
My Name Is Will [Part 1]

"Fck!" William cursed as he found himself falling in what seemed to be a bottomless pit. 

Just a few minutes ago, he and his comrades were traversing the path to the Peak of Enlightenment when a blizzard suddenly appeared out of nowhere. Then a gust of wind blew everyone away from each other. 

William was about to look for his friends when the ground under his feet opened up and sucked him in, which brought him to his current predicament.

The boy did everything in his power to stop his fall, but it was all in vain. He couldn't communicate with his system and none of the artifacts in his possession was working. After struggling on what felt like hours, the boy finally gave up and ceased all activities. 

Just when he thought that he would keep on free-falling for all eternity, a light appeared below him and then… he fell face first on solid ground.