
Reincarnating in highschool dxd with cheat

a game programmer die and reincarnated in high school dxd as hyoudo issei with cheat system and other thing. He will be the harem king i do not own any anime manga or light novel that i quote any work are the author credits

akeno01 · Cómic
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33 Chs

chapter 021 bringing Rias and Akeno inside the pocket dimension

Akeno accepted in a flash as for Rias she tapped the icone Yes there was a change in their statut, now they have the title [Sex Slave].

« ….ding…. Gainning two harem members who accepted the title of [Sex Slave] lvl up, lvl max possible lvl 02

Hyoudo Issei

Age : 16years

Race reincarnated Devil

Title : [Advance Monster Killer] + 100 all stat

Lvl 02

Hp : 16360/16360

Mp : 26120/26120

Strength :1425 [0/2000]

Vitality :1636 [0/2000]

Dexterity :1125 [0/2000]

Agility :1347 [0/2000]

Magic : 1306 [0/2000]

xp point :15000

money :700M yen

[Earth affinity]

[Fire affinity]

[Hidden aura] 100/100

[Aura pressure]100/100

[Meditation] 100/100

[Appraisal] 100/100

[Running] 100/100

[Earth barrier]100/100

[Earth arrow] 100/100

[Fire arrow] 100/100

[Mana Manipulation]100/100

[Swordmanship] 100/100

[Intermadiate Swordmanship]100/100

weakness [light]

Finally lvl 2 now i can be stronger and at the end of lvl 2 i will be able to protect myself against almost anyone

« Master you can bring your slave inside the pocket dimension since they are yours, for the others you have first to have sex with them and you will be able to bring all the perrage menber but you will have to pay for theem with mp, also master their staut change they are still lv 1 but can lvl 2 like you when their stat will be max also you have two slave so the time you can stay in the dimesion change to 8hours, 2hours outside now it is 16 hour inside dungeon for 4 hours outside »

good i was planning to take their viginity fast enough to start training but now i can be alittle slower if Both of them are strong that's a good start

« Rias Akeno i was planing to take you both to bed fast to be able to train you but their is a little change of plan »

they look at me unsure about what i spoke about.

« First we have to tell Kiba and Koneko that we will go for at least 5 hours (4hours in fact just in case i have add 1 more hour) and we can't be disturb doesn 't matter what happen, i will show you why i am this strong this fast »

Rias send a SMS to Koneko and Kiba

« Now that is done give me your hand and don't let go, we will go to kill some monsters »

i transport them inside the dungeon, i snap my finger to grab their attention they look everywhere

« i know you are both surprised but we don't have time let's go first is goblin's floor we can stay here only sixteen hours after we will be throw outside hurry up, we are all alone here so you can do what you want be cautous of your Mp Hp don't die »

with the 3 of us i think we can easily clear the 20th floor but i have to let them do it alone to see how they go when they are surrunded,

it was funny to see both of them annihilated goblin's, poor things they did not stand a chance, one thing very important i have noted down is if Rias and Akeno kill i got the full xp too that will be faster to lvl up our stat since everyone among us got full xp.

Strangely Rias and Akeno were not trouble to kill monster at all, an hour later we were alread at the 12th floor, they are good, we spoke about miscellaneous things, i told them to wait before spending their xp until we are outside.

At the end of the 16 hours we could go until 35 floors i did not have enough Mp to continue it take to much to pay for them i have to add so xp to magic, as for the girls they did very well there was some close call at the end but at least they got a good experience.

We teleported outside in the ORC room,

« So how was your first day in the dungeon right now it would be better if you could spend you Xp on speed and magic, like this we could go faster and i will help at the first floor and no just watch until the 20th, but do you see how much you can increase your strength, we will do it everyday from now on i think i will need a week or two to bring the other inside, it really takes to much to pay Mp to bring you i have to increase that, also i notice that none of you use weapon and when the battle is near your bodo you are almost defensless so both of you need to think of a weapon that you want to use , beside all of that you did good, i'm impress »

« Thank you so much issei i really increased a lot it was hard but totaly worth it i'm sure if all of us are training inside your pocket dimension we will be able to beat Raiser really easily that would be good to trash him he only deserve that anyway » Rias was really happy

« As Rias said we really increased a lot that was a really good stress release it is a shame there were not a lot of those goblin » she started to smile sadisticly

soon i will by my house, near the scool that will be easier, also next tomorrow or after tomorrow we will have our new member so prepare your bishop

i think i have time to write my other book

« Miriam can i buy some books like harry potter, lords of the ring, Earth's Children ( from Jean M. Auel one of my favorite 6 books to read) and Jurrasic Park «

if with all of that i don't have enough money i think i can shot myself, wors case it does not take to much time i will do some manga if they want.

« ….ding …. Master it is done i will transfer them in your brain some pain is to be expected »

chapter of wednesday 11/09/2019 i will have to go to hospital for two or three day because of my back pain and vertigo i will try to write there i will probably be back thurday friday at the latest do not worry i don't drop but right now even with painkiller i'm in too much pain so see you soon

akeno01creators' thoughts