
Reincarnating in highschool dxd with cheat

a game programmer die and reincarnated in high school dxd as hyoudo issei with cheat system and other thing. He will be the harem king i do not own any anime manga or light novel that i quote any work are the author credits

akeno01 · Cómic
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33 Chs

Chapter 20 i AM a Devil and got my harem

today is the day i have my date with Raynare, i wear a jogging with a T shirt, nothing too much since i really don't care about her i will not try to be nice,she was almost an hour late, yes she is a beautifull lady like this as human but i really dislike her mind, we went to the amusement park and the time finaly stop at the end of the day in the park we are alone i can feel she put a very little barrier

« Issei could you do me a favour »

« no i don't want, why should i do a favour to someone who will die soon, that was really a shitty date with you, Raynare, but you will do me a favour, will you die for me »

she was shocked her face show disbelieve she turn into a fallen angel.

« how did you know »

« since the beginning and also your name stypid name for a stupid fallen angel »

she tries to make i light spear but i already made 20 arrows earth and fire ready to attack anytime,

« you can't kill me i work und.... »

i did not even let her finish and shot her with all the arrow i destroy remove the barrier and i see someone that was not supposed to be here.

« What are you doing here Akeno, Koneko i don't really need your help but thanks »

« order of buchou we were order to folow you if you need help, »

« you can clean the mess Akeno if you want, i will go to Rias tomorrow on sunday »

I go to Rias now i can be reincarnated as a devil, once in front of the building i see Rias And Akeno looking through the windows. I wave my hand to them and i go up the stair to meet them

« hello the both of you hope your are fine today, i'm here to be reicarnarted, now it is a good time, we can begin when you are ready, you will need all your pawn

Rias was happy she start to smile at me, now that i am a memebers she must be feeling better after the reincarnation i got a notification

« ….ding... your statu change a lot master now that you are devil you gain both Hp and MP from human and devil here your new statut]

Hyoudo Issei

Age : 16years

Race reincarnated Devil

Title : [Advance Monster Killer] + 100 all stat

Lvl 01

Hp : 16360/16360

Mp : 26120/26120

Strength :1425 [1000/1000]

Vitality :1636 [1000/1000]

Dexterity :1125 [1000/1000]

Agility :1347 [1000/1000]

Magic : 1306 [1000/1000]

xp point :15000

money :700M yen

[Earth affinity]

[Fire affinity]

[Hidden aura] 100/100

[Aura pressure]100/100

[Meditation] 100/100

[Appraisal] 100/100

[Running] 100/100

[Earth barrier]100/100

[Earth arrow] 100/100

[Fire arrow] 100/100

[Mana Manipulation]100/100

[Swordmanship] 100/100

[Intermadiate Swordmanship]100/100

weakness [light]

I'm feeling so good now, thank you Rias, happy to be count among your group, here you can check my statut, as i have said that i would show you mine , i show them my statut Rias was happy to have someone so powerfull and Akeno lick her lips like she found a new toy to play with.

« Rias now that i am a devil i need an answer about what i ask wednesday about having a physical relationship with both of you, like i told you to begin your training i need to make come inside my pocket dimension right now i can't, for that i need first to have sex with two women. I have given you some time to think about it doesn't matter your answer i will help you with Riser, ans worse case i will find two women but i would prefere if they were both of you because i like both of you equaly, larter i hope to add Koneko and Asia that will come today or tomorrow as your new bishop.

« For me Issei, i agree with it if you can make me stronger liek you said, even a little stat point per day at the end can be a lot with time if i can become strong like you be my guest do what you want »

i was sure that Akeno would agree easily, and you Rias

« i don't know what to say, you are a way better choice than Riser, but my familly »

i will be rude to you Rias but you will understand better, i don't care abut your familly i ask you Rias do you want to have sex with me to grow stronger and do what you want in this world, i will tell you again once you choose you are my women i will take good care of you but you life will be full of sex and orgy to make you stronfger and myself too you will not have a choice to turn me down later once you say yes, you are mine, i use your body you use me, that our relationship, i don't mind marrying you to consolidate your power inside your familly, you can be the first wife Akeno the second i know you will not mind Akeno. I will tell you now Rias Akeno both of you will be slave time to time i will be nice romantic whater ever you want but sometime i will have no mercy to you since the more i do the more we grow stronger i will have no taboo no limit.

If you need one more day to make your mind Rias, after there will be no turning back NEVER

She start to think about her future and she was torn between accept and refuse, i did that on purpose to tell them there will be slave at least they know what to expect but i will be nice to them it is just they will not sleep a lot.

« I agree but please be gentle for the first few time i don't want to be hurt »

i nod and a notification appear in front of akeno and Rias

title [Sex slave] : Earn double the stat point from intercourse or any kind of sexual act with Issei, any order will have to be follow or punishment will be deal, as a sex slave you will never pe pregnant from your master until he wants to. Sex slave is a passive title no one can see it beside you and your master

Rule to be followed 0/3 every rule followed will earn more point

you will have qquest to do to make the title leveling up

« …. you are aggreeing to become Issei sex slave »



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hope you all have a good day

akeno01creators' thoughts