
Reincarnating as a Raiser and canceling the engagement with Rias

in short is a man who was given the opportunity to be reborn by the goddess loli Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation, okay? if you want to give me motivation then please go to this link. and give me 1 or 2 Ravel-chan affection, okay? https://trakteer.id/Badboy5104 thank you for reading my writing

badboy_5104 · Cómic
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16 Chs

The seed that Riser planted has finally started to grow

The study of the soul is really very difficult,

No wonder this is called taboo knowledge,

Since this was really something that ordinary people couldn't think of,

Riser almost gave up because of this problem,

But who would have thought, among the many girls who paid their wish,

There is one girl who can give Riser a great gacha gift,

Her name is Sasa,

beautiful girl of southeast asia descent,

Riser was so happy with the Gacha gift that Sasa gave, so Riser unknowingly made Sasa his favorite girl for 3 days,

And during that time they kept on doing things without stopping,

[connection to the hero's throne room] belongs to the world of Fate,

That's the gift Gacha gave Sasa,

This is very advantageous because it is the most difficult part of making hero cards,

Riser did have a bit of success in his research on souls so that Riser could see how impossible it was to summon souls from the past,

In this world there are only a few places to house the souls of the dead,

But 2 of them are the most famous,

First is heaven where the power belongs to Kami-sama,

And second is hell, Hades' place of dominion,

It is impossible to steal the soul of the past from the hands of the two,

But it's different with the help of [connection to the hero's throne],

With that, Riser can easily get the soul he wants and store it into a hero card with a certain amount,

To use [Hero's throne connection] Riser also requires enormous power,

So with Riser's current strength, Riser can only summon King Arturt's soul in its weakest state,

And save it into the hero card,

And categorizing it as a Saber class,

Riser was still too weak to truly connect himself to the hero's throne,

Even being able to obtain King Arturt's soul in its weakest state was simply a stroke of luck to him,

A few days later,

The result of all this is,

Riser managed to create one type of hero card named

[King Arturt's hero card] which has the class [Saber],

Riser mass-produced [King Arturt's hero cards] and distributed them to all members of his harem,


Kouh Gakuen,

supernatural club room,

"Buchou, who is Riser? ' Issei asked.

"Issei, please don't mention his name too often, it will bring misfortune to you, because Riser is just a perverted bastard who only thinks with his crotch," said Rias displeased,

For some reason, over the past few years Rias' hatred towards Riser has grown,

"Ara-ara Rias, aren't you exaggerating? " said Akeno,

"Who cares, for Riser all women are toys for him, and also Akeno, I thought you started defending Riser lately?,

"You think so Rias? "

"Whatever, the important thing is Issei, Riser is a bad guy who always flirts with women," Rias explained,

"Damn, I'm jealous," cried Issei,

"pervert" said Koneko,

Kiba just remained silent, I don't know what's on his mind right now,

Asia who had been listening for a while felt a little uncomfortable,

Asia's heart felt completely at odds with what Rias said,

Since Asia was one of the few people who had seen Riser's true face,

But Asia also understands why Rias can think like that,

In Nana's story,

Riser had hidden so deep that many people had forgotten his true self,

Although there might be one person who still remembers Riser's horror,

And that makes the person always alert and not wanting to make the wrong choice for his master,

For Asia who had met Riser in person,

Rias's words were like arrows that hurt her very much,

Riser is a person who deserves respect and Asia feels very hurt when she hears other people badmouthing Riser in front of her,

Now that Asia understands why Nana is feeling sad over Riser's current life,

It was too painful for such a noble person to accept this kind of treatment,

"I don't think Riser-sama can be like that," Asia muttered,

But everyone here is a demon with great hearing,

So that they could clearly hear what Asia was muttering,

And it took everyone by surprise,

"That, what do you mean Asia? Issei asked nervously,

Asia was taken aback when her mutter sounded,

But Asia has become a devotee of Riser, so Asia feels obligated for what Asia has to do,

"That, to me, Riser-sama is a great person,"

Everyone was shocked once again by Asia's statement,

They knew that Asia had met Riser in person and must have had her own opinion,

Unlike Rias who was annoyed at Asia's defense of Riser,

Akeno remained silent and thought about various possibilities,

Just like Grayfia,

Akeno is an intelligent woman who thinks the best for her friends,

" Is that true? Then I'll ask you one question, the fee for Riser's help to save you, what did you give him? Rias asked with a slight smile,

Rias wanted to trick Asia into saying Riser's badness,

Hearing that Asia instantly stiffened,

If Asia answered this honestly,

From an outside point of view, Riser would definitely look like a bad person who only wants a woman's body,

But for Asia, the price Riser paid for her help was worth it,

And Asia herself doesn't mind that,

It's just for other people,

This would reassure the bad rumors of Riser that had been circulating widely,

"You can't answer Asia? That must be something really embarrassing right? "

Rias is getting annoyed,

In this case,

Rias and Asia don't have that close relationship,

They only had a status between master and servant which only lasted for one day,

This left them with a distance between the two of them,

Moreover, Riser's smiling image is always visible behind Asia,

Considering that Asia was the item that Riser gave to Rias,

Things like this make Rias angry,

Since Asia's arrival, Rias feels Riser is haunting her more and more,

It's a pressure that springs from nothing,

The ones that were created from the few small things that were around Rias,

Rias always made up her mind that Rias resurrected Asia because of Issei's request,

Not because of Riser's words,

But Rias couldn't help but imagine Riser's satisfied smile as Rias raised Asia,

This really irritated Rias even more,

But Rias remained patient,

Since Asia is a cute girl and maybe they will become close friends,

Also Rias should look like a reliable leader,

Rias can't be picky about her subordinates,

But the problem is,

Asia's defense of Riser is unacceptable,

I don't know where it came from,

Rias' hatred towards Riser had reached its peak a long time ago,

So Rias tries not to hate Asia which is basically a gift Riser gave to Rias,

But Asia instead opposed it by defending Riser,

It's like Asia has slapped Rias in the face really hard,

Rias could no longer control the angry expression on her face,

Akeno who noticed Rias's change tried to stop,

"Calm down Rias, cool your head first,"

Rias ignored Akeno,

Rias just approached Asia and whispered something to Asia who kept her head down,

"Let me guess, you must have given your body, right? you dirty girl,

"RIAS?! Akeno shouted angrily,

" WHAT?! Rias also shouted angrily,

But Rias' anger immediately disappeared upon hearing Asia's miserable sobs,
