
Reincarnating in highschool dxd with cheat

a game programmer die and reincarnated in high school dxd as hyoudo issei with cheat system and other thing. He will be the harem king i do not own any anime manga or light novel that i quote any work are the author credits

akeno01 · Cómic
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33 Chs

INTERLUDE 1 Akeno NSFW +18 1/10

( i put 10 chapter on Akeno because i have so much idea and i really love her caracter but i will not release all 10 at the same time)

warning : strip tease, masturbation,(mayby vaginal) anal, swallow sperm, rough sex creampie(eating) humiliation ( a little) like i said before i have no taboo what so ever so sorry if you don't like

It was friday after class, in the ORC with Rias and Co, i want to cash out my reward with Akeno since now i have a house, also i was planing to take her first time and enjoy myself a lot.

« Rias, Akeno, do we have something to do this evening and tomorrow »

Rias looked at me strangely, i smiled at her and wait for the answer

« No we don't have something plan beside contract and all devil realated duty nothing if you have something to do i can give you your week end, i will call you if needed »

« great i was planning to cash out the reward from Kiba's sparring session from Akeno also i would like to take advantage to make Akeno stronger and for that i would love to have the week end since i got the house yesterday evening, i need some help could i ask Akeno to follow me this week end, for a good and hellish training i have already made some preparation »

i have a huge grin on my face everyone could see it Asia Kiba and Koneko did not understand why.

Kiba asked me if we could train together

« i'm sorry Kiba but Rias and Akeno are the only one i can train with for sometime i have some abilities that only these two could help me, when i am stronger we will all train together but now i can't sorry so another time »

« If Akeno agree you can have your week end with her if we have trouble come as soon as possible »

« thank you Rias don't worry we will come back on monday refresh and stronger than ever i smiled »

Rias smiled at me understanding what would happen to Akeno for the week end

Koneko frown at me knowing what the reward was but she really underestimated how horny i was to finally lose my first time well

« shall we go Akeno «

We start walking out of the ORC

« I suppose you know what will happen to you, i don't need to tell you, do I ? »

« No Issei i know, »

« i give you the choice, you can stay like that for the reward, or exeptionaly i can give you two hours, you can go home take a shower change clothe, and come to my house, also since you have to dance for me you can choose the music and every thing you need, since i never saw you naked i will ask you to be totally shaved, if it'is possible because, i find it more beautifull without anythin, just be at 7 pm at my house, bring some more clothe swimsuit, underwear, some good cloth for you to wear, we will speak while we wait for the food, eat and after you will begin your show. »

When i finished to give my order she was red embarassed

« I will come to your house right on time don't worry »

« I'm not worry if you are late you will be punished , i know that you are a Masochist and i will fully educate you as a good sex slave that you are »

while i said that i release my aura fully on Akeno so none of the student if there is any at that time, could feel it, she fall face down the ground unable to moove , i wait some second until she start to drool on the floor and i turn it off

« You agreed to be my sex slave for power but i don't do it only to make you or myself stronger i am a virgin that is true but i really love you, how you are, who you are, if you don't know i think i may be a sadist that is why i will train you, fuck you to the bone for my pleasure but yours too.

You have the title [the ultimate Sadist], i will have sure you have those title too [the ultimate Masochist] and [the ultimate Sex Slave], work hard and i will make sure, that you will be the strongest in this world to go with me as my first wife. »

I helped her to stand up and clean her face with a handkierchief i could see she was aroused by all i said and she was happy about me making her my first wife.

« Now go i don't want to wait too long »

i have so much thing i want her to do and order her, i also have to give her rules to make myself good but also make her stronger easier i have already thought of one dirty but easy to do and ai want to see her face when i will tell her that

i go to a japanese restaurant to make a delivery at my house for 8 pm and order a lot of food

at 6h45pm i hear the bell ringing i open the door and see Akeno with her school uniform and a bag probably some changing clothe.

« i'm really happy to see you even before the time »

« thank you for having me issei »

« come inside, I will guide you , you are really beautifull in the school uniform and you smell good,

i will have you learn i have a lot of fetish and strange hobby you will not enjoy all of them but i will make sure to train you, how i want you to be, the food come in an hour more or less some minute so first i will ask questions sexual kind and very intimate thing i want you to answer the best you can without lying.

As of today when we are just both of us in this house you will not be Akeno Himejima you will be my sex slave something i use for my pleasure whenever and however i want as a slave you follow order without questionning do well and there will be reward, but if you fail to satisfy me you will be punish

Now you will call me master when we are alone in this house, do you understand everything i just said ? »

i look at her she was red but arouse she was really a big Masochist i did not even began she start to look at me with glittering eyes and a big smile that will be fun to break her.

« Yes master i understood »

my first interlude it take palce when issei bought the house so 3/4 chapter away in the future you can read it it is just sex well not this one since i have to prepare

right now i have only 6 chapter as backlog and it is only interlude i will put them here will i can't write sorry for the trouble cause like i said i will never drop it so don't worry have fun if you don't like it tell me

akeno01creators' thoughts