

When it is not in The God's Time, You can't force it... When it is in The God's Time... you can't stop it..

UnPaidLandLord · Fantasía
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9 Chs

...I wonder why.

'....I wonder why..why I feel so lonely'

I wondered, gazing blankly at the fluorescent light across my room

Turning my attention back to my phone

(11:27 am)

Tap-! Tap-!




[Tarvis: Man I really hate it.... (01 minute ago)]

[Jayden: Thanks bro.... (.....)]






[Travis: Man I really hate it when you put it that way. Moreover don't forget that you were a single like me, just a few days ago... So don't get cocky over a girl. Hmmf! Moreover, unlike you I am not a virgin!]


Reading the message, a smile crept up my face..



[you: OH! Who did you lose your virginity to- OH! Your right hand I presume {smug face emoji}]

[Travis is typing...]

[ Travis: Heh! you know me just fin-- Is not what I wanted to say! You just wait... hehehe.. I will tell Yulina, that you have a small penis, well I bet with your height she has already caught on the hint.. don't worry you will die a virgin just like me, keke]

[ You: small penis? Hehe YOU are telling me this, bruh!?]

[ Travis: [Img.jpg-1.2 mb]]


Hmm? An image you say?


[ Travis: I just edited this image, what do you think about it? haven't my editing skills improved a lot?]


W-What the fuck did this bastard send me now? opening the image really was a really taunting task... especially now when I know just what kind of work he specializes in editing...

...and I was right on the mark. The image at first glance was of an erotically fair woman. She was dressed in a very revealing black clothing that you commonly see in "erotic demoness" illustrations. Furthermore her whole upper body was chained in black, as if a very sensual bondage scene.

The most revolting aspect of the image was the thing she was holding with her right hand. A long black gun with a.... blunt tip... that was oozing out a semi transparent liquid....


[ You: *sigh* bro, what the hell are doing nowadays?]

[ Travis: Hah! Don't you dare sound depressing! you know you like it. Just be honest]


Damn, he knows me like the back of his hand...lol

[ You: Yeah, yeah! you bet I do!]

[ Travis: Just be honest with me man! There is nothing to hide among best friends right?]


reading the messages, a warm sensation washed over me....


[ Travis: By the way, I heard a rumor in school....and I really hope its credibility is nothing more of a rumor]

[ You: So? Continue..]

[ Travis: So I heard a few people saying that " Simon loved his sister, Amanda". Is it true?]


a frown inadvertantly formed over my fore-head...


[ You: Do you know anything?...like who said this? ]

[ Travis: No, I just heard a few girls gossiping over the topic. More than that, is it true?]

[ You: Bruh!]

[ Travis: Don't "bruh" me. You know full well the kind of pervert you are... I mean we are. But I hope you don't betray Yulina..]

[ You: Don't worry! Its just a rumour, and I am not a sis-con! I swear!]

[ Travis: Then that means your sister is free at the moment lucky me! kekeke!]

[ You: As if I will give up my sister to a pedophile like you! You are good as you are!]

[ Travis: Man! Please bro! Can't you just pity your brother and help me out! Oh! I know! how about furthering out our relationship by becoming a family]

[ You: No bro. You are good as a "BEST FRIEND"! Now goodnight!]

[ Travis: {sob emoji} Okay..GN]


It wasn't night yet...well it was almost noon. It was a gesture among us that meant, " I am busy, so I will see you later".

Travis and I have been best friends since we met back in kindergarten. We both had a modest family background, moreover as friends we had much in common. For a simple example, we were both introverts that spent most over our days together playing games or doing those 'wild shits' if you know what I meant.

When we both graduated to highschool, unlike what I thought, our friendship started to gradually fall apart. He, who was tall and fair started getting the attention of the other male students, gradually climbing the hierarchy of the classroom. Due to his bright and joyous personality, he started to shine among the boys...

Similarly, Instead of falling behind like I expected, my calm and sharp demeanor attracted the attention of several female students. To be honest, I was popular among both the guys and the girls, but our conversation was always limited to academics and if it did progress, it would usually end up back to the same.



[ Jayden ]

[ Jayden: Were you present yesterday? Did you attend the history class? Did teach give us any home work? Did anything happen when I was absent yesterday?]

[ You: Yes, but nothing much happened yesterday]

[ You: {homework.pdf}]

[ You: Here you go. See ya]

[ Jayden: Thanks bro]

( You are typing )

[ You: ok ]


Not like I am blaming someone, it was mostly due to my short and blunt replies that didn't leave much hope for further conversation.

Well, even I can hardly be blamed for pulling this shit...How so, you ask?

Hmmm, well over the course of time, I developed a hobby of reading Novels. Yeah, fantasy novels. Yeah, I followed the same trope too :

Anime >> Manga >> Manhua >> Manhwa >> Novels

But for me, the time it took to reach Novels was a lot faster. How so? I quickly lost interest in watching animes as they would take a huge time for a single episode and even skip a lot of essential plot development which made the manga sound better in the comment section.

When I started reading manga, it seemed a lot better to the animes and sounded better to novels. It was fast paced, covered more plot, provided essential plot and background development and so on... But... the update schedule was too slow..1 chapter a month on average mangas...and the same black and white sketches started to bore me out, so I skipped to something colourful.....

Manhwas and manhua were quite the handful... there were several of them and each of different genres. Frankly I liked it a lot, and still enjoy reading it sometimes even today....but as usual, that didn't last long. Slowly the plot became repetitive and the concept became the everyday toast. It wasn't hard to guess how the plot would progress further and so I gradually started to lose passion...until-



[Ashborne69: The Novel of this manhwa is completed. Although the translations are available in the form of mtl, its still readable and better that how the current manhwa is progressing]

[Likes: 619] [Replies: 69]


-I read this comment..

Oh! This sounds interesting...but reading the novel would be a hassle...but lets try out a few chapters before I drop the act...

..is what I thought back then when I read my 1st novel. No, I wasn't an author, it was simply the first book that I chose to read.

...hmmm..What was it named again? Something " The heavenly demon....didn't live a normal life" was it?!

Anyways, this is what I wanted to say. Novels helped me a lot. To an introvert like me, Novels served as my daily dose of thrill and excitement. Introverts dislike social interactions. Social interactions serve as the foundation to developing one's personality or character. Uh-huh! Not quite! Social experience is what fuels your character development.

Travis, who suddenly made a bunch of friends in joining school, won't be lacking in social experiences. Contrary to the notion, he would experience more and more in the future. To not fall far behind, I-!

Smack-! Smack-!

Who am I lying! Smacking my cheeks hard, I lamented. Novels were more fun to read than living the reality. An Undeniable statement you conclude after reading a ton of novels...

Coincidentally, it started affecting my personality.Result? The new me... gone was the child, that laughed and cried , to blend in with the crowd, as it hurt my pride...

Yeah. As I matured, I developed myself a fake sense of vanity.... a stereotypical thinking where I deemed myself superior to the other 'mortals' regardless of our class, race, economy, and achievements.

How it came to this? Well... good Novels and human psychology come hand in hand. If you were smart, you would have known by now what I meant. Needless to say, I will explain.

When a character is created in a novel, you expect them to play out a fragment of reality, regardless of the genre. Even if it is a fantasy novel, authors try their bests to etch characters that are relatable in the reality. Example, you won't encounter novels featuring a goody-two-shoe cliche protagonist nowadays.. Reason? The character isn't quite relatable, development becomes boring and harem becomes the final recluse to save the day.

Majority of the reading population counts into introverts. Introverts aren't the kind to enjoy shallow characters. Contrary to the fact, they are the picky bunch that rate novels over character development and world building more than the actual plot.

If extroverts live in the reality and enjoy the fantasy, introverts thrive in their fantasy, to enjoy the reality..

So when you are reading a good novel, you are consequently examining a bunch of characters and their character development. The more you read the more relatable the concept becomes. Grasping human psychology, by reading a bunch of fantasy novels, sounds stupid right? If it was that easy, why would psychologist read those big, fat books on human psychology instead of reading these fantasy novels?

....Infact they do. They read tons of novels, while even publishing their own. Unless you grasp human psychology, you can't create an interesting character....Similarly you can't develop the character you created, unless you learn to manipulate humans in reality..

But manipulation isn't limited strictly to a fantasy character development. And when you catch a hint of manipulating people, you naturally develop a character full of narcism and.. loneliness...

Let me share an example. Travis asked me while back about a rumor describing I loved my own sister. Who do you think is the person that spread this rumor? I am not talking about the credibility of the rumor. I am just asking, who do you think is the one that took it upon himself/herself to spread this wild rumor?

What? Can't guess? Simply speaking It was... me.