
Reincarnated With the Seduction System

An ordinary young man reincarnates as Adrian, the eldest son of a once-prominent noble family now living in seclusion. Watch as Adrian embarks on a tantalizing journey, to support his graceful and caring mother and feisty older sister, as a man should, with his seduction system. What to expect: Overpowered MC Incest Harem with lots of Sex Level and class based power system for simplicity 2 Chapters per day ............................................................................................................................................ Discord server: https://discord.gg/tDVA98Gv

JuniorDaresSenior · Fantasía
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130 Chs

Making Arrangements

Adrian walked away from the dungeons, his mood darkening with each step. The weight of everything was pressing down on him—Chris's father, the curse, the dark guild, and the looming war.

Each problem layered upon the last, a suffocating pile of responsibilities that no amount of power could easily dissolve. And now, on top of everything else, he had to delve into the dangerous realm of curses and dark magic.

By the time he reached the hallway leading to his study, the pounding in his head had worsened. A dull throb pulsed at his temples, turning his thoughts into a mess of fragmented worries and unanswered questions.

Why now? he thought bitterly, massaging his temples as he stopped just outside the study. He was used to juggling multiple issues, but this—this felt overwhelming.

His own rise in power hadn't come without its toll. The system had granted him immense potential, but the pressures surrounding him were increasing at the same relentless pace.

He entered the study, the room dark except for the faint light of the moon streaming in through the tall windows.

Sitting at his desk, he leaned back in his chair, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath, attempting to center himself. Yet, the headache only worsened.

He had to do something about the curse on Chris's mother. Curses were dangerous and could spiral out of control if not dealt with quickly, and he knew far too little about them.

Adrian's mind wandered back to the system. If the system couldn't give him a direct solution to remove the curse, perhaps there were other items it could provide—something to protect him and those around him from such dark magic.

He'd learned to trust the system, even if its methods were sometimes frustrating. With a thought, he activated the system, the familiar blue interface appearing before him.

"System," he addressed it mentally, "I know you can't directly give me a cure for the curse, but can you offer me something that provides protection against it?"

The system responded almost immediately, its voice calm and efficient.

"Naturally,Host. While the system does not provide direct curse removal items, there are several protective items that can shield you or others from curse effects. These items range in potency depending on the level of protection desired."

Adrian's headache eased slightly, a flicker of relief sparking within him. "Show me my options," he commanded.

The system opened a list of items, each glowing faintly on the display. His eyes skimmed over the descriptions:

Ward of Aegis: A small charm that creates a protective barrier against minor curses and dark magic.

Sigil of Purity: A sigil that can be drawn on the skin or an object. It repels curses and soul-binding magics.

Amulet of Sanctum: A powerful amulet infused with holy energy. It provides near-absolute protection from curses and soul-related magic, though its use drains mana over time.

Blessed Cloak: A cloak enchanted with defensive magic that can protect against curses, hexes, and evil spirits. It also grants a small boost to endurance while worn.

Adrian reviewed the items carefully, considering the situation. While the amulet seemed the most potent, it came with the drawback of mana drain.

Given the involvement of the dark guild, he decided to go with the Sigil of Purity for its longer duration and strong protection. He also purchased the Ward of Aegis as an additional layer of defense.

"I'll take the Sigil of Purity and the Ward of Aegis," Adrian instructed the system. He bought 8 of those each totaling 30000 SP.

"Purchase complete. The items have been added to your inventory," the system confirmed.

Adrian sighed, relieved at least to have these protections. Now, it was time to put a plan in motion. He couldn't handle this investigation alone—not with everything else he was dealing with.

Fortunately, he had his family who could help. He decided to ask his big sister and Eve to investigate this matter.

Sophia was strong, and he trusted her to manage herself in dangerous situations. Eve, though still growing in power, had already advanced through her first class. Together, they would make a formidable team.

Adrian stood from his chair, his headache lessening as his thoughts became clearer. His decision was made. He would go to Sophia and Eve and ask them to take on this task.

Leaving his study, Adrian made his way down the long corridors of the castle toward Sophia's room.

The night was quiet, the only sound being the soft crackle of torches mounted along the stone walls. As he neared her room, he slowed his pace, suddenly aware of the lateness of the hour.

He approached the door and knocked lightly, a sense of calm washing over him. He could always rely on her.

A moment passed, and then the door opened. Sophia stood there, dressed in a thin, elegant nightgown that left little to the imagination.

Her platinum blonde hair spilled over her shoulders, and her eyes sparkled with a mischievous glint. She leaned against the doorframe, her lips curling into a knowing smirk.

"Couldn't hold yourself back, hmm?" she teased, her voice sultry as she posed seductively, arching her back to accentuate her figure.

Adrian blinked, momentarily distracted. His mind went blank, the purpose of his visit slipping away as he took in the sight of her. Her smirk widened as she noticed his gaze traveling over her form.

She stepped closer, trailing a finger down his chest. "It's late, Adrian," she purred, "and you're here in my room. Does that mean you can't wait to fuck your big sister? What a perverted little brother I have."

Adrian swallowed, his body reacting to her nearness. His earlier resolve to discuss the investigation crumbled, overtaken by the desire that surged through him.

He hadn't planned for this, but in that moment, the idea of turning away from her seemed impossible.

Without another word, he stepped into the room, and she closed the door behind him.

Sophia's smirk deepened as she moved closer, her hands sliding up his chest. "You've been working too hard," she murmured. "Let me take care of you tonight."

Adrian's breath caught as her hands roamed over him, his thoughts completely consumed by her. Whatever plans or tasks he had come to discuss were forgotten.

All he could think about was ravaging the beauty in front of him, as she had offered herself in a platter.

Sophia noticing his burning desire, fell into her bed directly and laid in a seductive position without uttering a word.

And with that, the last of his resolve shattered.

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