous in front of this man.

- Of course, although I'm amazed, I didn't expect Aoki's son to be so formal.

Strange that he should say that with his expressionless face.

- Hey! I'm not that bad... am I? - exclaimed Aoki.

- We'd better go to the main room, the food is already served and I don't want it to get cold - Akio said suddenly.

We all walked in silence towards the main hall, the only sound that went through the place, apart from our footsteps, was the tapping of Danzo's cane on the wooden floor.

On the other hand, my mind was a mess, there were many questions and no answers.

Argh! Damn, how troublesome it is to reincarnate! Okay, let's assume this is all normal, now I must find a convincing answer to this situation. Alright, what do I

know about Danzo other than that he's a madman obsessed with being hokage, world domination, sharingan and Hashirama cells? Hum... well, I guess that's about it... oh, right, he has his own Anbu, and supposedly Akio was part of that, but... aren't shinobi of the Anbu root not supposed to have feelings? How the hell did Aoki manage to fall in love with one? How the hell did Danzo allow it in the first place?

My string of mental questions was interrupted by a gentle tap on my shoulder. As I turned to see who it was, I realized it was Aoki.

- Son, are you all right? - he asked.

- Yes, sorry, I got lost in my thoughts for a moment.

- It's okay, if something is bothering you you can tell me - he said with a smile.

I just nodded and made my way to the seat next to mother.

The evening passed without incident, we just ate, mother and father drank, joked and reminisced about old times, Danzo just added the odd stray comment and surprisingly I saw him smile once, although that smile lasted less than a second.

- So tell me, Aoki, what kind of training have you given your son? - asked the old man.

- For now none, we thought we would wait at least another month before starting any training, he is currently practicing his reading and writing, while learning etiquette with the elder Yoko.

Incredibly I could see how Shimura Danzo, the rival for the position of hokage of Hiruzen Sarutobi, one of the most evil ninjas in history, the named war hawk, shuddered at the sound of Mrs. Yoko's name.

Ha, who would believe that the old woman even traumatized Shimura Danzo.

- So that old bastard is still alive - I heard him mutter.

Relax, you can curse her. I'm sure everyone here has some kind of grudge against that lady.

- Do you plan to send him to the Konoha academy? - he asked another question.

- Probably, though it would only be for senior year so he can be on a genin team, it would be a shame if his skills wore out with that thing they call a training plan.

- I think so too," added Akio.

- I'm fine with that. Konoha academy isn't what it used to be, their standards have dropped too low in the years of relative peace. Tobirama-sensei must be rolling in his grave at the sight of such an abomination.

*sigh* - Sandaime-sama may be a good hokage, but he's too soft and indulgent. He wants to "protect" the new generation, but he doesn't realize that this attempt at protection is what puts them most at risk.

- You are right. If you had taken the position of hokage after Minato's death things might be different," sighed Danzo.

- You know I would have made a lousy hokage, besides, technically I don't exist, have you forgotten that?

Huh? What do you mean, it doesn't exist?

- We could have invented something - suggested the one-eyed root leader.

- Please, let's not talk about this. Better tell me how Konoha is doing.

- It's still standing, but I'm not sure by how much.

- Is something going on in the village Danzo-sama? - Akio asked.

- Those damn Uchihas, they've started to get out of control, and there are rumors of a possible coup attempt.

- What! - Aoki and Akio shouted at the same time.

Um... are you sure a child should be listening to this kind of conversation?

- Then we must go immediately and help take care of those bastards," growled father.

Don't worry, Itachi will take care of that.

- We already have people taking care of that, although I'm not sure how much time they will earn," said the old man.

- What do you mean? - asked mother.

- There are two young Uchihas loyal to the village who are spying on the clan from the inside.

- Who are they?

- Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Shisui. The former is the son of the current head of the clan, Fugaku, and the latter is the grandson of Kagami.

- I would expect nothing less from Kagami Uchiha's offspring, he was always a loyal blade shinobi according to what Sandaime-sama and you have told me.

- That's right, Kagami was one of the few Uchihas who possessed the much-acclaimed will to fire. The mere thought that his cursed clan might be planning a coup against the blade, the village they helped found, is unacceptable.

- And are you sure that Fugaku's son is legit? He could be a double spy - suggested Akio.

- It is, I'm sure of it.

Mother just nodded and let father continue talking.

- All right, leaving aside that there could be a future civil war in the town, what else is there to tell?

- What do you want to know?

- I don't know, how is Tsunade?

- She continues to roam the country, spending the Senju clan's money on losing bets and cheap drinks.

*sigh* - Yeah... I figured.

- I'm sure you could convince her to return to the sheet.

- I don't exist, have you forgotten?

- Damn the decision of Hiruzen and the other elders about hiding your existence.

- Meh, if they hadn't, I surely would have become a brood machine along with my cousin - Aoki shrugged - The mere fact that I protected the blade from the shadows is enough for me.

- And you're still doing it," said Danzo, with a small smile on his face.

- Being here can't seriously count as a mission. The other Anbu and I are basically retired, just doing the occasional mission every now and then.

- They are still missions that benefit the blade, have you forgotten?

- Okay, stop talking about missions, massacres and non-existence, remember that there is a child among us.

Oh, come on! This was getting interesting, why did you have to ruin it?

- Okay, back to the initial topic, how do you plan to train Hideki-kun? - asked the older shinobi.

- The same way Akio and I were trained," replied father.

- Sounds good to me, I hope I can take it, otherwise it would be a disappointment.

Hey! I'm still here, remember!

- Of course he will stand it, he is the son of Aoki Senju and grandson of Tobirama Senju, toughness is in our blood - exclaimed Aoki proudly.

Well, I got some of my answers, thank you father.

- Now moving on to a more serious topic, what's going on with the Jinchūriki? In

your last post you said you were concerned about its future development.

- Currently in an orphanage, Hiruzen was very clear that no clan could get their hands on him, nor would we train him to become Konoha's weapon.

- Will they tell you about your inheritance?

- It needs to be discussed, but I'm guessing it will be Jiraiya who will be in charge of that, or possibly Minato's student.

- Oh, how is young Kakashi doing? The last time I saw him, he was in Anbu.

- Quite well I must admit, he has been training rigorously and improving his skills, he also takes high level missions and completes them with little or no difficulty.

- Oh, what's with the sudden urge to be powerful?

- From what I understand, he and Hiruzen made some kind of deal, where he would allow the boy to become the Jinchūriki's Jonin-sensei when he grows up, but only if Kakashi proves he has enough power to train him properly or stop him if he gets out of control.

- Sounds like a good deal to me. The boy gets what he wants and the village gets a powerful ninja.

Danzo nodded his head and then stared at me.

- You've been very quiet boy, tell me something about yourself.

Think of something fast!

- What do you want to know about me, Danzo-san? - I asked.

- I don't know... What do you think about what we talked about?

Hum... How am I supposed to respond to that, should I give him an honest answer, or should I make up some kind of excuse? At times like these I'd like to have a coin, it's easier to decide that way. *sigh* Let what should happen happen happen.

- I have been reading a history book with mother, so I may be able to give a little opinion on some things.

- Then do it.

- Well. First; from what I've read in the book, Tobirama Senju created the academy to train future shinobi before they became genin, all because of the need for military strength, am I okay with that?

- Pretty much summarized, but yes, it goes on.

- You have said that the academy has lowered its standards because of the peace between the villages, that means that if war suddenly broke out the our genin would not be able to survive, or at least not all of them.

- Exactly.

- Why not propose a slightly more rigorous study and training plan to the shinobi families? After all, I doubt they would want their children to die shortly after leaving the academy. You could also encourage young shinobi to train on their own, you could give as an example some accident where an inexperienced ninja went out on a mission with his team and because he was lenient with his training he ended up getting himself and his teammates killed.

- Aoki, your son is not only educated, but also intelligent, are you sure he is your son?

- Are you sure it's my son?

- I'm sure it's your son.

- I'm sure it's my son!

- I like your point of view on the matter Hideki-kun, what else can you give me your opinion on? - asked Danzo.

I'm not sure if getting Danzo's attention is good or bad, but for now I'll continue.

- Hmm... I can't opine too much about the Uchihas due to the fact that I've never seen them, but the book portrays them as arrogant people who rely too much on their dojutsu.

- That's a good description for almost all Uchihas - Aoki pointed out.

- I honestly don't know how much to expect from a clan that is mostly known for stealing the work of others using their visual techniques, plus, their greatest ninja, is at the same time the greatest traitor the leaf has ever seen.

- You have a point there, that's exactly why Tobirama-sensei never completely trusted them.

- And as for the Jinchūriki, I can't say too much either, since I've never seen one, I only know that they are the quintessential weapons of shinobi villages, they are the greatest war deterrents. May I ask what Jinchūriki does Konoha have?

- I don't see why not, I suppose your father has taught you or will teach you the

importance of information and the things one must do to keep certain secrets.

- I will do it soon sensei, don't worry. My son is smart enough to know how important this information is.

I nodded and stared at Danzo's eye.

Doing this gives me the creeps....

- Very well. Konoha possesses the Jinchūriki of the strongest biju known to date, the Kyubi no Yoko.

- Hum... yes... I guessed so.

My comment seemed to interest Danzo, so he asked.

- What do you mean you assumed?

- There was a Kyubi attack a long time ago, right? In which the Yondaime hokage, Minato Namikaze "defeated" it.

- Yes.

- Well, the book said something about bijus just being giant masses of chakra, so in theory they are not life forms, hence, they can't die, since they were never alive in the first place. So I figured that's why they sealed them, since they can't die and they are massive chakra forms, what better way to use them than to seal them inside hosts that can use their power for the benefit of their respective village?

- Hum... I like your boy Aoki - said Danzo with a smile on his face.

Is that a good thing? Please someone tell me it is.

- That's my son, you've got the old man in the bag, now demand that he teach you everything he knows," exclaimed father.

I'm starting to doubt the fact that this idiot is related to Senju Tobirama...he looks more like Naruto.

An involuntary yawn came out of my mouth, making everyone look at me.

- I think it's time for me to go to sleep - I said, getting up from my seat.

- Is it so late already? - Akio muttered.

- Well, it was a pleasure to meet you Danzo-san, I say goodbye in case we don't meet again - I said, extending my hand.

- For me it was also a pleasure to meet you Hideki-kun, when you go to Konoha with your parents remember, we are the roots that protect the great tree that is Konoha - he took my hand and shook it a little.

Is this some kind of top secret code?

I just nodded and retreated to my room.

- Good night Otou-san, Okaa-san.

- Good night son - they said in unison.

As I was leaving the room and closing the door I heard a small whisper of the conversation my parents and Danzo were about to have, so I decided to stay a

little longer to find out what it was about.

- All right, now I'll tell you what I came for - Danzo's harsh voice was heard.

- We hear you Danzo-sensei.

- Good. My visit here had 2 reasons, the first is to warn you about Iwa. Lately they have been making suspicious movements near here.

- How is that possible Danzo-sama? We are in the middle of a triple border, on one side is the leaf and on the others Kusagakure and Takigakure, to get here they would have to pass through one of those two villages, and I doubt they would let shinobi Iwa pass just out of the goodness in their hearts.

- That's all I know, the ninja I sent to investigate has not yet returned, and his mission ended 2 months ago.

- They are obviously dead," Aoki pointed out.

- That's right, although I can't be sure whether Takigakure or Kusagakure are up to something together with Iwa, or maybe even both.

- Hmm... this is becoming a problem...

- That's why I came here personally. While I was staying here, Fū and Torune were infiltrating Takigakure and Kusagakure respectively, we agreed to meet at a root base a few hours from here. If none of them return alive, we will have to prepare for a possible war.

- Tch, damn that old bastard Ōnoki, surely he's still upset about losing the last war to Minato and now he's trying to convince the lesser villages to attack Konoha.

- Now, my second reason for coming. It was my duty to observe Aoki Senju's son and determine how useful he might be to Konoha. Which brings us to the following. With the permission of the Sandaime hokage, Hiruzen Sarutobi, I Shimura Danzo, leader of the reactivated Anbu Root, will grant you your last mission as shinobi of Konoha.

- Yes, Danzo-sama - they both said at the same time.

- Both of you must train Senju Hideki to the best of your ability and then send him to Konoha where he will be assigned a Jounin worthy of continuing his training. Once the boy is within the village walls, the two of you will infiltrate the villages you are told to and eliminate as many shinobi as possible, which must include the leader of that village. Failure is not an option, is that clear?

- Yes, Danzo-sama - they chorused in unison.

What?! War?! What the hell are you talking about?! What do you mean, war?! This never happened in canon Naruto!

I quickly moved to my room, trying to make as little noise as possible. Once there, I lay down on my bed and stared at nothing. Only one word kept repeating in my mind.


At that moment I could only say one thing.

- Shit.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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