
Cap 3

AUTHOR: My Viltrumite character's powers would be mostly the same as the animated series with the addition of enhanced senses on a Superman scale. ================================================

(8 years later)

Victor is now a 14-year-old boy, and to be honest, the older he gets, the better his style fits.

'I was looking in the mirror, and I must say that I look good, tomorrow I start my high school classes, so today I will dedicate myself to training'

'I found a cave that leads to a kind of underground cavern quite far from my house, it is also quite lonely for several kilometers around, I arranged it to be my personal base, and I must say that when you have a super mind, you can use it to get enough money'

'I became a writer first to earn some money, then with that I invested in stocks that with my super quick mind I deduced most of their pros and cons, so almost always every time I invest I win'

While Victor finished getting ready in front of the mirror, he leaves and begins to go down the stairs to tell his mother that he is going to go for a run.

"Mom, I'm back, I'm going to go out for a run and do some exercises, don't worry about food, I'll eat after a while while I'm outside."

"Okay, by the way don't come back too late because you have classes tomorrow."

"Yes, don't worry, I'll be back for dinner."

'very good, let's go to my dear base haha'

Victor leaves the house, does some stretches just out of habit, and starts running.

A gust of wind is generated when he begins to run, as he accelerates a sonic boom is heard and he begins to move several kilometers away. After running for about 30 seconds, he stops in front of a cave on the side of a mountain, surrounded by rocks.

"Mmmmm about 5 times the speed of sound, not bad for a casual run, although I hope to reach much more when I'm 18"

"Alright let's go in and start this"

Victor first removes the giant stone that he uses as an exterior door, once inside he finds a kind of futuristic alley, which is made of different alloys and obviously also contains lead for our dear friend Superman and other materials that prevent anyone from seeing inside or detect the place.

Walking calmly he reaches the end where a kind of double elevator door appears, he places his hands and retina on the scanners, the door opens, he enters, and goes down to the bottom of the mountain.

Arriving in an area where it looks like some kind of futuristic underground mansion, he heads towards the entrance area.

'Very good, today I will try all the machines for a while and see if the new training uniform is ready'

Inside a room there is a special machine, like a 3D printed one, that makes thin lines that together form a kind of fabric.

'Thank goodness, in the information I obtained, there are several things that the Viltrumites used to help them develop, everything related to battle suits and so on is special.'

Putting on the suit, he goes out to test the training machines.

"Okay, let's try the weights first."

Feeling the load, I begin to do a series of repetitions and about 30 minutes pass.

"Phew that's it, let's see 200 tons were lifted, not bad"

"Now let's test the maximum speed"

He gets on a special treadmill where he can measure his entire speed and starts running, a kind of very imperceptible blur is visible, after a while he stops.

"Ugh, let's see mach 30 is the maximum for the moment and, great haha I only need several minutes to go around the earth"

"Although compared to Superman and Flash there is still room for improvement, but we are on the right track, I am practically the third fastest man that exists haha"

"Very well, let's train a little more and then I'll take you to the gravity room and I'll perform different reflex tests and simulated combat training."

After that Victor spent several hours doing different tests and exercises to improve and become stronger.

"Okay, let's call it a day, I just need some real fights with strong people, to polish myself better and I'll be ready, at 16 or 18 I'll go out to do my job as a hero, to get off to a good start."

"I can't let others get too far ahead of me"

Victor leaves the base, closes everything, and returns home seeing that the sky has become dark.

"Mom, come back"

"Okay, wash up for dinner."


Just then the door opens and Jon enters.

"Haha hello family, I'm in time for dinner."

Both María and Victor greet him with smiles and sit down to dinner.

"Well, I'm going to sleep because classes start tomorrow."

"It's okay, sleep well son" (dad)

"That's right, sleep quickly, you'll get up early tomorrow" (mom)

While Victor went up, after entering the room, he goes to the bathroom, washes himself, and gets ready to sleep.

While I was lying there looking at the ceiling talking and thinking to myself about the first steps.

"Today everything was fine, classes start tomorrow, I hope the time passes quickly so I can start with the whole hero thing"

'Well, I better go to sleep, otherwise I can't'

While Victor slept, and woke up the next day for his studies, time flew by and soon he was finishing high school.