
Reincarnating in Konosuba as a Dryad

Dying once is bad but dying in your second life is even worse, luckily I'm in the world of Konosuba so I have a third chance that I won't waste. It follows our protagonist who in his third opportunity where he has been reincarnated in the world of Konosuba as a Dryad and a system. [English Translation]

DaoistqxKhUS · Cómic
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5 Chs

Chapter 2 Meeting Megumin!

To save a little, this is how it will look when the protagonist interacts with the system and his thoughts.

[] System

() Thoughts or things aside

"" Titles


I was currently sitting at one of the guild tables having breakfast, perhaps you are wondering what finishing the assimilation of the Dryad class was because you will see that it has to do with the fact that I am now half Dryad, the biggest changes were presented inside my body although Physically I hardly changed except my hair became bushy as if it were moss, although you wouldn't be able to tell until you touch it, I have small horns that looked more like small antlers disguised as branches although they are hidden by my hair.

Other than that I'm fine, the only thing I've done is accept collecting missions that don't involve fighting monsters and you'll be wondering why? It's not like that, well although I have good skills I can't accept any mission, the only mission I could accept is hunting giant toads and I can't accept that unless I have a minimum group of 2 people, and well I'm alone although That's by the way I want to team up with Megumin and Darknes. Although I know it will be coming soon since I put out a request for group members, which would catch the attention of those two.

Meanwhile he spent 6 points on learning these 6 skills from my adventurer card, which seemed like a good investment of all my points.


["Active powers"]

[Harden, this is a technique used to increase the Dryad's defense. A green aura will appear on the dryad's body that will make its body hard and resistant like minerals, however, your speed will be relatively slower, this disadvantage will disappear when you level up. Level 1. (When using this technique, the Dryad's body will be as strong as a concrete wall.)]

(Hardening my body in a fight will be a good idea, the only bad thing is that I will be a little slower)

[Leech seeds, Dryads are able to generate small seeds in their hands, they are similar to sesame seeds and can be spread with a simple breath. When they fall to the ground, they are automatically buried and in a total of five seconds they germinate giving rise to several roots that go towards their opponents at a speed of 10 m/s and drain 25% of their life energy. Additionally, the drained life energy is passed to the nymph through a root that is interconnected with her feet. Level 1. (The speed is 10 m/s, but as the roots become part of the nymph, they end up having the same attributes as it.)]

(This way I can recover faster while my enemy weakens even a little)

[Fatal blood, the sap that flows in the conductive vessels of the Dryad can alter its composition and become a deadly poison with different toxins, which vary according to its need. The toxin reacts instantly in the victim, with a simple contact on the skin or in the bloodstream. Level 1. (The poison has the ability to paralyze a small region of the victim's body, in their skin there are small pores through which this poison can be thrown at a distance of 2 meters.)]

(If I faced a swordsman I would only have to paralyze his hands)

[Carbon gas pores, carbon dioxide is an essential gas for plant respiration, Dryads inherit the need from trees and therefore contain pores that store this element, however it is toxic if inhaled in large concentrations. Level 1. (Dry land can exhale gas, which will cover an area of 5 meters. This is a fatal amount for an ordinary human, it causes cough and fatigue in demigods.)]

(This should be used under extreme circumstances)

[Control over plants. Level 1. (At first, Dryads will be able to control and grow simple plants such as mosses and vines perfectly, but they have difficulty controlling larger plants.)]

(This should be a passive skill! But I didn't have to buy it plus I have to strengthen it more)

[Enchanting empowers armor, tools, weapons, and books through a special quill with one or more effects, called "enchantments," that enhance an item's existing abilities or imbue it with additional abilities or uses. Additionally, a special glow will appear on those objects that are enchanted. Level 1. (Allows you to enchant items with a value of 10% of the total enchantment.)]

(This is very useful even if it is only 10%)

While I continued checking my adventurer card and continued eating breakfast, a short teenager began to approach, with short hair and a fringe leaving short front strands reaching her chin, and long rear strands falling to her chest. With red eyes. She is wearing a black cape with yellow around the edges, like her clothes, and her witch's hat has a face similar to that of a scarecrow. She wears a red dress with yellow edges and a belt. She wears fingerless gloves on her hands and carries a wooden staff. She wears a bandage along her right leg and a black stocking on the left, and she wears soft brown leather boots. She wears a black necklace on her neck. She wears a red eyepatch with a white cross and yellow edges over her left eye.

??: I saw your recruitment poster by chance.

Izuku: Hm? (I said putting my adventurer card in my pants pocket, leaving my breakfast to eat and turning around)

??: The world decided our meeting! I spent a lot of time waiting for people like you. (She said it while doing poses). My name is Megumin! I am an archmage and controlled explosive magic, the strongest of offensive magics!

(It's finally here)

Izuku: I am Izuku Midoriya and I am an archdriad. (I said it while getting up from my chair)

Megumin: Do you desire the powerful forbidden magic for which I have been rejected by the entire world?

Izuku: Yes! (I said excitedly)

Megumin: Well, show me that you are ready to look into the greatest abyss with me! When you look into an abyss, the abyss also looks into you!

Izuku: Of course I'm ready. (I said it with a smile a thumbs up). By the way, that red eye, are you a crimson demon?

Megumin: Indeed! I am Megumin, the best magic user of the crimson demons! My lethal magic dissolves mountains! Destroy rocks...

As Megumin tried to finish her sentence she had begun to collapse, falling as if she had lost all her strength. Reacting quickly, I caught her body before she could hit the ground, quickly cradling her as if she were some kind of princess.

Izuku: Hey, are you okay?!

My question was answered by her stomach growling, but I decided to let her tell me the reason anyway.

Megumin: I haven't eaten anything in 3 days. (She said it with a red tone on her cheeks)

Izuku: Say no more. (I told her as I sat her down at the table). You can finish my breakfast, waitress bring another plate of food and a cup of juice for the lady. (I told a waitress who was near us)

Megumin: Thank you. (She said it she was ashamed)

As Megumin began to eat what was left of my breakfast and waited for another plate I asked her.

Izuku: Why are you wearing that eye patch? Does it hurt you?

(I already know the answer, but starting a conversation might be the right thing to do)

Megumin: This is a magical object that contains my intense magical power. By simply removing it I would unleash a great catastrophe in the world. (She said she carrying herself and making a pose)

Izuku: Really? (I said amazed)

Megumin: No, I lied, I wear it because it looks cool.

Izuku: Oh well. (I said without taking it into account)

Megumin: By the way, no, do you think my name is weird? (She said a little embarrassed)

Izuku: Weird? I don't think your name is weird. (I said giving him a smile)

Megumin was quick to smile at me, feeling relieved to find someone who wasn't making fun of her name.

Izuku: By the way, I would like to carry out a mission to level up, and it will serve to dispel any doubts we have about each other. After saying that she made Megumin smile with true happiness until her stomach growled again.

Izuku: After breakfast, of course. (What she said made Megumin shed tears of gratitude)

Two hours later.

[Hunting Mission]

[Defeat 5 "Giant Toads" in 3 days]

[Giant Toad $5,000 System Eris]

Izuku and Megumin were standing on a small hill on the outskirts of the city, bordering the nearby forest. The plan was simple: search for an isolated giant toad to test if together they would make a good team or Megumin's explosion magic, depending on the threat level.

Megumin: Explosive magic is the strongest of all, and that's why it takes time to cast. I just have to cast my spell without the toad noticing.

Izuku: Piece of cake. (While she was saying that another giant toad was approaching us). Me and my big mouth.

Megumin: I'll concentrate my magic on the furthest toad, while you take care of the one that gets closer.

Izuku: Understood.

While Megumin prepared her explosion spell I ran towards the approaching toad.

Izuku: I hope this works.

First, I used the skill "Leech Seeds" to immobilize the "Giant Toad", creating 2 whips with my vines in my left and right hand, and using the skill "Plant Control" I stabbed them into the toad's eyes. The toad writhed at the pain of losing his eyes, but refused to fall. I continued to guide the vines deeper until they reached the toad's brain, turning it into mush and killing it in the process.

After finishing that I turned to see Megumin charge her spell.

Megumin: Darker than black, darker than darkness, combine with my deep crimson. The time has come to wake up, descend to these borders and appear as an intangible distortion. Dance, dance, dance! May a destructive force flood my torrent of power, a destructive force without equal! Send all creation to its origin! Come out of your abyss! Humanity knows no other more powerful offensive technique! It is the ultimate magic attack! Burst!.

Megumin shouted as she fired an explosion with her staff. Izuku watched as the relatively small explosion caused flashes of light to appear everywhere within the mana vortex, gaining intensity and speed with each second, and then, they all collided at the same time around the toad. Until there was nothing left of the toad and in its place there is a large crater.

(Unbelievable, I wonder if the magic spell I have in mind will be more explosive than it is)

After saying that the explosion had awakened a toad too close to the explosive girl.

Izuku: Oh no, Megumin! Back down immediately! (I screamed but there was a problem since Megumin was face down on the ground, motionless)

Megumin: Although explosive magic is extremely powerful, it also consumes a lot of magical energy (mana). In short, I used more magic than I could spare and now I can't move a muscle.

Izuku: Don't worry. (I told her as I wrapped my vines around her, moving her away from the toad that was practically about to swallow her whole and putting her on my back; Megumin had to admit that the Dryad smelled pretty good.)

Megumin: I'm sorry I can't help you with the others. (She said apologetically)

Izuku: I already told you, don't worry, now leave me to the rest. (I said in a comforting and reassuring tone)

Before using the technique that I use with the other giant toad, I create some vines below the toad to then tie one of its legs and finally the other to finish the toad like the previous one. And so it was until we eliminated a total of 5 Giant Toads.

Megumin: Mission completed? (She asked, getting really comfortable in her makeshift nest.

Izuku: Mission accomplished. (I said smiling and giving a thumbs up)

[Hunting Mission]

[Defeat 5 "Giant Toads" in 3 days]

[Giant Toad $5,000 System Eris]

[Mission accomplished, 110,000 Eris in total given by the guild]

As we returned to the adventurer's guild I said to Megumin.

Izuku: You won't use your explosive magic unless it's an emergency. Try hard with your other types of magic. (I told him, but I knew he wouldn't)

Megumin: I can't.

Izuku: Why?

(I already know but she doesn't know that I know)

Megumin: I can only use explosive magic. There is no other magic I can use.

Izuku: Why? (I said it stopping)

Megumin: I'm an archmage who loves explosive magic above all things. I don't like any other magic in the detonating range. I only like explosive magic! (She said it with emotion)

Izuku: Nothing else?

Megumin: Nothing more. (She said in response)

Izuku: I see. (I said it thoughtfully to make it seem like I'm thinking about whether to accept her to make a group with her or not, although I did want her in my group yes or yes)

Megumin was preparing to cling to the Dryad and beg him to form a group together, and she also wanted to stay because of the warmth she made him feel.

Izuku: You know you could have said that you were cursed, or that your family lineage restricted you. (I said as she resumed walking, without letting go of the explosive magician)

Megumin: That's great! I can't believe I haven't thought of that before! Let me change my explanation! (She said excitedly)

Megumin was really happy since the Dryad had not only not dropped her on the spot, but even managed not to get angry with her.

Izuku: By the way, it will be a pleasure to team up with you Megumin. (I said with a warm smile)

Megumin: Y-Yes (she said nervously and a slight blush appeared on her cheeks)

Izuku: You know you look very pretty blushing. (I said funny)

Megumin: Shu-Shut up (she said now redder)

Izuku: Hahaha (I started laughing at her reaction)

In response Megumin started patting my head, which made me laugh harder.


[Name: Izuku Midoriya]


["The Player" (Congratulations are the lucky one who has obtained a Player System, which grants him the Skills "Gamer Mind and Body".)]

[Age: 16 years old]

[Race: Hybrid (Human/Dryad)]

[Class: "Archidriada"]

[Level: 5]

[Life: 50,000 (500 health recovery time per second)]

[Mana: 150,000,000 (Recovery time of 1,500,000 mana per second)]

[Strength: 100]

[Agility: 100]

[Speed: 100]

[Stamina: 100]

[Intelligence: 70]

[Luck: 90]

[Points: 30]

[States: None]

(My attributes went up a lot)

[Do not be so surprised host, this is a fantasy world here there are beings stronger than an ordinary human being and you are an ordinary human in their eyes it is still very little]

(What cold words, but you are right there are creatures and beings more powerful than me, this is nothing compared to them, although perhaps quite a lot for a human being)

(A/N: Hello dear readers, how are you? I feel fine and I hope you also know the truth. For some reason, I have a lot of fun writing this fanfic, unlike my other 2 fanfics that I have writing. I wonder why it is?, well anyway I wish you good luck wherever you are. Well fanfictero101 says goodbye, thank you for reading this chapter.)

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